List of publications on a keyword: «умственная отсталость»
Formirovanie leksiki u detei s sindromom Dauna
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Author:
- Indira S. Ismailova
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- В статье представлены результаты психолого-педагогического исследования лексики у детей с синдромом Дауна. Приводятся причины актуальности проведенного исследования, описываются экспериментальные методы и методики изучения лексики у детей с синдромом Дауна дошкольного возраста. Дети с синдромом Дауна имеют разные уровни интеллекта: от легких форм снижения интеллекта до выраженных и тяжелых. От их уровня интеллектуального развития и зависит состояние лексики, что и было изучено в результате психолого-педагогического эксперимента.
- Keywords:
Application of a Correctional and Developmental Program to Reduce Aggression in Adolescents With Moderate Mental Retardation
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Authors:
- Yulia V. Shorokhova, Tatyana A. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of aggressive behavior of adolescents with mental retardation. Attention is paid to this problem because children with mental retardation due to aggressive behavior and inability to control their own emotions, are maladapted in the behavioral sphere, which leads to problems throughout socialization. It is outlined that it is difficult for such children to find friends and there are problems in communicating with adults, which in later life will have a very harmful effect on the self-consciousness of children. That is why it is necessary to find ways to solve this problem. For this purpose, a correctional and developmental program has been developed. It will help to reduce the level of aggression in adolescents with moderate mental retardation. This article describes in detail the structure of the programme, as children with moderate mental retardation tend to forget quickly understood, the software takes into account this feature and for each class there is a revision of exercises replacing one by new one. The article also provides an example of one lesson from the correctional and developmental program, which provides a visual representation of the content of correctional and developmental work, as well as describes the diagnostic work. The term of its implementation is specified, as well as the age target. Methods. Analysis of psychodiagnostic techniques that allowed us to determine the degree of severity of the studied emotional state, experiment, observation and comparison. The experiment was conducted on the basis of MBEI "Secondary school of Idrinskoye", which involved 15 pupils (4 girls and 11 boys) with mental retardation from 6 to 9 grades, aged 12 to 15 years. Results. When using various methods, adolescents in the test group have a decrease in the frequency of aggressive behavior. It is also noted that children are less likely to use abusive language to express their emotions.
- Keywords:
- correctional and developmental program, mental retardation, aggressive behavior, correction, socialization, reducing aggressiveness, problem behavior
Issledovanie problem agressivnosti podrostkov s umstvennoi otstalost'iu v usloviiakh massovoi shkoly
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: Theory and Practice- Authors:
- Yulia V. Shorokhova, Tatyana A. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена проблеме агрессивности поведения подростков с умственной отсталостью. Описывается проведенное диагностическое исследование проявлений агрессивности у подростков с умственной отсталостью.
- Keywords:
The organization of remedial work with children with mild mental retardation.
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Zoia G. Zamkina, Tatyana A. Dorofeeva
- Work direction:
- Тенденции развития цифрового образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the current problem - The organization of remedial work with children with mild mental retardation. The article reveals the theoretical basis of the organization of the remedial and developing process, describes the phases of the remedial work. The practical experience of organizing the remedial and developing work of the online course is presented in the information and educational environment "Knowledge Online".
- Keywords:
- Perception, educational environment, thinking, remedial work, mental retardation, mental processes, memory, attention, developmental course
O predposylkakh narusheniia pis'ma u umstvenno otstalykh shkol'nikov
ProceedingTrends in the education development: teacher, educational organization, society – 2018- Authors:
- Svetlana N. Kashtanova, Tatiana A. Radostina
- Work direction:
- Исследования в образовании и образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- В статье представлен теоретический и экспериментальный анализ особенностей письма у умственно отсталых младших школьников. Представлены психолого-педагогические особенности, которые ведут к дисграфии. Предложен краткий теоретический анализ проблемы исследования и описаны методики проведения экспериментального исследования с приведением количественной и качественной оценки сформированности речевых навыков у школьников с умственной отсталостью. Авторами показана необходимость проведения профилактической работы по предупреждению дисграфии у младших школьников с умственной отсталостью.
- Keywords: