List of publications on a keyword: «успешность»
Vospitanie uspeshnosti v dopolnitel'nom obrazovanii detei
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Il'siiar M. Nugmanova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- В статье речь идет о пространственном уровне организации современной сферы дополнительного образования детей, опыте работы ДТДиМ им. И.Х. Садыкова. Рассматривается целевая функция современного дополнительного образования детей – формирование успешности ребенка. Дополнительное образование детей рассматривается как опережающее образование, как территория перспективного и безопасного детства, как пространство педагогически целесообразной занятости детей в их свободное время.
- Keywords:
Sotsial'naia uspeshnost' sovremennogo studenta
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Altynai Khatdyeva, Albina Z. Minakhmetova
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблемы социальной успешности студентов колледжа. Авторами приводятся результаты эмпирического исследования особенностей личности, ценностных ориентаций и коммуникативных способностей студентов.
- Keywords:
Factors of variability in the relationship between the motives of teaching and the academic success of students
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Galina A. Glotova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The study is devoted to a comparative analysis of the results of using in different samples two different methods related to the study of students' learning motivation. The study used methods based on different approaches «Diagnostics of students' learning motivation» (Badmaeva, 2004) and «Scales of academic motivation» (Gordeeva, Sychev, Osin, 2014). In addition, students provided information about their academic performance over the past semesters. The study was conducted using an online survey in a Google form on a sample of 82 university students aged 18–29 years. Correlation analysis (according to Spearman) and factor analysis (with Varimax rotation) were used in data processing. The results of the study showed that the scales of the methods «Diagnostics of students' learning motivation» and «Scales of academic motivation» when used in different samples correlate quite closely with each other; the methods «Diagnostics of students' learning motivation» and «Scales of academic motivation», despite differences in their structure and terminology, allow us to assess the formation of students' learning motives; with the self-report on academic performance in the method «Diagnostics of students' learning motivation» correlate, first of all, the motives of the learning of the «activity spectrum», and in the method «Scales of academic motivation» – the scale of the «internal motivation» of the learning; the joint use of the methods «Diagnostics of students' learning motivation» and «Scales of academic motivation» makes it possible to obtain a more differentiated picture of the features of the motivational sphere of students.
- Keywords:
- comparative analysis, academic performance, university students, motives of learning, diagnostic techniques
Povyshenie akademicheskoi uspeshnosti uchashchikhsia sredstvami muzeinoi pedagogiki
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Author:
- Aleksei A. Sadkov
- Work direction:
- Conditions of the pre-school educational environment that create and ensure the safety of pupils
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблема академической успешности учеников старших классов, связанная с недостаточной познавательной мотивацией. Особое внимание уделяется трудностям адаптации пятиклассников к новым условиям обучения. Автор предлагает использовать средства музейной педагогики для повышения академической успешности, учитывая два аспекта: увлекательную подачу информации для развития познавательной мотивации и организацию занятий, способствующих коммуникации и социализации подростков. В статье подробно описываются различные средства музейной педагогики, такие как сюжетно-ролевые игры, литературные гостиные, музыкальные вечера, квесты, конкурсы, работа с архивами, экскурсии, лекции, беседы, чтения, конференции, викторины и встречи с интересными людьми. Автор подчеркивает, что правильно подобранные средства музейной педагогики могут стать эффективным инструментом знакомства с миром культуры, повышения познавательной мотивации и социализации учащихся, что, в свою очередь, будет способствовать повышению их академической успешности.
- Keywords:
Formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren as a didactic problem (regional aspect)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Anastasia V. Koreneva, Inna V. Ryzhkova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the urgent problem of formation of reading literacy of modern schoolchildren, which is interpreted as the most important type of functional literacy, based on the ability to operate various types of texts, understanding their deep meaning and correct interpretation. The authors reveal the specifics of the formation of reading literacy in Russian language classes, using regionally colored texts as a meaning-forming content component. The materials of the article reflect the data of the pedagogical experiment, which allows to adjust the methodological strategies of the teacher in a significant way. The authors state that despite the need to comply with the normative requirements set forth in the updated FSES, modern teachers do not work on the formation of functional literacy in the system. A comprehensive analysis of the educational results of the educational process allowed the authors of the article to argue that the content basis of lessons aimed at the formation of functional literacy can be regionally colored texts that allow building lines of in-depth dialogue against the background of understanding the meanings of the culture of the small homeland.
