Khalid I. Muhammad

Place of work

ANO DOD "Radost' detstva"

Author's articles(3)

The specifics of teaching foreign language to younger students from the position of anthropological linguodidactics



This article is devoted to identifying the specifics of teaching foreign language to younger students from the position of anthropological linguodidactics. The main research methods: observation of the educational process, modelling and distributional analysis. The novelty of the work is to identify the prospects for development of the linguistic personality of the younger student in the communicatively oriented learning process in the foreign (English) language.

Reliance on invariant grammatical content when teaching the Russian language to foreign students.



Annotation The article is devoted to the pedagogical strategy of modeling the educational process of foreign students based on the invariant content of contacting languages: studied - Russian and native - Urdu, taking into account the structures of the intermediate language (English). As the material of the study, the grammatical category of the verb type included in the standard text is considered, producing certain invariant meanings (invariant semantic content). The aim of the work is to model the pedagogical strategy of teaching the Russian language to Pakistani and Indian students at leve...

Kognitivnyi komponent v antropologicheski orientirovannom uchebnom protsesse po inostrannomu iazyku



в статье рассмотрен когнитивный компонент в антропологически ориентированном учебном процессе по иностранному языку: русскому языку как иностранному. Проблематика исследования связана с непомерными трудностями, которые испытывают иностранные учащиеся на современных подготовительных факультетах России. Цель статьи – разработать оптимальную модель включения когнитивного компонента в антропологически ориентированное обучение иностранцев русскому языку. Теоретическая значимость работы – в непротиворечивом совмещении, с одной стороны, гуманистического, с другой – когнитивного подходов. Данное совме...