List of publications on a keyword: «stage»
D.G. Meade's Philosophy of Education
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- Among the classic works on the philosophy of education, the work of George Herbert Mead occupies a special place. Mead points out that we usually approach education in reverse, focusing, even in the early years, on assessing and ranking children on their individual performance. We also make adult goals central, breaking adult understandings into fragments that children absorb piecemeal, without meaning. Mead suggests that these priorities should be reversed. We should begin with simple social activities, such as play, which involves shared activities or simple division of roles. We should also begin with an emphasis on social-emotional comfort and connection rather than intellectual activity, gradually moving to more autonomous and intellectually oriented activities.
- Keywords:
- philosophy of education, George Herbert Mead, social meaning, stages of child development, social-emotional comfort
D.G. Meade's Philosophy of Education
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- Among the classic works on the philosophy of education, the work of George Herbert Mead occupies a special place. Mead points out that we usually approach education in reverse, focusing, even in the early years, on assessing and ranking children on their individual performance. We also make adult goals central, breaking adult understandings into fragments that children absorb piecemeal, without meaning. Mead suggests that these priorities should be reversed. We should begin with simple social activities, such as play, which involves shared activities or simple division of roles. We should also begin with an emphasis on social-emotional comfort and connection rather than intellectual activity, gradually moving to more autonomous and intellectually oriented activities.
- Keywords:
- philosophy of education, George Herbert Mead, social meaning, stages of child development, social-emotional comfort
Istoriia pravovogo regulirovaniia meditsinskoi pomoshchi v Rossii
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Liubov N. Shchankina, Ekaterina A. Voronenko, Dar'ia V. Piatitskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the study is a historical analysis of the formation and development of Russian legislation governing the provision of medical services. The main regulatory legal acts regulating the healthcare sector throughout its history, from the time of Kievan Rus to the present, are presented. During the study, three key periods of development of legislation in the field of medicine were identified: pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet. An analysis of sources and modern publications showed that this problem has worried the rulers of the Russian state since ancient times and has not lost its relevance in our time. For a long time, medical activity existed in isolation from law. Over time, society and the state as a whole began to understand the seriousness of the adverse consequences of medical activity. In conclusion, the authors conclude that with the development of law in the modern world, there is every reason to recognize the existence of medical law and create a single set of laws that will regulate relations between medical organizations, their employees and patients.
- Keywords:
- healthcare, legal regulation, medical law, branch of law, stages of development of medical law, responsibility of medical workers, medical institutions
Predposylki razvitiia metodicheskoi podgotovki magistrov obrazovaniia v oblasti bezopasnosti zhiznedeiatel'nosti
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Regina I. Popova
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The main stages of the development of the training of masters of education in the field of life safety are presented: the stage of the emergence of pedagogical education in the subject area «Life safety», the stage of formation of pedagogical education in the subject area «Life safety»; the stage of transition to level pedagogical education in the subject area «Life safety»; the stage of development of pedagogical education in the subject area «Life safety» (Bachelor's degree, Master's degree levels). The characteristics of each stage are considered, including the main directions of the teacher's activity in the field of life safety.
- Keywords:
- pedagogical research, stages of development of methodological training, masters of education in the field of life safety, subject area «Life safety»
Peculiarities of the Russian Economy Development during the Sanction Period
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Author:
- Galina M. Morozova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The chapter raises the relevant issue of the development of the Russian economy during the sanction period. Based on the methods of statistical analysis, comparison and generalization, a comparative characteristic of the definitions of the concepts of "sanctions" given by different authors is carried out. The stages of the sanction period of the Russian economy are distinguished and characterized. The objective and advantages of import substitution are noted, the analysis of the Russian sanction economy is carried out, the sanction policy towards Russia and the packages of anti-Russian sanctions are characterized. The directions of the impact of sanctions on the Russian economy, the factors of restoring the growth of the Russian economy, the sanctions packages are outlined and their consequences in the Russian economy are indicated.