- Keywords:
- regional component, quality of education, reading literacy, text analysis, functional literacy, educational outcomes, lesson design, academic failure, cognitive motivation of schoolchildren
Rezil'entnaia obrazovatel'naia sreda kak uslovie akademicheskoi uspeshnosti rebenka s OVZ (na primere detei s ZPR)
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Galiia K. Biserova
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- Требования к образовательным организациям сегодня исходят из необходимости ее социокультурной модернизации, использования в учебно-воспитательном процессе новых эффективных способов повышения качества образования, с учетом инклюзивной составляющей образовательной среды. Этот подход объясняет необходимость конкретизации и актуализации такой малоизученной научной категории как «резильентная образовательная среда», в контексте ее влияния на успеваемость особенных детей. Нами было проведено исследование обучающихся с ОВЗ, показавшее, что сегодня в недостаточной мере реализуется резильентный подход при обучении детей с патологиями в психофизическом развитии.
- Keywords:
Professional'noe vygoranie pedagoga kak faktor razvitiia shkol'noi neuspeshnosti obuchaiushchikhsia
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Anastasiia A. Korobkova, Iuliia V. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Педагог – ключевая фигура создания условий развития успешного ребенка
- Abstract:
- Многочисленные исследования ученых показывают, что профессиональное выгорание является распространенным негативным явлением среди педагогов. Учитель, страдающий от профессионального «выгорания», влияет на развитие личностных качеств и учебной успеваемости своих учеников таким образом, что они проявляют большую тревожность, имеют менее высокие показатели самооценки, школьной мотивации и успеха в учебе.
- Keywords:
Profilaktika neuspeshnosti uchashchikhsia na urokakh russkogo iazyka v nachal'noi shkole
ProceedingPrimary education in the new reality: trends of development, current problems, best practices- Author:
- Tatiana N. Starkova
- Work direction:
- Developing of System of Positive Interpersonal Relationship, Propitious Psychological Atmosphere and Organizational Culture in Educational Environment
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена проблеме профилактики неуспешности детей начальной школы на уроках русского языка. Автором рассматриваются ключевые аспекты неуспешного изучения русского языка на уровне начальной школы, а также понимание особенностей речевого развития детей, создание мотивации к изучению языка, взаимодействие с родителями и т. д. Описываются основные методы преодоления неуспешности, включая педагогическую профилактику, диагностику, терапию и воспитательное воздействие.
- Keywords:
Rol' sotsial'no-psikhologicheskikh prediktorov v formirovanii akademicheskoi uspeshnosti obuchaiushchikhsia
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society- Authors:
- Mikhail V. Kovalchuk, Roman A. Dormidontov
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы в контексте глобализации
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается актуальная проблема условий академической успешности обучающихся. Поскольку эффективность обучения является одним из ключевых вопросов образования, изучение предикторов академической успешности позволяет систематизировать подходы к пониманию организации обучения. Основной целью исследования являлось изучение роли социального статуса обучающегося, как предиктора академической успешности. Выявленные в ходе экспериментального исследования данные позволяют сделать вывод о взаимосвязи социального статуса ученика и его академической успешности.
- Keywords:
Vliianie reguliativnykh universal'nykh uchebnykh deistvii na uspeshnost' obuchaiushchikhsia
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Anastasiia N. Bykova, Albina Z. Minakhmetova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена изучению вопросов метапредметных универсальных учебных действий в учебной деятельности. Целью исследования является выявление взаимосвязи регулятивных учебных действий на успешность обучающихся. Ведущим методом исследования данной проблемы является метод тестирования. В исследовании приняли участие 40 учащихся шестых классов. Представлены результаты эмпирического исследования регулятивных универсальных учебных действий у успешных и неуспешных учащихся. В ходе исследования обнаружили, что уровень развития регулятивных УУД, волевых качеств личности влияет на успешность учащихся. Даны рекомендации по развитию целеполагания у обучающихся.
