List of publications on a keyword: «memory»
Peculiarities of the development of arbitrariness of mental cognitive processes in primary school children
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Svetlana A. Elantseva, Victoria A. Uslamina
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the study lies in understanding the development of cognitive and regulatory functions in primary school-age children, which is crucial for their adaptation to the modern socio-cultural context. Rapid changes in technology and education require the development of volitional processes such as attention, memory, planning, and self-organization, key for academic and social adaptation. The study was conducted with a sample of 60 children (ages 8-9) from the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Secondary School No. 31 in Ishim. Diagnostic techniques assessed various aspects of volitional functions: goal-setting, forecasting, planning, correction, flexibility, adaptability, and reflection. Methods used included "Template," "Running Goose," "Simple Instructions Test," "Circles," and others, with data analysis performed using the φ* criterion – Fisher’s angular transformation. Most children’s voluntary cognitive and regulatory functions are in an active process of formation, with their components developing unevenly. Prediction, adaptability, and mnemonic abilities develop faster and more efficiently than goal setting, planning, correction, flexibility of actions, reflection, and attentional abilities. The study confirms the need for psychological and pedagogical support to enhance volitional functions in younger schoolchildren, aiding their successful academic and social adaptation.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, thinking, memory, attention, primary school age, planning, self-organization, imagination, cognitive mental processes, volitional control, behavior regulation
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Iuliia A. Mirnova
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the development of verbal and logical memory in children of primary school age. Taking into account the peculiarities of cognitive development at this age, the importance of using didactic games as an effective tool for the formation and strengthening of memory is emphasized. The theoretical foundations, examples of games and recommendations for teachers and parents are given.
- Keywords:
- learning, primary school age, pedagogy, recommendations, cognitive development, the word is logical memory, didactic games, memory development, games for children
Features of using neural network platforms for teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Elena G. Liakhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- This study was conducted to find out the advantages and disadvantages of teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university using neural network platforms and to compare such training with traditional teaching of foreign languages. During the research, an analysis of the features of neural networks and learning platforms based on them was carried out. The author of the article conducted experimental training in order to compare the success of mastering lexical and grammatical foreign language material when learning on the Duolingo neural network platform with traditional foreign language teaching. As a result of the study, the author discovered that when learning on neural network platforms, students experience difficulties at the stages of forming and maintaining motivation, presenting new foreign language material, comprehending and rethinking. These difficulties are associated with the risk of cognitive devaluation of students’ memory, the Google effect, the inability of neural networks to structure information, clip thinking, and the lack of comparison of new foreign language phenomena with their analogues in the students’ native language and native culture. At the same time, in the process of experimental training, the author found that vocabulary acquisition occurs more effectively when learning on neural network platforms. In addition, according to the results of the survey, students like to study a foreign language on neural network platforms due to the abundance of game components of such learning. In conclusion, the article provides ways to mitigate and level out the identified shortcomings of learning on neural network platforms, the main of which is the organization of blended learning, in which the teacher forms and maintains student motivation, presents new foreign language material, activates students’ conceptual critical thinking with the help of appropriate exercises, and students perform lexical and grammatical exercises on the neural network platform.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, clip thinking, teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university, neural network learning platforms, cognitive devaluation of students' memory, conceptual thinking
Problems of teaching the history of the Great Patriotic War
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Aleksandra O. Makarova, Mark E. Kapranov
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the issues of teaching the history of the Great Patriotic War in secondary schools. The fundamental thesis is as follows: the problems of preserving the memory of the war that arise in the modern Russian school are largely related to the socio-cultural context. The authors believe that the solution to the problem lies in the activation of educational technologies that initiate both intellectual and emotional aspects of a student's personality.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, heroism, the Great Patriotic War, cultural context, sense of patriotism
Patriotic education and strengthening the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War in English lessons at school
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Elena V. Berezhnova, Anastasiia I. Smetanina
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the development of recommendations for integrating elements of patriotic education into the general education school course using the example of preserving the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War in English lessons at school. The recommendations cover improving regional studies, expanding the lexical course, attractions, project activities and creative competitions.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, patriotic education, the Great Patriotic War, schooling, English lessons
In memory of Mikhail Fedorovich Vishnyakov - participant of the Great Patriotic War
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Vladimir S. Eshpanov, Kuliash B. Omarova
- Work direction:
- Наследие Великой Победы и преемственность поколений
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the life path of Mikhail Fedorovich Vishnyakov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The work is of an informative and educational nature in memory of a person who has passed away, whose activities deserve to be reflected in the memory of the residents of our region. The authors aim to promote the formation of feelings of citizenship and patriotism, respect for the history and culture of their country. The upbringing of the younger generation should be carried out precisely on the example of such heroes as our fellow countryman. His story had a strong impact on the public consciousness of the villagers, especially on the consciousness of young people.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, students, Great Patriotic War, school, veteran
The study of the fate of his great-grandfather as an incentive for the younger generation to study the history of concentration camp prisoners
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Evgeniia A. Tarasenko, Ivan A. Azorkin
- Work direction:
- Наследие Великой Победы и преемственность поколений
- Abstract:
- Currently, the memory of the feat of our people is distorted, the importance of the contribution of our ancestors to the victory over Nazi Germany is underestimated, as well as with the growing role of educating the patriotism of the younger generation, the development of a reverent attitude to the history of their country, their people, their family, through preserving the memory of their ancestors who participated in the struggle for freedom and independence of their Homeland.
