List of publications on a keyword: «Digital education»
Technological and organizational aspects of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam using the capabilities of the university's digital educational environment
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Authors:
- Tatiana K. Smykovskaia, Nikolai K. Sergeev, Aleksandr M. Korotkov, Marina V. Korepanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- In the chapter highlights the technological and organizational aspects of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam using the capabilities of the university's digital educational environment. Digital tools and resources that ensure the effectiveness of the preparation and conduct of the demonstration exam are described, as well as ways to support the process of preparation and participation of graduates of the pedagogical university in the demonstration exam. An example of the implementation of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University is given to illustrate the highlighted technological and organizational aspects.
- Keywords:
- demonstration exam, competencies, digital educational environment, pedagogical education, mathematics teacher, digital tool, state final certification
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Sergei A. Mavrin, Nikolai P. Burtsev, Aleksandr V. Dobudko, Aleksandr N. Chesnokov
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The task of training teachers to solve the problems of digital transformation of the economy and public life remains urgent. In this regard, on the basis of the "core of higher pedagogical education", the discipline "Technologies of digital education" is included in the training program for future computer science teachers. The article examines the substantive aspect of the training of future computer science teachers in the field of the use of digital technologies in education. The author's vision of the content of the discipline "Digital Education Technologies" is presented.
- Keywords:
- the discipline "Technologies of digital education", the future teacher of computer science, The core of higher pedagogical education, the communicative-digital module, the subject-methodical module
Communicative competence in the context of digitalization of education: concept, components, goal setting
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Mikhail V. Brazhnik
- Work direction:
- Методический инструментарий поддержки и развития педагога
- Abstract:
- The article presents the author's view on the relevance and feasibility of developing communicative competence of participants in the educational process in the era of digitalization of the education system. At the same time, based on the study and analysis of existing interpretations of the concepts of "communication" and "competence", an interpretation of the category of "communicative competence" is proposed within the framework of communications, communities and connections existing in digital education. Based on the content of the formulated definition of the category of "communicative competence", an attempt is made to form a set of the main components or elements of this category. Without denying that achieving communicative competence by all participants in the educational process is currently an objective necessity, both the tools and mechanisms used to develop communicative competence and the technologies implemented in the Moodle LMS and the Yurait OP are presented.
- Keywords:
- communicative competence, knowledge, skills, abilities, Digital education, generation, communications, communities, connections, elements, updating, teaching goals, participants in the educational process, LMS "Moodle", OP "Urait"
Кибербезопасность в цифровом образовании: защита данных студентов и преподавателей
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Inna G. Iglinskaia, Anastasiia V. Petrakova
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- In the context of the rapid transition to digital learning formats, cybersecurity is becoming one of the key tasks for educational institutions. The article "Cybersecurity in digital Education: Protecting the data of students and teachers" examines the main threats faced by participants in the educational process, including leaks of personal information, cyber attacks and fraud. Special attention is paid to data protection methods such as encryption, multi-factor authentication and user training in the basics of cybersecurity. Legislative aspects and standards governing the protection of personal data in the educational environment are also discussed. In conclusion, the article emphasizes the importance of creating a culture of cybersecurity in educational institutions, which contributes not only to the protection of information, but also to increasing the trust of students and teachers in digital educational platforms.
- Keywords:
- Digital education, educational institutions, fraud, digital platforms, data protection, cybersecurity, personal information, data leaks, cyber attacks, encryption, multi-factor authentication, cybersecurity training, personal data, legislative aspects, security standards, cybersecurity culture, user trust, cyber threat risks
Integratsiia tsifrovykh obrazovatel'nykh praktik v podgotovku pedagogov
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Svetlana M. Koniushenko, Mariia O. Komissarova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents the results of a study on the problem of integrating digital educational practices into teacher training. The study is conducted using secondary data. After studying a number of Russian and foreign studies, the conclusions of the chapter show that digital practices play a significant role in the formation of digital competencies of teachers, and also increase the effectiveness of training. In conclusion, ideas for further research on the role of digital educational practices in teacher training are proposed.