- Keywords:
Akademicheskaia uspeshnost' mladshikh shkol'nikov: poniatiia, kriterii, komponenty
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Author:
- Anna R. Vorobiova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются особенности академической успешности младших школьников. Выделяются различия между терминами «академическая успешность» и «успеваемость». Проводится анализ этих понятий.
- Keywords:
Uspeshnost' sotsializatsii studenta v vuze v kontekste ego udovletvorennosti
ProceedingPhenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality- Author:
- Irina V. Dovgalyova
- Work direction:
- Развитие личности на разных возрастных этапах
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается актуальная тема удовлетворенности студентов образованием в вузе. На основе социологического исследования методом анкетного опроса проанализирована удовлетворенность профессиональным обучением в вузе студенческой молодежью.
- Keywords:
The Relationship Between the Level of Academic Performance in a Foreign Language and Some Psychological Characteristics of Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Alisa R. Abzaletdinova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes some psychological characteristics of students that are associated with the success of mastering a foreign language. The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between academic performance in a foreign language and cognitive functions (memory), motivation, and communicative abilities of students in grades 5–7. Introduction. The article examines the external and internal factors that are associated with the success of mastering a foreign language. Summarizing various approaches, the authors identified cognitive, motivational and communicative features of students that affect the success of mastering a foreign language, one of the indicators of which is the level of academic performance. Materials and methods of research. To study the relationship between academic performance in a foreign language and individual characteristics of students: memory, motivation, communicative abilities, the article presents the results of the study. To study the psychological characteristics of students in grades 5–7, the authors used the following psychodiagnostic techniques: «Memorization of 10 words» (A.R. Luria), «Methods for studying the motivation of the teaching of adolescents» (M.I. Lukyanova, N.V. Kalinina), «Communicative and organizational inclinations (KOS)" (V.V. Sinyavsky, V.A. Fedoroshin). Results and their discussion. The results of the study showed the relationship of academic performance in a foreign language with the level of auditory memory, with internal motivation to learn a foreign language and with the communicative abilities of students. Conclusions. The article concludes that it is necessary for teachers to use game technologies in foreign language lessons for the formation of auditory memory, active teaching methods, elements of psychological and communicative trainings, IT technologies for the development of internal motivation to learn a foreign language and communicative inclinations and abilities of students.
- Keywords:
- success in mastering a foreign language, psychological characteristics of personality, communicative features, cognitive features, motivational features
Professional Success of a Teacher in Modern Educational Realities
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Elena I. Mychko
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The key problems of the article are determined by the increased requirements for the professional development of modern teachers. Based on the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific literature, a characteristic of the main components of the professional success of a modern teacher was proposed. Special attention is paid to the professional development of young teachers. As a result, conditions that ensure the professional success of teachers in modern educational practice were presented.
- Keywords:
- professional development, young teacher, professional success, modern educational space, professional pedagogical activity
Factors of Medical School Lecturers' Professional Burnout
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as the Sciences of Forming the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Anna A. Agibalova, Oksana A. Ustimenko, Viktoriia G. Zenkina
- Work direction:
- Глава II. Психологическое сопровождение образования: теория и практика
- Abstract:
- In the context of the increasing level of requirements, new re-forms and standards in the modern educational system, teachers experience a significant emotional burden. The professional activity of a university lecturer is accompanied by increased moral responsibility and, consequently, is characterized by a high level of emotional, and in the future, professional burnout. Some socio-psychological and professional features, as well as risk factors for professional burnout of higher school teachers, are noted. The results of the study of the diagnosis of professional burnout of medical university lecturers are presented. It is noted that in specialists who are lecturers and doctors at the same time, professional burnout is more pronounced than in lecturers who are engaged only in pedagogical activities. The factors that mostly cause the process of burnout of teachers are identified: work experience, age, dissatisfaction with work, stress resistance. The recommendations on the implementation of the skills of self-regulation of the emotional state, aimed at preventing the syndrome of professional burnout, are given.
- Keywords:
- diagnosis, professional burnout of lecturers, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, professional success, degree of burnout, prevention of burnout syndrome, correction of burnout syndrome
Ob aktual'nosti formirovaniia gotovnosti kursantov Federal'noi sluzhby voisk natsional'noi gvardii Rossiiskoi Federatsii k professional'noi deiatel'nosti
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Andrei V. Vabishevich, Anatolii V. Dubinin
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблематика понимания готовности курсантов и актуальности формирования профессионального понимания будущей деятельности на этапе обучения для успешного выполнения возложенных обязанностей на курсантов как будущих офицеров правопорядка. Уделяется внимание факторам формирования профессиональной готовности. Приводятся позиции понятия готовности отечественных и зарубежных авторов.
