Life prospects of educator personality: the definition of issues
Book Chapter

- Published in:
- Монография «Life prospects of educator personality: the definition of issues»
- Authors:
- Nadezhda A. Rusanova 1 , Galina G. Verbina 1
- Work direction:
- Авторская монография
- Received: 26 October 2018
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 3693
- Published in:
For citation:
Rusanova N. A., & Verbina G. G. (2018)., 80. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
DOI: 10.31483/r-21698
The monograph deals with issues relating to research on the socio-psychological characteristics and life prospects of the educator’s personality - concepts, history of development, methods and techniques. In order to fulfill functions and achieve good results in professional activities, an educator, possessing a set of socio-psychological features and important qualities in terms of professional, should plan his activities. The educator needs to build a future perspective and fruitfully realize his life path. According to the results of the research conducted within the framework of social psychology, the conclusion was made: the life perspective of educators is subjective and determined by the characteristics of their socio-psychological characteristics, their psychological well-being, level of resilience, specific content characteristics of the awareness of their inner world «I», of their past, present, and future. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the study presents a theoretical justification for the definition of the concepts of socio-psychological characteristics, life and time perspectives of the educator’s personality. Some features of these concepts are revealed. Practical significance is to be identified within the framework of those aspects of the problem being studied, which the authors will solve in perspective. The work is addressed to students, graduate students, teachers, researchers and practitioners in the specialty «Psychology».