- Keywords:
- digital educational practices, digitization of education, digital technologies in education
Actualization of social risks and digitalization of education
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Galina V. Verzhibok
- Work direction:
- Мастера психологии и педагогики
- Abstract:
- The article reflects the content of the concept of «risk», presents classifications and types of risks of modern society, identifies the positions of the founders and leading representatives of riskology as a scientific field. The article reveals the perspective of the problem of introducing modern digital technologies into the educational process, shows the importance of a comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon in the modern world in an interdisciplinary plan.
- Keywords:
- digitalization, digital technologies, digital educational environment, risk, types of risks
Нe use of digital educational resources in teaching geometry
ProceedingDigitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices- Author:
- Valentina N. Tsukanova
- Work direction:
- Цифровые образовательные ресурсы
- Abstract:
- Modern society is closely connected with the process of informatization. The widespread introduction of computer technologies is gradually taking place. At the same time, one of the priorities of the process of informatization of society is the informatization of education, i.e. the introduction of new information technologies into the education system. The article discusses the main digital educational resources used in teaching geometry, since the role of geometry in the life of society is difficult to overestimate. More than one building project cannot do without fundamental knowledge of geometry, which also helps in the design and creation of innovative medical equipment for computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, radiotherapy and surgery.
- Keywords:
- geometry, problem, digital educational resources, GeoGebra dynamic environment
Analysis of the development of the digital educational environment of the Russian Federation: equipping universities with digital equipment
ProceedingDigitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices- Author:
- Marina V. Zhukova
- Work direction:
- Цифровые тренды и повышение качества профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- One of the most important aspects of building a digital society and economy is ensuring the effectiveness of the education system in Russia. The article analyzes statistical data illustrating the features of the development of the digital educational environment, in particular, presents the results of an analysis of equipping universities in the Russian Federation with digital equipment.
- Keywords:
- educational process, digital educational environment, digitalization of education, digital technologies and products, digital equipment
On the issue of developing electronic content for students with intellectual disabilities
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of General, Special and Inclusive Education of Children and Adults- Authors:
- Aleksandra O. Zhuravleva, Anzhelika A. Katsero
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of electronic content for people with disabilities, in particular with intellectual disabilities. The paper describes the general requirements for the development of digital content, e -learning strategies for primary school children with intellectual disabilities, and the recommendations outlined were developed.
- Keywords:
- digital educational resources, electronic content, intellectual disabilities
The possibilities of using mobile technologies in geometry lessons in school
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Alina A. Iakimova, Tatiana K. Smykovskaia
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- The article presents the author's model of the use of mobile technologies in the study of geometry in basic school. An overview of online services frequently used in educational practice is given, examples of their use at different stages of mastering the content of the geometry course of the basic school are given.
- Keywords:
- digital educational environment, digital services, mobile technologies, teaching methodiсs, learning geometry
Digital Educational Consulting in the Professional Training of Future Teachers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 2- Authors:
- Natalia D. Golikova, Svetlana N. Fyodorova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of professional training of future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education. Particular attention is paid to changes in the structure and process of education due to the rapid development of new technologies, as well as the active informatization and digitalization of society. The authors emphasize the possibilities of digital educational consulting as one of the young areas, through which it is possible to minimize risks and create conditions for pedagogical support of both future teachers and young professionals. The aim of this study is to identify the significance of information and educational consulting in the professional training of future teachers. Materials and methods of research: theoretical methods (analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature on the topic of research) were used in the research. Results of the study and discussion: the activities of educational institutions of higher education for adaptability to new conditions and enterprises of various actions regarding the training of competitive and adapted to the new realities of graduates of teacher training areas were analyzed; various sources were analyzed to identify the essence and semantic characteristics of the concept of «digital competence»; the essence and role of digital educational consulting in professional training were outlined Conclusions: the most advantageous way to solve the problems associated with the preparation of future teachers in the digital transformation of education is the use of a new direction in the field of consulting – «digital educational consulting», which provides skilled support for the subjects of the educational process based on the use of digital resources and digital technologies.
- Keywords:
- professional training, digital competence, future teachers, Digital technology, digital transformation (digitalization), digital educational consulting
Analysis of some features of digital educational platforms
Theses of ReportSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Iuliia V. Zhulidova, Esmira K. Alyshova
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The paper presents a comparative analysis of the selected digital educational platforms. The analysis took into account such components as, for example, the registration requirement, the presence of built-in instructions, the possibility of use on other platforms, the simplicity of the interface, the availability of ready-made courses.