- Keywords:
- memory, the Great Patriotic War, feat, veterans
Akulovsky P.S., Katyatkin K.S. – participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Lukishin, Svetlana A. Lukishina
- Work direction:
- Вклад народов Поволжья в дело Победы
- Abstract:
- The article describes the fate of participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, natives of the Alatyr region Akulovsky Pyotr Stepanovich and Katyatkin Konstantin Stepanovich, their front-line biographies and contribution to the cause of the Great Victory. The article is based on the materials of the Akulovsky-Lukishin family archive.
- Keywords:
- Great Patriotic War, family, memory, veterans, generations
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Demid A. Ustinov
- Work direction:
- Система образования и культура в период Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- An article about the forgotten history of the military infantry school in Ulyanovsk from 1930 to 1950. The author makes the first attempt to combine disparate data on the existence and achievements of the Ulyanovsk Infantry School.
- Keywords:
- memory, military education, Ulyanovsk Infantry School
The influence of emotional experiences on collective memory of World War II as a tool for shaping patriotic education among school students and youth
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Vera P. Bogdanova, Dar'ia S. Bessonova
- Work direction:
- Война как фактор формирования национальной идентичности
- Abstract:
- The article explores the aspects of forming collective memory and the influence of cultural visual information on the development of identity and patriotic education among school students and youth. The victory in the Great Patriotic War is a significant event of the 20th century, uniting people who accomplished feats and defeated the enemy. It is important to understand and remember the events of World War II, as the analysis and interpretation of these events, especially when emotionally charged, leave a vivid impression and impact personal information perception. Modern traditional events and those utilizing digital technologies help create an emotional perception and processing of World War II events, shaping the patriotic component and identity of generations with the victorious people, contributing to the formation of collective memory and self-awareness of the descendants of the victors.
- Keywords:
- Great Patriotic War, patriotic education, influence of emotional experiences on collective memory
Russia Historical memory as a factor in the formation of national identity
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Tatiana N. Petukhova
- Work direction:
- Война как фактор формирования национальной идентичности
- Abstract:
- The article examines the need to preserve historical memory. The main concepts of the leading researchers Maurice Halbwaks and Aleida Assman were considered. Based on the historical features of Russia, attention is focused on traditional values enshrined in legislation, including the preservation of historical heritage in contrast to the foreign theory of «forgetting memory». Methods used: general scientific (analysis of scientific literature, concretization, generalization, etc.), empirical (observation, description, etc.).
- Keywords:
- historical memory, national security, heritage, oblivion, archiving
Social media is the secret weapon of nazism
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Anastasiia V. Kalita
- Work direction:
- Война как фактор формирования национальной идентичности
- Abstract:
- This study examines the problem of the influence of social networks on the spread and strengthening of the ideology of Nazism in modern society. The work analyzes specific examples of the use of social networks to spread Nazi ideas to a certain age category, and also suggests possible ways to combat this phenomenon.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, information security, youth, patriotism, teenagers, social networks
The Museum battle glory of 139th Roslavlth Red Bannerth The Order of Suvorov infantry division at the Lyceum №3 school city Cheboksary
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Irina P. Ivanova
- Work direction:
- Роль архивов, музеев и библиотек в формировании представлений о Великой Отечественной войне
- Abstract:
- The article tells about activity museum of 139th infantry division. The battle path of 139 infantry division. Importance and relevance to study history issues today for example activities school museum.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, the Great Patriotic War, school museum, rifle division, courage and heroism
National memory: memorial objects to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Spassky municipal district of Nizhny Novgorod region
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Elena P. Kutina
- Work direction:
- Проблемы отражения событий войны в исторической памяти и мемориальной культуре
- Abstract:
- The article presents research on the history of the creation of monuments to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 in the Spassky district. Reliable information has been disclosed on how the creation, opening of monuments to fallen soldiers and their further condition took place. The important role of the memory of the people in the patriotic education of young people through memorials is indicated.
