Sergei N. Blinkov

Place of work

FGBOU VO "Samarskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet"
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(3)

Mesto i rol' sovremennoi sistemy fizkul'turno-ozdorovitel'noi raboty v formirovanii chelovecheskogo kapitala v obshcheobrazovatel'nykh shkolakh Rossii



the analysis of literature sources on the theory of systems and the system of physical culture and recreation activities in the conditions of a general education school is carried out. It is revealed that this system is a multi-component type of activity, including the staffing of specialists of physical culture and health and medical profile, namely, physical education teachers and medical personnel. Of great importance for the existence and development of the system is the material and technical base of the sports and recreation profile, the development of extracurricular activities with a s...

Chelovecheskii kapital kak ekonomicheskaia kategoriia



an attempt to analyze human capital as an economic category is made. Human capital is one of the most discussed areas in economic theory and is most directly connected with other scientific areas, primarily with pedagogical and medical science, as well as with physical culture and sports. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature. The paper defines the concept of "human capital". The structural components of human capital, its place and role in the modern economy are formulated and analyzed. An analytical review of the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation...

Issledovaniia fizicheskoi podgotovlennosti studentov agrarnogo vuza za tri goda



в статье представлено исследование физической подготовленности студентов. По итогам педагогического тестирования студентов 1–3 курсов Самарского аграрного вуза выявлено, что уровень общей физической подготовленности студентов мужского пола выше по сравнению с таковым показателем девушек. Установлено, что у юношей за три года произошло улучшение скоростных качеств на 3,35% и силы мышц сгибателей плеча (р<0,01) на 19,38%. Вместе с тем, у них же за этот период ухудшились показатели силы мышц брюшного пресса – на 6,61% (р<0,01). У девушек произошло уменьшение силы мышц-разгибателей плеча – на 16,3...