- Keywords:
- Moodle, Stepik, digital educational platforms, Resh, Uchebnik, mos, analysis of digital educational platforms
The Teacher’s Competencies Necessary for the Implementation of Modern Digital and Pedagogical Technologies in Art Education
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Elena A. Levashova, Klara V. Parshina, Liudmila N. Romanova, Galina M. Saltykova, Tamara S. Severova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The chapter of the collective monograph is devoted to the teacher's competencies, which allow him to use modern digital and pedagogical technologies in the educational process. The article deals with the problem of changing the way of interaction between a student and a teacher under the influence of changes in the information environment and information processing technology, as well as digital and project competencies of a teacher and their relevance at the present stage of society development. The most popular digital and project competencies of a teacher have been identified using the example of teaching students and schoolchildren, both in general and in additional art education.
- Keywords:
- digital educational environment, modern digital and pedagogical technologies, digital competencies of a teacher, design competencies of a teacher
Pedagogicheskii fenomen tsifrovoi transformatsii vysshego obrazovaniia pri vnedrenii distantsionnogo rezhima u studentov-ochnikov na primere distsipliny "Anatomiia TsNS"
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Gennadshchii V. Iudin, Liana M. Bogatyreva, Ramazan K. Satiev, Nina A. Gubieva
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрены проблемы и перспективы замещения очного образования на дистанционное на примере преподавания дисциплины «Анатомия центральной нервной системы» в гуманитарном вузе. Отмечены основные методические и методологические проблемы, возникшие в ходе такого переноса, проведено сравнение с образовательным процессом по данной дисциплине при заочной форме обучения. Выявлены основные принципы построения электронной образовательной среды по данной дисциплине для создания единого цифрового образовательного пространства ВУЗа с перспективой для реализации приоритетных проектов цифрового образования. Предлагаются пути решения задачи о безусловном достижении каждым обучающимся требуемого (зафиксированного в утвержденной образовательной программе) уровня образовательной подготовки по данной дисциплине и вопросы разностороннего развития его личностного потенциала с использованием возможностей цифровой педагогики.
- Keywords:
- transformation of education, educational programs, digitalization, digital transformation, digital educational environment, level of educational training, diversified personality development, personalized learning, rich information environment, standards of educational technologies
Digital Competence of the Educational Environment of the St. Petersburg Public School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Aleksey S. Ogorev
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- Currently, a new digital educational environment is being formed, changing not only the content, but also pedagogical technologies. There are also new requirements for the digital competence of all participants in the educational process. As a result, there is an increasing need for educational organizations for specialists who are able to organize and support the educational process using the resources of various educational platforms, e-learning, online games, digital textbooks, etc. The purpose of the article is to familiarize readers with the issues of introducing a digital educational environment in a modern general education school, which is used to solve various educational and organizational tasks. During studying the topic, the following methods of the empirical level were used: description, comparison, measurement. The analysis of regulatory documents and a survey among users of existing digital educational environments were also used. At the end, the modeling of the digital educational environment for a specific educational organization was carried out. The result of the study is a designed structure of the environment that reflects the interests of all participants in the educational process. The tools for creating each component of it are also considered. The possibilities of each tool are revealed for students and their parents, teachers and the administration of an educational organization. The composition and user group of the environment components are described. Special attention is paid to the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the environment when implementing mixed and distance learning within the individual training route of students at any stage. Since the openness of the environment should take into account social mechanisms – competition, cooperation, mutual learning and mutual evaluation. In addition, the specific features of the digital educational environment at different levels are reflected. The issues of high-quality content and openness of the digital educational environment are raised.