- Keywords:
- history, patriotic education of youth, the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945, memory of the people, memorials, monuments
The history of the military burial of the crew of the PS-84 I.P. Belozerov
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Authors:
- Aleksandr V. Lukishin, Svetlana A. Lukishina, Kseniia V. Aksenova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы отражения событий войны в исторической памяти и мемориальной культуре
- Abstract:
- The article describes the search work on the study of military biography and circumstances of the death of five pilots who died on December 11, 1942 and were buried in a mass grave located at the address Chuvash Republic, Alatyr city, Telman St., city cemetery.
- Keywords:
- military burial, mass grave of pilots, perpetuation of memory
Historical memory preserving of the Great Patriotic war in modern patriotic projects of student youth
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Elvira I. Miziurova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы отражения событий войны в исторической памяти и мемориальной культуре
- Abstract:
- Patriotic education of students is one of the main directions in the educational work of Vavilov University. The author of the article points out that in order to educate young people in civic qualities, it is necessary to study the heroic past of their country, to cultivate respect for the courage of its people, for the memory of the victims. That is why the theme of the Great Patriotic War is relevant and in demand among young people.
- Keywords:
- historical memory, patriotic education, modern youth, components of patriotism, patriotic project
Experience of working with the state information system «Memory of the People» in the study of documents and information related to the participants of the Great Patriotic War
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Alsu B. Nasibullina
- Work direction:
- Проблемы отражения событий войны в исторической памяти и мемориальной культуре
- Abstract:
- The article considers the experience of search work using the state information system «Memory of the people» in the study of the war period in the history of Kirby village of Laishevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the process of clarifying information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War, the features of the material collected using this information system were analyzed, which may be useful to researchers or relatives of war participants.
- Keywords:
- the Great Patriotic War, the state information system «Memory of the people», missing persons, Kirby village, Laishevsky district, front-line soldier
Preservation of cultural and historical memory and formation of civic identity of youth: problems and search for solutions in the new territories of the Russian Federation
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Vera V. Nikolina, Sergei I. Aksenov, Tatiana K. Beliaeva, Anastasiia V. Zulkharnaeva, Anna A. Loshchilova, Olesia E. Fefelova, Svetlana V. Frolova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter provides an analysis of theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented studies of the problem field, actualizing the need to preserve cultural and historical memory and the formation of civic identity of young people in the territory of the Russian Federation and the newly annexed territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions. The authors consider the axeological and regulatory foundations of civic and patriotic education in the modern socio-cultural space, identify the semantic field of the categories «cultural and historical memory» and «civic identity», present various mechanisms and factors influencing the formation of cultural and historical memory and civic identity. The material presents the cultural landscape of the newly annexed territories from a geographical point of view. Based on the analysis of the research, the authors identify educational technologies relevant for the purposes of civic and patriotic education, the main diagnostic tools for conducting pedagogical measurements of cultural and historical memory and civic identity of youth, and also provide an overview of educational practices of teachers on this issue.
- Keywords:
- civic identity, educational practice, cultural and historical memory, integration of newly annexed territories, cultural landscape, diagnostic tools
The effect of eternal memory on the background of digital mutations
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The process of digitalization sets the dynamics of the rapid deanthropologization of the world. Today's culture is the dictate of data, the dominance of fictitious identities. In cyberspace, everything becomes digital, including memory: the article addresses the topic of endless possibilities for storing and preserving digital traces of Internet users, which give digital memory the effect of eternity and destroy the natural cognitive ability to forget. The reflection focuses on the transformations that have taken place in the virtual ecosystem over the past decades (social networks promoting openness and proximity; the transition to Web 4.0; the growing volume of generated data open for identification; the development of neural networks) and the philosophical problem of forgetting. Eternal memory in the digital space “deads” a person and makes time elastic, two-phase. In this vein, the phenomenon of the RTBF is seen as an attempt to resist unlimited, indiscriminate digital memory.