- Keywords:
Uspeshnost' pedagoga dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniia v sisteme professional'nykh trebovanii
ProceedingEducation and Pedagogy- Author:
- Irina I. Kulchitskaia
- Work direction:
- Педагог – ключевая фигура создания условий развития успешного ребенка
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблема успешности педагогической деятельности педагога дополнительного образования в системе требований профессионального стандарта «Педагог дополнительного образования детей и взрослых» через компетентностный подход в рамках реализации программы краевой инновационной площадки «Развитие профессиональной компетентности педагога в условиях внедрения профессионального стандарта педагога в системе дополнительного образования».
- Keywords:
Formirovanie uverennosti v sebe - zalog uspekha razvitiia lichnosti doshkol'nika
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Viktoriia B. Smolina
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрены актуальные вопросы современного образования в области социально-эмоционального развития ребенка, формирования уверенного поведения в дошкольном детстве через использование социоигровой технологии и метода проектов.
- Keywords:
A gifted child, what is he like?
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Tatyana S. Sazhaeva, Silvina R. Gizatulina
- Work direction:
- Теория и методология изучения одаренности и ее видов
- Abstract:
- The concept of giftedness is defined various views on giftedness are presented, main components of giftedness are pointed out, the concept of intellectual and creative giftedness is emphasized. The most important personality features that make up the structure of giftedness are mentioned, and finally the categories of gifted children are considered in the article.
- Keywords:
- motivation, creativity, concept, factors, giftedness, abilities, success, originality, components, qualities
Project Activities With Gifted Children on the Example of Municipal Stages of the All-Russian Competition of Leaders and Managers of Children's and Youth Public Associations "Leader of the XXI Century"
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Galina N. Belousova
- Work direction:
- Организация научно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности с одаренными школьниками
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the creation and implementation of social projects by leaders of the children's social movement through their participation in the municipal stages of the All-Russian competition "Leader of the XXI century". Special emphasis is placed on the development of the system of additional education in the country. Examples of the leadership formation in Children's public association "Preobrazhenie" are pointed out. The author introduces the reader to the main projects and draws an analogy in the succession of generations.
- Keywords:
- additional education, success, gifted children, project activities, All-Russian competition "Leader of the XXI century"
Revival of Folk Crafts as a Factor of Students’ Ethno-Cultural Competencies Formation in the System of Additional Education
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 1 (2)- Author:
- Julia V. Borovitskaya
- Work direction:
- History, Theory and Practice of Ethno-cultural Education
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of students’ ethno-cultural competencies formation in the system of institutions of additional education in study clubs, trade shops as well as during creative master classes. The purpose of the study is to define the relevance and significance of folk crafts revival as a factor of students’ ethno-cultural competencies formation. The main works of Russian authors in the field of research of folk and art crafts are presented. Methods. A comparative analysis of the historical situation that reflects the content and importance of folk crafts, as well as its current state is presented. During the study the following methods were applied: analysis of Russian literature, legal acts, conversation with students and teachers, content-analysis of creative activity outcomes. The study was carried out on the basis of the institutions for additional education and culture of the Svetloyarsky District in Volgograd Region, among masters of decorative and applied art of Volgograd and members of the club of masters "Remaliya". The role of masters of decorative and applied arts in the system of additional education, as well as the main types of presentation of folk crafts products is described. The experience of interaction between universities, schools and institutions of additional education with masters of decorative and applied art, areas of joint activity of various age groups is outlined. Moreover, the article reveals the main directions in which the revival of folk crafts and traditions in the modern system of culture and education (study clubs, studios, trade shops) is implemented. At the same time, the author analyzes the main points of folk crafts revival regulation, including legislative ones. Research result. The article highlights the importance of forming ethno-cultural competencies in students in the context of working with their parents as carriers of traditions and customs. It is concluded that students’ ethno-cultural competencies formation in the context of the revival of folk crafts is a complex multi-component and step-by-step process, into which many subjects are involved.