- Keywords:
- import substitution, sanctions, stages of the sanction period, sanction policy, sanction economy, sanction packages
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Author:
- Liudmila N. Snigireva
- Work direction:
- Psychological security in the digital environment of an educational institution
- Abstract:
- This article examines the issue of organizing meta-subject activities of students in the process of organizing physics classes, both in regular and extracurricular activities using educational action maps. The author comes to the conclusion that the system of tasks of the map contributes to the creation of educational situations that ensure a fruitful beginning, flow and completion of cognitive activity of students. Thus, the educational task of physical education – the formation of metasubject results of students is performed by a system of educational actions with the study of educational material and step-by-step learning at the level of cognitive interest in science. In this regard, the role of a teacher in a meta-subject lesson acquires a consulting and guiding interaction with students
- Keywords:
- lesson, physics, stage, metasubject activity, literacy
The embodiment of the heroic deed of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War on a postal miniature
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Svetlana E. Orekhova
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article deals with a practical justification for the affiliation of postage stamps to written sources. The experience of using the means of political agitation, among which special importance was assigned to postage stamps, in order to mobilize the Soviet people to fight the enemy, is analyzed. The methodological essence of this problem corresponds to the principles of historicism, objective reflection of reality, dialectical, which are implemented using chronological, comparative methods, as well as quantitative analysis. Postal miniatures of the USSR are marked by high cognitive and artistic and aesthetic advantages.
- Keywords:
- franking notes, postage stamp, source base, agitation, philately
Studying the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the twentieth century by foreign students in Russian universities
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Lena R. Bakirova
- Work direction:
- Новые подходы в изучении истории Великой Отечественной войны
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the theme of the Great Patriotic War in the literature of the twentieth century in a foreign audience. Using the example of two classes devoted to the study of the topic, the author of the article examines the main stages of practical classes in literature for foreigners: the introductory part, the introduction of the lexical minimum, working with the text, completing assignments to the text, watching a fragment of a film, the final part.
- Keywords:
- foreign students, literature, prose, poetry, the theme of war, stages of the lesson
Development of Teamwork Competencies among Students in Project Activity
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Elena M. Adzhieva, Antonina A. Petrenko
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- In line with the Federal State Educational Standard, the university incorporates requirements for developing universal competencies, such as program design, teamwork, and leadership skills. Fostering teamwork competencies through project activities aligns with the university's goals for modern education. The importance of this issue is underscored by the introduction of new disciplines on project activities and teamwork, aiming to enhance pedagogical practices. The study aimed to assess students' teamwork competence levels essential for their professional and personal lives, and to provide recommendations for its development. Research methods included theoretical analysis and practical surveys of 214 students from the 2nd-5th courses at S.A. Yesenin Russian State University. The results highlighted students' readiness for teamwork based on their values. While various team-building activities are recognized, there is a lack of clear value orientations driving real-world teamwork. The findings emphasize the need to enhance educational processes, teaching methods, and curriculum content in this area.
