Marina R. Zarudskaya

Place of work

Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
master’s degree student

Author's articles(3)

Creation of a Comfortable and Safe Educational Environment as a Condition for Reducing the Risks in Teaching Creatively Gifted Children



the article discusses the concept of creativity and the issues of differentiation of intellectual and creative abilities. The author describes the main aspects of ensuring a comfortable and safe educational environment and reducing risks in teaching creatively gifted children, including the peculiarities of classroom and extracurricular forms of work. Also, attention is paid to the specifics of the socialization of creatively gifted children in school conditions, the associated risks and conditions for overcoming them.

Peculiarities of Education of Children With Sports Giftedness Under the Conditions of Mass School



the article is devoted to the problem of sports giftedness, various options for combining general and special abilities are described. The author analyzes the specifics of the educational process organization, highlighting the main problems and difficulties of a gifted child. Some recommendations for teachers and parents are presented.

Features of Interaction of Teachers with Parents of Gifted Children



the article analyzes the problems that arise in the interaction of parents with a gifted child, examines the typical mistakes that hinder the realization of his potential opportunities. The conditions for creating a favorable and psychologically safe educational environment are highlighted. The typology of parents in relation to their child is presented. The main forms of interaction of teachers and psychologists with the family of a gifted child are described (trainings, seminars, conversations, disputes, discussions).