List of publications on a keyword: «система»
Osobennosti prepodavaniia studentam, obuchaiushchimsia po spetsial'nosti "Veterinariia", distsipliny "Parazitologiia i invazionnye bolezni"
Article in CollectionCurrent trends in the development of education system No 2- Authors:
- Elena O. Vozgorkova, Nadezhda S. Bespalova
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Abstract:
- В статье описаны особенности педагогической работы, осуществляемой преподавательским составом в процессе реализации рабочей программы дисциплины «Паразитология и инвазионные болезни» на факультете ветеринарной медицины и технологии животноводства ВГАУ. Приведены основные методические принципы преподавания паразитологии студентам, обучающимся по специальности «Ветеринария». Работа отражает особенности используемой в процессе обучения студентов методической системы, разработанной преподавателями кафедры ВСЭ, эпизоотологии и паразитологии.
- Keywords:
Dopolnitel'noe professional'noe obrazovanie rabotnikov ugolovno-ispolnitel'noi sistemy i "Bolonskii protsess": zadacha sokhraneniia kachestva podgotovki spetsialistov
Article in CollectionCurrent trends in the development of education system No 2- Author:
- Mikhail E. Zharkoi
- Work direction:
- Дополнительное и неформальное образование
- Abstract:
- В работе рассматриваются основные направления совершенствования системы дополнительного профессионального образования работников уголовно-исполнительной системы в условиях внедрения в образовательный процесс принципов «Болонской» системы. Указываются пути нивелирования отрицательных последствий реформы образовательной системы России. Подчеркивается, что сохранение качества подготовки специалистов выступает гарантом профессионализма и соблюдения законности.
- Keywords:
Educational technologies of new pedagogical system
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (3)- Author:
- Nataliia K. Dmitrieva
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- The article is concerned with the problem of information and education system development as a new pedagogical system. The significance of the problem is conditioned by the mounting needs of developing digital economy and inner demand of the individual receiving higher education. The category of «information and education system» was studied and its major characteristic features were revealed; a general definition of the category in focus was formulated. A set of modified pedagogical technologies based on the information and communication technologies’ potential was researched with the purpose to identify its effectiveness on the realization of the «information and education system» as one of the pedagogical conditions. According the author of the article a set of modified pedagogical technologies should include: project based learning technology based on interactive methods of teaching, technology of contextual education, modular technology and proactive teaching technology. The basic principles uniting all chosen technologies are the principle of activity, selfsufficiency, creativity and productivity.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical technologies, new pedagogical system, information educational environment, information technologies’ potential
Terminy kak vazhneishii plast leksiki. Trudnosti i sposoby ego osvoeniia v protsesse izucheniia inostrannogo iazyka v vuze
Article in CollectionCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Nataliia M. Mirzabekova
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики как инструмент принятия решений
- Abstract:
- В статье подчеркивается важность семантизации иноязычных терминов, работы с ними, выработки навыков их применения, освоения терминосистем тех или иных областей знания или народного хозяйства. При этом указываются основные трудности работы с терминами при изучении иностранного языка, среди которых выделяются такие, как недостаточная проработанность терминологического тезауруса в некоторых областях и существование так называемых «лакун».
- Keywords:
Issledovanie innovatsionnykh form obucheniia v usloviiakh pedagogicheskoi gimnazii g. Nizhnego Novgoroda
Article in CollectionCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Elena N. Solomakha, Liudmila V. Gnetova
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики как инструмент принятия решений
- Abstract:
- В статье говорится о творческих формах урока, об использовании опыта одной из нижегородских школ в проведении инновационных уроков. Организация учебного процесса в гимназии позволяла вывести из ее стен творческую личность. Работа раскрывает систему инновационных подходов в условиях гимназии.
- Keywords:
Aktual'nye problemy sistemy otechestvennogo obrazovaniia
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Krichevets, Denis S. Krichevets
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрены такие актуальные проблемы развития системы образования в Российской Федерации, как необходимость индивидуализации программ обучения, сложность разработки персональных образовательных траекторий. Авторами предложены пути их решения.
- Keywords:
Peculiarities of adequate translation teaching of German legal texts (in the context of the educational process of the VA of the MIA of Russia)
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Evgeniia N. Muratova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрывается сущность понятия «адекватный перевод», анализируются характеристики юридического немецкого текста. Подробно описывается система упражнений, обеспечивающая практическую направленность образовательного процесса ВА МВД России.