- Keywords:
- project, competencies, teamwork, design stages, components of teamwork competence
Evolutionary spatio-temporal process of development of territorial tourist and recreational systems
Book ChapterPrinciples of the New Ecosystem Formation: economic aspects- Author:
- Valentina P. Chibilyova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy. The basis of the territorial planning structure of tourism is formed by the tourist and recreational support frame, which ensures the integrity of the tourist space. Its development is of great importance for the socio-economic sphere of the regions. The purpose of this study is to conduct a retrospective analysis of the stages of development of theoretical and methodological geographical research on the dynamics of territorial tourist and recreational systems (TRS) and their spatiotemporal development process. The concepts and essence of the evolution and dynamism of TRS, as a process of gradual irreversible changes affecting their sustainable functioning, providing the evolutionary prerequisites for the development of the system, were considered; it was determined that the basic concept for research is «recreational system». The theory of development of territorial recreational systems as a subject of scientific research of recreational geography and one of the main forms of organizing recreation and tourism is substantiated. The proposed scheme of the tourist and recreational framework of the region based on the economic and environmental frameworks allows us to form an understanding of the full functioning of the entire tourist and recreational sector for subsequent effective management in the face of modern challenges. Research methods. The methodological basis of the study was the works of both domestic and foreign scientists who formed a new scientific direction – recreational geography. The research was based on approaches and views about the key factors and processes influencing the formation and existence of two types (subject- and object-centered) models of recreational systems that are capable of preserving the integrity of the system and strengthening its structure. Results. The recreational-geographical periods of the evolutionary development of territorial-recreational systems in the development of recreational space are analyzed, the methodology and theory of geographical research are determined, and the dynamics of tourist-recreational systems in their spatio-temporal process of development are considered. A system of concepts of this scientific direction has been formed, based on the anthropocentric nature of recreation and tourism systems. A cluster approach has been developed as a promising way to create new tourist and recreational structures with innovative directions in designated ecological and economic zones of a tourist and recreational type. Conclusions. The recreational-geographical stage of the evolutionary development of the functional structure of the tourist-recreational system in the development of recreational space is associated with the emergence of recreational geography and the beginning of the formation of a new scientific direction that studies recreational resources, the structure and features of the functioning of territorial recreational systems (TRS), recreational territories and their properties. The use of breakthrough innovative technologies in the tourism and recreational sector, attracting investment and improving the tax system of organizations engaged in the innovative tourism sector, radically change the functional and territorial structure of tourism and recreational systems, increasing the efficiency of interaction between Russian and foreign tourism enterprises and educational cluster centers for the purpose of exchange modern technologies, training in the tourism industry.
- Keywords:
- innovation, retrospective analysis, tourist and recreational system, economic zones, stages of evolutionary development, dynamism
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Liudmila N. Snigireva
- Work direction:
- Technologies of Developing of Educational Environment’s Psychological Security Under Adverse Epidemiological Situation
- Abstract:
- The author comes to the conclusion that the system of tasks contributes to the creation of educational situations that ensure a fruitful beginning, flow and completion of cognitive activity of students. Adequate training actions are clearly and clearly defined in the tasks, conditions for successful motivation of activity are created, complication of its operational side is envisaged, the process and results are adjusted, subsequent activities are predicted. Thus, the educational task of mathematical education – the formation of emotional intelligence of students is fulfilled by the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion, i.e. the joy of cognition, which ensures the systematic inclusion of the child in the process of independently building new knowledge and allowing.
- Keywords:
- emotional intelligence, stage, sequences, progressions, additional classes
Development of professional abilities depending on age stages
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Tatiana N. Soboleva
- Work direction:
- Глава 15
- Abstract:
- The problem of the development of the abilities of the subject of activity is of actual importance, which is determined by the following paradox: despite the widespread use of the concept of abilities, the question of their essence and mechanisms of development remains open. A proven methodological approach is the systemogenesis of activity and abilities, developed by V.D. Shadrikov. Taking this theory as a basis, we assumed that Age stages can act as determinants that determine the development of the abilities of qualified professionals. Psychological analysis of the professional activity of a railway driver made it possible to identify a specific structure of professional abilities: general ability to coordinate body movements, the ability of sensorimotor reaction of the hand and eyes, the ability of stability and switching attention, the ability of technical thinking. Instrumental methods for diagnosing these abilities were used, but the examination procedure was carried out after the subjects' trip to a specialized, a simulator complex that simulates various modes of train control. Experimental studies have shown that the development of professional abilities of qualified specialists is consistent with the pattern of uneven development of mental functions. It has been established that the earlier the age stages of a professional, the faster the speed of reaction, processing of information at the level of abilities is implemented more successfully. It is proved that, depending on the age stages of the subject, various structures of professional abilities are formed under the influence of regulatory requirements of activity. The later the age stage of the professional, the more holistic, with a higher degree of integration the structure is formed professional abilities. The dynamics of the development of the structure of professional abilities is characterized by the fact that abilities acquire operational features, narrow technical specialization, an optimal and sufficient measure, which contributes to an increase in the integration of abilities depending on the age of the subject of activity. A high degree of integration of abilities, inherent in the late age stages of professional development, is manifested in the successful result of activity, the development of skill and creativity. It is proved that age stages are determinants that determine the development of the abilities of qualified professionals.
