List of publications on a keyword: «психологические особенности личности»
Psikhologicheskie osobennosti mladshikh shkol'nikov s trudnostiami v uchebnoi deiatel'nosti
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Olesia N. Bukharova
- Work direction:
- Особенности сопровождения и поддержки семей, имеющих детей с отклонениями в здоровье, развитии и поведении
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается проблема низкой успеваемости, затрагивающая более 30% учащихся, а также трудности, связанные с освоением навыков письма, чтения и счета. Психологические причины этих затруднений классифицируются на несколько групп, включая недостатки в познавательных процессах, артикуляции, саморегуляции и индивидуально-типологических особенностях. Подчеркивается, что успешность образовательного процесса обусловлена сформированностью учебных умений и мотивации, что делает необходимым гармоничное развитие всех аспектов личности ребенка.
- Keywords:
Psikhodiagnosticheskie metody i podkhody otsenki deiatel'nosti personala
ProceedingPhenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality- Author:
- Iurii D. Smirnov
- Work direction:
- Психологическая диагностика личности
- Abstract:
- Каждому работодателю важно иметь представление о психике сотрудника, его способности к работе. В каждой деятельности важна психологическая устойчивость работника, что является главным критерием успеха. В данной статье рассмотрены психодиагностические методы и подходы оценки деятельности персонала.
- Keywords:
The Relationship Between the Level of Academic Performance in a Foreign Language and Some Psychological Characteristics of Students
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Alisa R. Abzaletdinova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes some psychological characteristics of students that are associated with the success of mastering a foreign language. The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between academic performance in a foreign language and cognitive functions (memory), motivation, and communicative abilities of students in grades 5–7. Introduction. The article examines the external and internal factors that are associated with the success of mastering a foreign language. Summarizing various approaches, the authors identified cognitive, motivational and communicative features of students that affect the success of mastering a foreign language, one of the indicators of which is the level of academic performance. Materials and methods of research. To study the relationship between academic performance in a foreign language and individual characteristics of students: memory, motivation, communicative abilities, the article presents the results of the study. To study the psychological characteristics of students in grades 5–7, the authors used the following psychodiagnostic techniques: «Memorization of 10 words» (A.R. Luria), «Methods for studying the motivation of the teaching of adolescents» (M.I. Lukyanova, N.V. Kalinina), «Communicative and organizational inclinations (KOS)" (V.V. Sinyavsky, V.A. Fedoroshin). Results and their discussion. The results of the study showed the relationship of academic performance in a foreign language with the level of auditory memory, with internal motivation to learn a foreign language and with the communicative abilities of students. Conclusions. The article concludes that it is necessary for teachers to use game technologies in foreign language lessons for the formation of auditory memory, active teaching methods, elements of psychological and communicative trainings, IT technologies for the development of internal motivation to learn a foreign language and communicative inclinations and abilities of students.
- Keywords:
- success in mastering a foreign language, psychological characteristics of personality, communicative features, cognitive features, motivational features