статья представляет собой экскурс в историю становления кафедры гистологии и общей биологии медицинского факультета Чувашского государственного университета. Приведены биографические сведения о первой заведующей курсом биологии – кандидате биологических наук, доценте Ирине Геннадьевне Зеленовой.
this chapter presents the result of the long standing integration of fundamental medical disciplines at one separate department (Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University), which was preceded by four stages. At the first stage, the discipline «Latin language» was integrated into the discipline «Anatomy», at the second stage, the discipline «Anatomy» was integrated into the discipline «Latin language», at the third stage, a joint lecture and methodological materials appeared in the course of each of the above disciplines, at the fourth stage it became pos...