- Keywords:
- professional, abilities of the subject of activity, age stages, psychological analysis of activity, general abilities of coordination, abilities of sensorimotor reaction, abilities of attention stability, abilities of attention switching, abilities of technical thinking, development of abilities, result of professional activity
Начало глобального вызова России «мировому порядку» эпохи терминального кризиса капитализма в контекстах осознания и преодоления системного социального кризиса российского общества
ProceedingSocio-Economic Processes of Modern Society (for the 80th anniversary of Lev Panteleimonovich Kurakov)- Author:
- Gennadii I. Beliaev
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы в контексте глобализации
- Abstract:
- The author appeals to the actual topic today, which is restoration of the historic memory and the culture of national dignity in the mass conscience of citizens of Russian Federation as well as the memory on the Historic/ Greater Russia in the scale of the USSR. That means the appeal to the to the problem of education of the truly patriotic consciousness and mentality on the genetics level of pride for our Fatherland and curator’s activities for its prosperity in order to overcome the imprinted antinational mythology in minds of several Russian generations, the social rent men thinking they belong to the consumerist society. Following the qualified analysis of modern geo-political background, condensed around Russian Federation and Historic Russia, the author develops the renewal of contents for the objectives of civil education of children, teenagers and youth, denoting the principles of political education social responsibility of adults about the events drastically changing epochs
- Keywords:
- history, values, memory, tradition, Russia, continuity, Fatherland, sovereignty, USSR, Historic Russia, integrity, stage, world order, ‘deepstate’, geopolitics, meanings, information warfare, psycho-historic warfare, defense, political education, geopolitical revolution
Formation of technical and tactical actions among young judaists in the conditions of gaming activity
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Authors:
- Viktor A. Adamian, Andrei A. Klimenko
- Work direction:
- Psychological Peculiarities of Manifestation and Prophylaxis of Deviant and Potentially Unsafe Behaviour
- Abstract:
- This article discusses information on improving the technical and tactical training of judoists using a game technique based on scientific publications. For practical research of the theoretical part, a survey of specialists working in the field of children's and youth judo was conducted. The article presents the results of the analysis of the results obtained, on the basis of which the conclusion is made.
- Keywords:
- asymmetry, Stages of initial training, judo, symmetry
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Gennadii I. Beliaev
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- . The author appeals to the actual topic today, which is restoration of the historic memory and the culture of national dignity in the mass conscience of citizens of Russian Federation as well as the memory on the Historic Russia in the scale of the USSR (neither the greater Russia should not be called ‘former’). That means the appeal to the to the problem of education of the truly patriotic consciousness and mentality on the genetics level of pride for our Fatherland and curator’s activities for its prosperity in order to overcome the imprinted antinational mythology in minds of several Russian generations, the social rent men thinking they belong to the consumerist society. Following the qualified analysis of modern geo-political background, condensed around Russian Federation and Historic Russia, the author uses methodology within the framework of the concept of geopolitical prognosis (factographic, situation analysis, experts’ estimation).
- Keywords:
- history, values, memory, tradition, Russia, continuity, Fatherland, sovereignty, USSR, Historic Russia, integrity, stage, world order, meanings, information warfare, psycho-historic warfare, defense, geopolitical revolution, Russian World (‘Pax Russorum’), ‘’DeepState’’, trans-imperialist controversies, state symbols, hybrid warfare
Adolescence: features of the stage of personality development
ProceedingPhenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality- Author:
- Kirill A. Belitskii
- Work direction:
- Развитие личности на разных возрастных этапах
- Abstract:
- Adolescence is one of the important stages in the development of personality. At this age interval, the comprehension of reality, the instilling of feelings and the formation of character take place. In this article we will consider the features of personality development at this age stage.