- Keywords:
- educational process, competence, success, traditions, customs
Socio-cultural practices in shaping the social success of a teenager in the children's international center
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Mariya A. Novak
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the relevance of socio-cultural practices. The purpose of the study is to consider socio-cultural practices as a means of forming the social success of adolescents. Methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, generalization, synthesis, interpretation, and summary. As a result, the concept of socio-cultural practices as a type of independent activity is clarified in the unique intersection of perspective and current interests of a growing individual who acquires his life experience for successful socialization. The value of a variety of socio-cultural practices is revealed from the point of view of understanding the semantic, transformative, and integration capabilities of the children's international center as the optimal base for the formation of social success of adolescents. The role of competent tutoring in the support of socio-cultural practices in the framework of the "Good school" project is revealed.
- Keywords:
- socio-cultural practices, social success of adolescents, opportunities of the children's international center, tutoring
ProceedingDevelopment and dissemenation of best practices in the field of digital skills development in an educational organization- Author:
- Mariya A. Novak
- Work direction:
- Формирование понимания значимости развития цифровых навыков и развития цифровых образовательных технологий
- Abstract:
- The article reveals the specifics of the formation of social success of adolescents born in the digital environment. Characteristics features of adolescents of generation Z are given. The relationship between the social success of the adolescent and communicative skills in a virtual and real format is revealed. The experience of the Good School in working with modern adolescents is analyzed.
- Keywords:
- social success of a teenager, features of adolescents of digital generation Z, Good school
Problemy prepodavaniia istorii kak obshchestvennoi nauki v tekhnicheskom vuze
ProceedingProblems of Higher Education and Current Tendencies of Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge (VII Arsentiev Readings)- Authors:
- Irina V. Novozhilova, Tat'iana V. Dolgova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы исторического, географического и экологического образования
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются проблемы преподавания новой учебной дисциплины «История» в техническом вузе. Характеризуются основные формы преподавания данной дисциплины. Даются рекомендации по освоению курса для преподавателей на конкретных примерах. Подчеркивается необходимость использовать дистанционное образование для решения проблем, с которыми сталкиваются преподаватели при освоении новой учебной дисциплины.
- Keywords:
Social Success of the Teenager as a Psychology and Pedagogical Phenomenon
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (6)- Author:
- Mariya A. Novak
- Work direction:
- Sociology and education statistics
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to clarifying the content of the concept «social success of a teenager». The purpose of the study is to consider the social success of a teenager as a pedagogical phenomenon. During the study, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, generalization, synthesis, interpretation, summary. The content of the concepts «achievement» and «success» is analyzed. The structure of the teenager’s social success is revealed: axiological component (values of multiplying socially significant activity in behavior success strategies); epistemological component (a range of social and informational knowledge for successful self-realization in society); praxeological component (production of an adequately normative implementation of the uniqueness of ideas and achievements). The names of researchers considering the essence and content of the definition are given: V.K. Buinova, O.A. Vostrikova, E.V. Deeva, A. Zbutsky, L.N. Kazimirskaya, L.V. Kalinina, L.G. Pak. The psychological and pedagogical aspects of teenagers’ social success formation are revealed: the socializing aspect reveals a better development of social norms and traditions through the prism of success; the gnostic and integration aspect emphasizes the resulting integration of teenagers’ knowledge about society and man obtained from formal, informal and non-formal education; resource and psychological aspect allows you to reveal the personal energy of the mental experience of success and direct to the development of personality; socio-pedagogical aspect reinforces the presence of personalized support for teenagers in the prevention of their victimization in high-risk society; prognostic and acmeological aspect consists in designing trajectories of reaching the top of abilities implementation at each age stage; appraising and productive aspect highlights the effective functioning in society. As a result, the social success of the teenagers is considered as a personal quality, integrating systematic knowledge of the norms of society, an emotional-value attitude to success, focusing on productive social interaction, including new components (axiological, epistemological, praxeological) in the structure of teenagers’ social success in the information and virtual era as a pedagogical phenomenon.
- Keywords:
- social success of a teenager, axiological, epistemological, praxeological components, psychological and pedagogical aspects