- Keywords:
- distance learning, digital competence, digital educational environment, blended learning, individual learning route
Features of Digital Education Mentors’ Innovations
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 2- Authors:
- Elena E. Merzon, Irene Sibgatullina-Denis, Alica Vančová, Snezhana G. Ushakova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Introduction. The strategy for the development of international education 20.30 stimulates the study of the issues in the implementation of digital education around the world. The article discusses current applied and practical issues of digital education that educational management specialists came across. Materials and Methods. The authors research management of digital education through mentoring, mentoring pedagogy and mentoring innovations in traditional learning environments and during the time of crisis. The study presents an applied comparative analysis of the questions of targeted intensities, digital footprint, the SELFIE portal usage features, objectives and technologies for training digital mentors. Results. The research findings show an underutilisation of informal education ideas and technologies in the in the process of training digital mentors. The predominance and stable efficiency in the use of informal education takes place at leading European universities. From the standpoint of a humanistic view, exactly informal education is able to balance and regulate the need for knowledge of technologies of an innovative digital economy and its own individual resource for preserving itself, basic life values, and form digital education informal mentors. Discussion and Conclusion. Why does the mentor of a targeted digital educational intensive have a psychological advantage? Can everyone become a mentor in network communication for the rest, and what are the digital education mentor’s competencies? What contribution can everyone make to the training of the others? The discussion these issues in the context of management strategies for the development of international education, and the implementation of the European plan for the quality of digital education will be useful to for heads of educational organizations, departments of continuing professional education and academic mobility of educators.
- Keywords:
- digital competence, critical thinking, mentoring innovations, the diversity of the digital footprint, personal significance, mentor of digital education
Informatsionnaia gotovnost' studentov-psikhologov k obucheniiu v tsifrovoi obrazovatel'noi srede kak uslovie formirovaniia professional'nogo potentsiala pedagoga-psikhologa
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Viktoria V. Usoltseva
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Психологическое сопровождение образования: теория и практика
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of information readiness of psychology students to study in the digital educational environment. The theoretical analysis includes the description of statistical indicators of the study of the problems of the transition of the Russian educational system to dis-tance learning; the description of the relationship between the concepts of digital educational environment and distance learning; the definition of readiness for learning and the structure of information readiness for learning in the digital edu-cational environment; the description of professional potential and the features of its formation in the process of distance learning. The practical part describes the pilot study of part-time and full-time students using the author's questionnaire and the results of this study. Among the distinctive characteristics of information readiness of psychology students are awareness, attitude and tools of the digital educational environment. The same characteristics – the ability to choose sources and select the necessary information from them.
- Keywords:
- distance learning, digital educational environment, Internet technologies, structural components of the digital educational environment, interactive learning process, information readiness for learning, information readiness for professional activity
A unified digital platform of extracurricular activities of children as an optimization mechanism of modern education
ProceedingDigital Transformation of Modern Education- Author:
- Larisa S. Ruchko
- Work direction:
- Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и цифровых образовательных технологий
- Abstract:
- The digitalization of education expands the possibilities for implementing the ideas of its personalization. Here attention should be paid not only to the implementation of subject courses and disciplines, but also to educational programs in the field of extracurricular activities of children. The article proposes a possible scheme for the functioning of a digital educational platform in a single educational space of the region.
- Keywords:
- distance learning, extracurricular activities, digital environment, digital educational platform
Development of Information Competence of University Students in the Process of Mapping and Scribing
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Natalia P. Tabachuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Дистанционное обучение и цифровизация высшего образования
- Abstract:
- The study focuses on the fact that during the period of digital transformation, modern models of digital competencies have emerged, which serve as the basis for the formation of new standards in the field of education, for the expansion of the teaching professions of the future, for the transition to new learning technologies (mapping, scribing) and the development of professional competencies of students, one of which is information competence. The following issues («prospects of digital transformation in education», «types of models of digital competencies», «information competence as an existential skill and long-term metaability», «mapping as a process of translation of meaning-making», «specific characteristics of cards», «technology of scribing in education») which rise in modern research and affect the improvement of the educational process in the digital educational environment of the university are subject to discussion. Attention is drawn to the description of the pedagogical experience of using mapping and scribing for the development of information competence of university students. The examples of maps created by students and undergraduates of the direction of training «Pedagogical education» and contributing to the formation of their deep and error-free digital educational footprint are given. The influence of mapping and scribing on increasing motivation to learn and the emergence of new student startups in the field of education is investigated. The leading research methods are: analysis of digital competence models for the relevance of the process of developing information competence of university students; analysis and selection of modern technologies in the period of digital transformation in education; generalization of conceptual provisions on information competence and its role for human development; generalization of the pedagogical experience of using mapping and scribing for the development of information competence of university students. Promising areas of research are: the formation of a collection of maps for use in professional activities, for their cognitive analysis; development of the direction of video scribing for distance and additional education of students; identification of the advantages and disadvantages of mapping and scribing and their effectiveness in the development of students' information competence. The research materials are of practical value for students, undergraduates, university teachers and teachers of other educational institutions who are looking for new technologies in organizing the learning process.