- Keywords:
- personality, psychological characteristics, individual, adolescence, adolescent development, work with children, transitional age, stage of personality development
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Viktoriia V. Levchenko, Ekaterina S. Lapshova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- This paper focuses on the continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework, provided by all stages of education. Presently, continuity is a factor of competitiveness and the main component of its development. The purpose of the study is to identify the conceptual foundations of the continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework within the pedagogical studio. The research methods are theoretical, general scientific and empirical methods, statistical methods, etc. Firstly, we highlighted the factors of continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework such as targeted, substantive, technological, psychological and pedagogical, managerial, procedural. Secondly, we highlighted the components of the system of continuing professional pedagogical education. They are conceptual, substantive, procedural, emotional, methodological and analytical. Thirdly, we considered the pedagogical studio as a means of implementing continuity. Then, individual educational path were examined. Theoretical and practical results are the following: based on the program-target method the continuity in lifelong teachers training development framework contributes to teacher's personality development.
- Keywords:
- continuity, stages of education, individual educational path, teachers training, lifelong teachers training development framework, pedagogical studio
Теоретические аспекты инновационного проектирования деятельности предприятия – участника ВЭД и оценки его эффективности
ProceedingRelevant issues of management, economics and economic security- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Ignatova, Vera N. Shapovalova
- Work direction:
- Мировая и региональная экономика
- Abstract:
- This article discusses knowledge in the field of an innovative approach to organizing the activities of enterprises in foreign economic activity based on theoretical aspects. Using the activities of the enterprise - participants in foreign economic activity, the factor of its effectiveness - the development and application of innovations - is singled out. The stages and sequence of actions during the creation and implementation of innovative design to make a decision on the feasibility of an innovative product are identified.
- Keywords:
- implementation stages, innovative product, Innovative projection, innovation functions, methods for assessing an innovative product
Analiz ispol'zovaniia material'nykh resursov predpriiatiia: organizatsionno-metodicheskie osnovy i praktika primeneniia
Book ChapterStrategic Directions of the Development of Russian Regions: Issues of Economy, Accountance, Taxification, Economic Security, Theoretical and Applied Finance- Authors:
- Kamilia F. Khazieva, Dina G. Iankovskaia
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The state and level of use of material resources are the consequence of the impact of all aspects of financial and economic activity. Taking into account the specifics of the printing house's activity as a system and as a process, recommendations are proposed to accelerate the turnover of material resources from the point of view of the production cycle. The results of the work have methodological value for commercial organizations in the practice of material resources management, in identifying reserves for increasing the efficiency of their use. The structural and logical scheme of the stages of the complex analysis of the material resources of the enterprise, taking into account the industry features, has been compiled and proposed. The method of analysis has been tested on the example of one of the printing enterprises. Recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of the use of material resources.
- Keywords:
- factor analysis, methodology of economic analysis, material resources, stages of analysis, industry analysis
Transportno-logisticheskie tsentry i klastery kak kliuchevye faktory sovershenstvovaniia transportno-logisticheskoi sistemy Iraka
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Abdulaziz M. Abdulkhasan, Boris N. Pan'shin
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Экономика и менеджмент
- Abstract:
- The main directions and approaches to the development of the transport and logistics system of the Republics of Iraq are considered in accordance with the national development plan of the country. Complex solutions for improving the transport infrastructure by creating transport and logistics centers and creating a national digital logistics platform are proposed.