- Keywords:
- big data, memory, digital footprint, digital identity, digital memory, forgetting, right to be forgotten
Начало глобального вызова России «мировому порядку» эпохи терминального кризиса капитализма в контекстах осознания и преодоления системного социального кризиса российского общества
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society (for the 80th anniversary of Lev Panteleimonovich Kurakov)- Author:
- Gennadii I. Beliaev
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы в контексте глобализации
- Abstract:
- The author appeals to the actual topic today, which is restoration of the historic memory and the culture of national dignity in the mass conscience of citizens of Russian Federation as well as the memory on the Historic/ Greater Russia in the scale of the USSR. That means the appeal to the to the problem of education of the truly patriotic consciousness and mentality on the genetics level of pride for our Fatherland and curator’s activities for its prosperity in order to overcome the imprinted antinational mythology in minds of several Russian generations, the social rent men thinking they belong to the consumerist society. Following the qualified analysis of modern geo-political background, condensed around Russian Federation and Historic Russia, the author develops the renewal of contents for the objectives of civil education of children, teenagers and youth, denoting the principles of political education social responsibility of adults about the events drastically changing epochs
- Keywords:
- history, values, memory, tradition, Russia, continuity, Fatherland, sovereignty, USSR, Historic Russia, integrity, stage, world order, ‘deepstate’, geopolitics, meanings, information warfare, psycho-historic warfare, defense, political education, geopolitical revolution
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Gennadii I. Beliaev
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- . The author appeals to the actual topic today, which is restoration of the historic memory and the culture of national dignity in the mass conscience of citizens of Russian Federation as well as the memory on the Historic Russia in the scale of the USSR (neither the greater Russia should not be called ‘former’). That means the appeal to the to the problem of education of the truly patriotic consciousness and mentality on the genetics level of pride for our Fatherland and curator’s activities for its prosperity in order to overcome the imprinted antinational mythology in minds of several Russian generations, the social rent men thinking they belong to the consumerist society. Following the qualified analysis of modern geo-political background, condensed around Russian Federation and Historic Russia, the author uses methodology within the framework of the concept of geopolitical prognosis (factographic, situation analysis, experts’ estimation).
- Keywords:
- history, values, memory, tradition, Russia, continuity, Fatherland, sovereignty, USSR, Historic Russia, integrity, stage, world order, meanings, information warfare, psycho-historic warfare, defense, geopolitical revolution, Russian World (‘Pax Russorum’), ‘’DeepState’’, trans-imperialist controversies, state symbols, hybrid warfare
Obrazovatel'naia sreda kak uslovie soprovozhdeniia detei s narusheniem pis'mennoi rechi v usloviiakh obshcheobrazovatel'noi shkoly
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Olga M. Shterts, Guzaliia R. Shagivaleeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The problem of writing disorders is a very relevant topic of research in elementary school. Therefore, the importance of psychological and pedagogical support of children with a violation of written speech in an educational school is increasing. The authors of the article consider the psychological and pedagogical support of children with a violation of written speech in the framework of the implementation of the social project «Gramoteyka». The article presents the results of the diagnosis of signs of dysgraphy and the results of correctional work to correct violations of written speech.
- Keywords:
- digital technologies, memory, attention, primary school children, dyslexia, dysgraphy, correctional and developmental activities
Features of Working Memory of Junior Schoolchildren with Partial Difficulties in Learning
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Raisa I. Khoteeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the results of an empirical study of the features of the working memory of schoolchildren with learning problems. The research topic is relevant and significant in the context of solving the problems of forming the quality of sustainable school knowledge among students at the stage of primary education. To study the characteristics of the working memory of younger schoolchildren with partial learning difficulties, a number of methods were used that were implemented in the course of a formative experiment to test the developed correctional program. In the course of an empirical study, at the initial stage, the following were established: reduced productivity and instability of memorization; the low level of mediated memorization, with the subsequent use of the correctional program in work with the subjects, positive dynamic changes were obtained at a significant level of significance in the following features of the working memory of younger schoolchildren with learning problems (a noticeable predominance of visual memory over verbal; rapid memorization of material).
- Keywords:
- primary school age, learning problems, random access memory, memorization of material, corrective work
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Oksana I. Kokoreva, Aleksandra A. Kuznetsova
- Work direction:
- Problems of psychological safety of the environment in the system of special and inclusive education
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of experimental research of voluntary memory in senior preschool children, having a general underdevelopment of speech. The criterial base of the investigated mental process is described, the levels of its development are characterized, the program of diagnostics of memory development in senior preschool children with the general underdevelopment of speech is offered; the analysis of results of its realization is presented.
- Keywords:
- general underdevelopment of speech, voluntary memory, senior preschool children
Opportunities for the Development of Arbitrary Memory in Primary School Children with Mental Retardation in the Family
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Nataliia I. Samsonova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- This article discusses in detail the problem of the development of arbitrary memory in primary school children with mental retardation. Methods that increase the efficiency of random memorization are proposed and characterized. Parents are given recommendations on how to communicate and interact with children with mental retardation to improve their memory. Examples of specific methods of work that will achieve a positive result are given.
- Keywords:
- development, family, support, primary school children with mental retardation, random memory