Galina A. Smyslova

Author's articles(2)

Psycho-pedagogical interaction with accentuated teenagers: problems and ways of their solution



the chapter examines the peculiarities of the accentuations of adolescence, the strengths and weaknesses of various characters, the directions of work with them, as well as specific exercises that can be used at different stages of psychocorrective work or as part of educational work with adolescents. The author concludes that it is important for teachers working with adolescents, together with a psychologist, to identify the accentuations of students and build the most effective ways of interaction with them, which will make the educational process more productive, as well as accelerate the p...

K voprosu o razrabotke individualizirovannoi proforientatsionnoi programmy dlia podrostkov v usloviiakh detskogo ozdorovitel'nogo lageria



статья посвящена проблеме профориентации подростков в условиях цифровой трансформации и турбулентности. В работе представлен научно-методический подход к разработке индивидуализированной программы профориентационной работы с обучающимися в условиях детского оздоровительного лагеря.