- Keywords:
- digital transformation, digital competency models, digital educational environment of a university, information competence of university students, mapping, subject maps, metasubject maps, portfolio maps as a digital educational footprint, startup maps, scribing, video scribing, visualization maps using the scribing technique
On the Effectiveness of Digital Technologies in the Educational Environment of the University
Book ChapterModern challenges of education and psychology of personality formation- Authors:
- Viktoriia E. Kuznetsova, Marina E. Ivanova, Elena N. Starkova
- Work direction:
- Современная система образования
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the main approaches to the organization of online education and assesses the prospects for their development in the context of digitalization of education in universities.
- Keywords:
- digital transformation, DLS, blended learning, manifesto on the digital educational environment, transformation of universities, digitalization of the educational environment of the university, hackathon, networking
The Peculiarity of Digital Technologies Application in Teaching Prospective Journalists
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Elena S. Doroschuk
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to identifying the features of using digital technologies in the educational process for training future journalists. Based on the analysis of the educational practice of Russian universities and the theory of digital education, the specifics of creating and applying a digital educational environment in the conditions of training future specialists in the media sphere are determined. The article substantiates the application of a two-stage model of digital education for journalism students based on the principle of a flexible combination of online and offline education based on the educational activity of students.
- Keywords:
- digital technologies, Digital education, digital economy, digital media education, journalistic education
Methodological rationale for using interactive maps in geography classes
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Marina I. Koknaeva, Liudmila I. Makushkina, Aleksandr I. Koknaev
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the methodological features of interactive cartographic aids as integral components of a modern innovative lesson.
- Keywords:
- ICT, modern technologies, Digital education, interactive maps, methods of teaching geography, visual teaching aids
Rol' samostoiatel'noi raboty studentov v protsesse obucheniia inostrannym iazykam v epokhu tsifrovogo obrazovaniia
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Iuliia N. Tochilina
- Work direction:
- Глава IV. Современные подходы к профессиональному обучению
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the individual work of students in the process of foreign language teaching in higher education. Attention is paid to the role of individual work in the modern era of digital education. Various forms of individual work are considered. The author describes the attitude of students to individual work in English and German classes.
- Keywords:
- foreign language, digital technologies, Digital education, individual work, digital natives, online survey
Interaction of the labor market and the market of educational resources in the conditions of Informatization of education
ProceedingDigit: A Teacher's Helper- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Kochemazov
- Work direction:
- Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и цифровых образовательных технологий
- Abstract:
- The modern Russian economy is developing and becoming more digital. And a large role in its development is played and will be played by highly qualified personnel who must be competitive in the labor market. The market of educational resources should be prepared and reformatted in the direction of Informatization of education, which brings not only great opportunities, but also problems that can be solved in the interaction of two markets: the labor market and the market of educational resources. The article considers their interaction.
- Keywords:
- labor market, educational services market, educational resources market, Digital education, digitalization of the educational process, electronic educational content
Systemic effects and problems of implementation of the target model for digital educational environment
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education- Author:
- Aleksandr M. Korol
- Work direction:
- Глава 3. Образование
- Abstract:
- The article deals with systemic effects and problems of implementation of the target model for digital educational environment in the Russian Federation carried out as part of the federal project «Digital Educational Environment» of the national project «Education». Analysis of the legal framework which regulates development and phased implementation of the target model for digital educational environment has been performed. Proposals on improving the management of implementation of digital educational environment in institutions of general and secondary professional education in Russian Federation taking into account the real organizational and technological circumstances in sub-federal units of the Russian Federation has been put forward.
- Keywords:
- target model, digital educational environment, digitization, national project, systemic effects