Tourism in Russia: obstacles and opportunities for the revival of southern resorts in the years 2024-2025

DOI: 10.31483/r-126610
Open Access
All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Law, Economics and Management»
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All-Russian scientific and practical conference «Law, Economics and Management»
Aleksandr M. Balagurov 1
Work direction:
Экономика предпринимательства
Received: 14 February 2025

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Информрегистр РИНЦ
1 ANO OVO TsRF "Rossiiskii universitet kooperatsii"
For citation:
Balagurov A. M. (2025). Tourism in Russia: obstacles and opportunities for the revival of southern resorts in the years 2024-2025. Law, Economics and Management, 106-108. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


In 2024, the Russian tourism industry faced new challenges, including the introduction of a tourist tax and the consequences of an environmental disaster in the Black Sea. The experiment on the introduction of a tourist fee revealed problems with its collection and understanding of the payment process. The fuel oil spill in December 2024 had a negative impact on resort towns such as Crimea and Krasnodar Krai, threatening their economies and ecosystems. The article analyzes the current state of tourism in Russia, with an emphasis on the southern regions, and also highlights the need to find effective solutions to restore the attractiveness of resorts and create competitive offers for travelers. The material will be useful to specialists in the field of tourism, economics and public administration, as well as anyone interested in the development of domestic tourism in Russia.


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