- Keywords:
Model' universitetskogo tsentra v sisteme upravleniia rabotoi s odarennymi det'mi v regione
ProceedingCreation of effective system for the development of gifted children- Author:
- Galina L. Parfenova
- Work direction:
- Образовательная среда – основа для развития творчества и одаренности
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме развития детской одаренности и пролонгированного сопровождения одаренной личности в образовательном пространстве. Объект исследования – система управления работой с одаренными детьми в регионе. Раскрывается структура Центра развития одаренности, создаваемого при педагогическом университете; направления и содержание его деятельности и сотрудничества с другими подразделениями университета; траектории сетевого взаимодействия с различными учреждениями и организациями региона по работе с одаренными детьми. Представленная модель может быть адаптирована в систему управления работой с одаренными детьми конкретного региона России.
- Keywords:
Rabota s odarennymi det'mi v obrazovatel'nom prostranstve sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo vuza (na primere istoricheskikh smen Respublikanskogo nauchno-obrazovatel'nogo tsentra "Akademiia uspekha")
ProceedingCreation of effective system for the development of gifted children- Authors:
- Natalya A. Milioshina, Irina A. Firsova
- Work direction:
- Образовательная среда – основа для развития творчества и одаренности
- Abstract:
- В статье анализируется опыт организации исторических смен Республиканского научно-образовательного центра «Академия успеха», созданного на базе ФГБОУ ВО «Мордовский государственный педагогический институт имени М.Е. Евсевьева» (г. Саранск). Показано, что в отличие от школьного курса, деятельность центра предполагает системную и последовательную работу преподавателей и слушателей с нестандартными заданиями по истории на основе определенных алгоритмов. Анализируются различные типы подобных заданий, предложены различные методические приемы для их эффективного выполнения.
- Keywords:
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Authors:
- Anna A. Nikishina, Iurii A. Novikov, Aleksandr P. Novikov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The monograph for the first time formulated and described the spiral technology of research and modeling of natural intelligence with three-step turns. Currently, only the first two steps of the first round of spiral technology are widely known. The need for this technology is dictated by the inability to know the natural intelligence, dissecting it or scanning by any radiation. The technology allows us to switch to high-performance systematic work instead of discussions about the nature of artificial and natural intelligence, as well as instead of the dreamy expectation of mysterious heuristics to address issues raised in the creation of artificial intelligence. The basis of the theory in the creation of a new technology is the result of the search for a constructive character in the interpretation of the concept of natural intelligence, that is, the interpretation of the triune nature of natural intelligence. The primary purpose of research on the subject of the monograph, the authors adopted the formulation and description of the theoretical basis of solving the problems of knowledge representation in computer systems. The creation of a theoretical basis becomes possible only with the realization of the triune nature of natural intelligence. The theoretical basis corresponds to the natural science positions in the study and modeling of the epistemological model (objectively isolated part, the unity with the other two parts of the natural intelligence component). The theoretical basis is in demand for obtaining knowledge models in computer systems, allocation on a set of these models of classes, and thus, for the formation of technical requirements in the work on the creation of new shells of knowledge-based systems that implement knowledge models of new classes. In the works focused on achievement of the declared purpose, and in the monograph it is convincingly shown that the whole layer of already executed large-scale works on formation of classes of models of knowledge in computer systems was not based on natural science positions, and for this reason results of already performed works are not demanded at creation of new systems based on knowledge. A significant part of the monograph contains a description of the historical aspect of the works on the stated topic. The consideration of the historical aspect allowed us to see the subjective reasons why the simple to understand and use spiral technology with three-step turns (the theoretical basis for solving the problems of knowledge representation in computer systems) for so long from the moment of formation and recognition of the scientific direction «artificial intelligence» remained undetected and not described for use in research and modeling of natural intelligence in the creation of artificial intelligence. The description of the historical aspect shows the forced reorientation of works on the topic from purely practical (not provided with a theoretical basis) to purely theoretical (not accompanied by works on the modernization of a software product and its implementation in real production). It is also noted that the return to the rails of highly profitable practical work is possible and appropriate. And, accordingly, recommendations for reorientation of works on the topic on the rails of practical and highly profitable are given.
- Keywords:
- knowledge representation in computer systems, classes of knowledge models, artificial intelligence, modeling of natural intelligence, creation of shells of knowledge-based systems
Effektivnost' greidovoi sistemy oplaty truda
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 2- Authors:
- Oksana I. Radina, Oksana I. Sirotenko
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрыты особенности использования грейдовой системы оплаты труда на примере Новочеркасской ГРЭС Ростовской области. Авторами предложен алгоритм использования системы грейдов на предприятии, которая явилась эффективным методом увеличения качества работы организации.
