Tamara V. Artemyeva

Place of work

Chuvash Republican Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic
associate professor
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(5)

Zauchivanie stikhotvorenii s det'mi starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta



в статье описана методика процесса заучивания. Раскрыты требования к отбору стихотворений, приемы запомнинания и выразительного чтения. Дан примерный конспект занятия.

Slovarnaia rabota pri pervonachal'nom obuchenii russkoiazychnykh doshkol'nikov chuvashskomu iazyku



в статье раскрываются основные вопросы словарной работы при обучении чувашскому языку как неродному: принципы отбора слов для обучения, этапы работы со словом. Авторами даются примеры упражнений.

On the Issue of Teaching Creative Writing to the Primary School Students



the purpose of the article is to determine the importance of teaching creative writing to younger schoolchildren. The urgency of the problem of teaching creative writing in the native Chuvash language is due to the need for the formation of text competencies in younger schoolchildren, the lack of formation of their native writing skills, especially creative writing. Material and methods of research. The main research methods were the study of literature, the analysis of teachers 'difficulties and errors in the students' works. A brief history of the issue is considered: the ideas of developing...

On the Issue of the Preparation of Educational and Methodological Kits for the Development of Speech and Teaching the Native Language, Literary Education for Chuvash Kindergartens



the purpose of the article is to substantiate approaches to the development of educational and methodological kits for preschool educational institutions of the Chuvash Republic on the development of native speech and teaching native language, literary education in the Chuvash language. Research material. Literature analysis, study of the history of the formation and development of methods of speech development and literary education of pre-school students: the views of the founders of the methodology of speech development (E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Fleerin, O.I. Soloviev, etc.) and literary educati...

About the Results and Conclusions of Checking the Level of Formation of Textual Competencies of Younger Schoolchildren in Their Native (Chuvash) Language



the purpose of the article is to substantiate approaches to the development and description of tools for monitoring the level of formation of textual competencies of younger schoolchildren in the Chuvash language, to present the results of checking the level of formation of textual competencies of younger schoolchildren in their native Chuvash language. The main research methods: analysis of the methodology of formation and monitoring of general communication skills of younger schoolchildren, the results of All-Russian testing works of students in the 4th grade of the Chuvash Republic in Russi...