- Keywords:
- transport and logistics system of Iraq, innovative development of transport, stages of creating a transport and logistics center, directions for creating logistics clusters, digital logistics platforms
Analysis of Risks of the Educational Environment at the Preliminary Stage of Sports Training
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Yulia A. Selezneva
- Work direction:
- Modern socio-psychological aspects of risk in the educational environment
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the formation of a modern educational environment at the preliminary stage of sports training; an attempt is made to identify and classify the risks of the educational environment in the field of sports; typical examples of functional, financial, physical, psychological, social risks, as well as the risk of losing time are presented; the assumptions about the mutual influence of the educational environment and the athlete at the preliminary stage of sports training are made.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, preliminary stage of sports training, risks of the educational environment, opportunities of the educational environment, mutual influence of the educational environment and the athlete, quality criteria of the educational environment
Project Method in Language Learning
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Elena A. Gasanenko
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article deals with project activities in foreign languages learning as a popular innovative technology that can integrate academic and professional education; substantiates the relevance of project activities in the integration of various types of speech activities during foreign languages teaching and learning, considers the communicative and cognitive stages of project activities in foreign languages learning.
- Keywords:
- project method, foreign languages, stages of project activities, innovative teaching technologies, a communicative competence, speech activities, a personal development
Dependency Between Grammatical Structure of Language and Verbal Thinking Strategies
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 3 (4)- Author:
- Ekaterina V. Savitskaya
- Work direction:
- Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
- Abstract:
- The article contains a discussion of how the grammatical structure of a language determines sentence structure and affects verbal thinking strategy. The stages of languages’ historic development (incorporative, ergative, nominative) and the relationship between sentence structure and native speakers’ thinking are characterized. The common case of the grammatical subject of a sentence does mean that Anglo-Saxons regard themselves as their own fortune’s active makers and masters. The common case equally expresses success and failure, activity and passivity, self-will and conformity. Nowadays, languages of all the three types coexist on the Globe. The languages of the first two types are used not only by primitive peoples but also by civilized nations. But this does not mean that civilized speakers think archaically. Methods and conclusions. Contrastive analysis of language material (English personal and Russian impersonal morphosyntactic constructions) enables the author to conclude: there is no direct correlation between national character and sentence structure. The connection between thinking and grammar does not consist in this; it consists in the choice of thinking strategies based on the grammatical potential of the language under discussion.
- Keywords:
- verbal thinking, analytical structure of language, synthetic structure of language, stages of language development, semantic role
Organization of Project Work of Elementary Schoolchildren in Familiarization With Traditional Festive Treats in Popular Culture
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Natalya A. Zhestkova
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The author of the article pays special attention to the project method that has great potential for the formation of a certain system of intellectual skills and practical skills in schoolchildren, which contribute to the mastery of the activity component of the education content. It is outlined that the use of the project method in working with elementary schoolchildren implies four stages: organizational and preparatory, technological, generalizing, reflexive. It is also emphasized that the specificity of the implementation of each stage, due to the age characteristics of the schoolchildren, involves leadership in the joint search for the problem and the choice of ways to solve it; ensuring that every child is included in the planning and performance criteria for product development, consistent implementation and adequate evaluation; organization of reflexive work on understanding the process and results of individual and group productive and creative activities at organizational, preparatory, technological and generalizing stages; management of the project product design and evaluation processes. Methods. On the example of the creative project “Traditional festive treats in popular culture”, practical recommendations for organizing the project work of elementary schoolchildren as a mental prediction of what will then be created in the form of a project product, independent planning and time-fixed achievement of the goal are presented. Results. It was concluded that in elementary school age, project activities are a way of pedagogically organized development of the surrounding reality by the child, therefore its success is largely determined by the level of methodological preparation of the teacher.
- Keywords:
- project, project activity, stages of project product creation, conditions of successful project activity of elementary schoolchildren
The specifics of teaching foreign language to younger students from the position of anthropological linguodidactics
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Vera N. Levina, Khalid I. Muhammad
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- This article is devoted to identifying the specifics of teaching foreign language to younger students from the position of anthropological linguodidactics. The main research methods: observation of the educational process, modelling and distributional analysis. The novelty of the work is to identify the prospects for development of the linguistic personality of the younger student in the communicatively oriented learning process in the foreign (English) language.
- Keywords:
- English language, initial stage of education, primary school students, text types, descriptive text, pedagogical modelling, anthropological linguodidactics