- Keywords:
"Zelenye obligatsii": perspektivy razvitiia
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 2- Authors:
- Stanislav A. Limarev, Marat K. Safin, Igor A. Odintsov, Natalia N. Rykhtikova
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- Тенденции развития технологий в мире вместе с открытием новых возможностей для роста возлагает новые обязательства в части охраны окружающей среды. Учитывая сложившуюся ситуацию, в обществе отчетливо формируется запрос на благополучную окружающую среду не только на сегодняшний день, но и на перспективу для будущих поколений. Очевидно, что внедрение новых технологий, направленных на «озеленение» процесса производства, в рамках рыночной экономики не окупится в обозримом будущем. Именно исходя из этого, по мнению авторов статьи, сегодня столь интересным и столь обсуждаемым является новый инструмент, представленный на финансовом рынке, – «зеленые облигации».
- Keywords:
Investments in education – investments in the future
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Educational policy
- Abstract:
- In this article, the problem of quality education in general and the question of investing in education in particular are studied. Modern consumers invest in their education, seeing in these investments the opportunity to increase their attractiveness and value in the labor market, and large organizations, industries invest in training of personnel, considering this contribution as a guarantee of their own survival in the conditions of global competition. The author notes changes and updates of investment directions in the field of education, as well as promising areas of activity in the secondary vocational education of Sevastopol.
- Keywords:
- getting quality education, effective investment of free money, the education system and management of the education system, administrative competence of the administrative structure of educational organizations, quantitative and qualitative indicators of secondary vocational education, standards of academic performance of students
Features of education quality evaluation of technical universities graduates
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Oleg V. Grigorash
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- The main tools and conditions for the effective implementation of evaluation tools for assessing the education quality of technical universities (faculties) graduates are defined in this paper. The author reveals the main approaches to the notion of the quality of education and its evaluation, defines the concepts of "quality of preparation" and "quality of education" of graduates of universities. Analytical expressions are proposed for calculating the coefficient of student`s preparation level based on the semester results and the quality of education during the training period, including the indicator of the quality of training, assessment of practices and final qualification papers, and the scores of the labor potential.
- Keywords:
- competence approach, quality of preparation, quality of education, assessment tools, rating system of evaluation
Organization of methodical work in pre-school educational institution at the current stage of education development
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Olga A. Kovtun
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and applied research in education
- Abstract:
- In present article the main requirements to the organization of methodical work in the pre-school educational institution are considered. The author identified the problems associated with professionalism and interest of teachers in the work, as well as possible ways of solving these issues by introducing non-traditional methods and forms of interaction with the team. The work contains examples of the most modern ones of them: dispute, business game and team building. The article also examines the main criteria for assessing the effectiveness of methodical work in pre-school educational institution.
- Keywords:
- professionalism, education, education system, methodical work, FSES, pre-school educational institution, teacher, efficiency, method, strategy, dispute, business game, team building
On the state and improvement of the educational system in Russia
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 1 (1)- Author:
- Oleg V. Grigorash
- Work direction:
- Russian education system
- Abstract:
- Disadvantageous features of the education system reform implementation in Russia, worsening the quality of education of university graduates are identified in this article. The author suggests measures to modernize (improve) the education system. On the basis of research`s results made by domestic and foreign scientists, the difference between the concepts of "quality of preparation" and "quality of education" is revealed in the framework of the competence approach widely applied in the system of higher education. The researcher concluded that the result of quality education of students is their ability to work independently, to work in a competitive environment, the success and relevance on the labor market, as well as adaptability to rapidly changing social and economic conditions, effectively using the education received.
- Keywords:
- competence, educational system, educational program, quality of preparation, quality of education
Penitentsiarnaia sistema Rossii v kontekste predstoiashchikh reform ugolovno-ispolnitel'nogo zakonodatel'stva
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Vasilii B. Malinin, Andrei V. Salivanov, Konstantin Z. Trapaidze
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- In the present work, an attempt is made to analyze the state and problems of the criminal and penal-executive system of the Russian Federation and the functioning of the penitentiary bodies in the coming period of radical reforms. The subject of the analysis are the problems of the effectiveness of the MIS in modern conditions, the proposed measures to reform the system of criminal penalties and the penitentiary system and possible options for their implementation.
