Aleksandr V. Morev

Place of work

FGBOU VO "Tiumenskii industrial'nyi universitet"
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences

Author's articles(3)

Problemy podgotovki konkurentosposobnykh inzhenerov v tekhnicheskom vuze



запросы современного общества, непрерывное внедрение в производственные процессы новейших технологий потребовали от системы высшего образования существенных изменений в подготовке специалистов, способных быстро адаптироваться к изменяющимся условиям. Автор приходит к выводу, что существующие в настоящее время проблемы подготовки инженеров требуют поиска наиболее эффективных педагогических технологий к содержанию и организации обучения студентов в техническом вузе.

Integratsiia i ee otrazhenie v praktike estestvenno-nauchnogo obrazovaniia



the tasks of increasing the motivation and cognitive activity of students in the process of studying the natural sciences are considered in the article. Improving traditional and introducing non-standard pedagogical technologies, improving the efficiency and quality of education in preparing students are analyzed by the author. It is shown that with the help of interdisciplinary connections, the tasks of developing natural science and practice, developing the ability of future specialists to adapt to rapidly changing production conditions are solved. The main direction of collective creativity...

Features of the formation of the fundamentals of industrial engineering at an engineering and technical university



in the process of forming the elements of industrial engineering, practical classes in physics at a technical university play a significant role. A rational selection of the tasks under consideration determines the level of mastery of educational material and influences the potential capabilities of future engineers. Solving standard, frontal, cognitive and multi-level problems contributes to an in-depth understanding of the material and the development of practical skills and competencies among students. The process of solving physical problems with applied technical content motivates student...