- Keywords:
- criminal-executive law, penitentiary system of Russia, reform of the penitentiary system, the Criminal-Executive System of the Russian Federation, Concept of development, criticism of this Concept
Development of differential innovation strategies in the system of state and municipal management
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Shpak
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The author reflects the tendency of developing innovative strategies in the documents of state and municipal authorities. The classification of innovative strategies in the system of state and municipal management is made from the position of reaction to changes in the external and internal environment. The author's interpretation of the term «innovative strategy» and understanding of the strategic stages of innovative process at the organizational and managerial levels in the system of state and municipal management are formulated. An approach to understanding the tasks and levels of the innovative strategy of the authorities is presented and a procedure is proposed for selecting an innovative strategy and conducting innovative strategic analysis of innovation activities for organizational and managerial levels in present system of management. The mechanisms and tools for developing and implementing an innovation strategy for organizational and managerial levels are defined.
- Keywords:
- innovation strategy, selection procedure, authority body, state and municipal government system, innovative development strategy, innovative activity, innovative strategic analysis procedure, organizational and managerial levels, innovation strategy development, innovation strategy implementation
Formirovanie pravosoznaniia studentov v vuze (teoreticheskii aspekt)
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Authors:
- Natalia G. Ivanova, Evgenii S. Shchebliakov
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современного образования
- Abstract:
- In this monograph the issue of the education system modernization is being considered. Special attention should be paid to legal education, which is suppoused to be responsible for the formation of legal consciousness of future lawyers, which determines, first of all, the level of any legal system development. The process of the legal awareness formation in students in a university is quite complex and time-consuming process. Competence approach, firmly established in modern education, allows to form professional skills of bachelor's degrees in jurisprudence, thereby forming the legal consciousness and legal culture of the future specialist.
- Keywords:
- legal consciousness, education system, modernization of the education system, legal education
Zashchita konfidentsial'noi informatsii ot nesanktsionirovannogo dostupa pri proektirovanii avtomatizirovannykh sistem radionuklidnoi spektrometrii na baze stsintilliatsionnogo gamma-spektrometra
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- I P. Mikhnev, Nataliia A. Sal'nikova, Irina P. Medintseva
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The monograph presents studies of information protection tools against unauthorized access to automated radionuclide spectrometry systems based on a scintillation gamma spectrometer. As a result of the conducted researches, the system's security indicators have been obtained, which allow to calculate and optimize the probability of damage from unauthorized access taking into account the operating time and the applied information protection means. The developed analytical estimations allow to calculate the upper and lower bounds of the probability of unauthorized access to confidential information at the design stages of automated systems.
- Keywords:
- natural radionuclides, information security, unauthorized access, design of automated systems, system radionuclide spectrometry, threats to information security
Razvitie sistemy upravleniia proektnoi deiatel'nost'iu v Respublike Bashkortostan
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 1- Authors:
- Nina I. Mak, Roza I. Mak
- Work direction:
- Экономическая теория
- Abstract:
- Целью данной статьи является исследование вопросов, связанных с развитием системы управления проектной деятельностью в органах исполнительной власти. Рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с разработкой нормативной правовой базы, внедрением информационной системы управления проектами, подбором кадров, и другие актуальные направления развития проектного управления.
- Keywords:
Problemy finansovogo razvitiia malogo biznesa RF na sovremennom etape
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 1- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Golikov
- Work direction:
- Проблемы и перспективы развития малого бизнеса
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрены проблемы финансирования и стимулирования развития малого бизнеса, обусловленные такими факторами, как слабая государственная поддержка малого бизнеса, тяжелое налоговое бремя, трудности кредитных ресурсов. Предложены пути решения этой проблемы, способные принципиально повысить качество и эффективность функционирования бизнес-среды малого бизнеса.
- Keywords:
Innovatsionnye podkhody k upravleniiu predpriiatiiami sfery uslug
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 1- Author:
- Aleksei R. Konkin
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена вопросам автоматизации управленческих процессов на предприятиях сферы услуг с целью повышения экономической эффективности деятельности.
- Keywords:
Avtomatizatsiia upravlencheskikh protsessov kak faktor effektivnosti predpriiatiia
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 1- Author:
- Aleksei R. Konkin
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются вопросы создания на предприятии эффективных управленческих систем. Автором описано внедрение CRM-системы различными методами.
- Keywords:
Sistema vnutrennego kontrolia na predpriiatiiakh Rossiiskoi Federatsii
Article in CollectionEconomics and management: realias and prospects No 1- Author:
- Olga V. Martynova
- Work direction:
- Экономика предпринимательства, организация и управление предприятиями, отраслями, комплексами
- Abstract:
- В данной работе рассматриваются особенности организации системы внутреннего контроля на предприятиях в Российской Федерации, ее основные составляющие и основы. Цель написания статьи – ознакомить заинтересованных с порядком и особенностями организации системы внутреннего контроля. Работа раскрывает авторский подход к изучаемой теме.
- Keywords: