List of publications on a keyword: «ritual»
Ritual functions of clothing in the memorial rites of the Chuvashs
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 2- Author:
- Igor G. Petrov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- Clothes perform many functions functions. One of them is the ritual function, according to which it becomes an important tool or object of various magical practices. In this article, using the example of the сhuvashs of the Volga-Ural region, the functions of the deceased’s clothes in the customs and rituals of the memorial cycle are considered. On separate thematic blocks, the role of clothing as a ritual item at large commemorations, at the fortieth day commemoration, as well as at general summer commemorations was investigated. The article is based on published works on the history and ethnography of the chuvashs of the 19th – early 20th centuries, archival sources, as well as field materials of the author collected in different years in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Republic of Tatarstan. It has been revealed that in the funeral rites, clothes appear and are actively used as a substitute for the deceased, as well as an offering addressed to the deceased on behalf of living relatives. Thanks to these qualities, clothing is one of the important and universal means of communication between the world of the living and the world of the dead. Rites with clothes in memorial rites have been preserved and exist in modern ritual practice. Such stability, on the one hand, is due to the deep archaic and conservative funeral rite as a whole, on the other hand, the comparative stability of this ritual to modern innovations.
- Keywords:
- Volga-Ural region, Chuvashs, funeral and memorial rites, clothing and its ritual functions
Influence of automatic actions on emotional stability: research and practical insights
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Author:
- Alena D. Krasnobryzheva
- Work direction:
- Практические кейсы применения инструментов коучинга и наставника
- Abstract:
- The article explores the influence of automatic actions on emotional stability and offers practical approaches to managing these actions. Using a client as an example, the relationship between everyday rituals and their emotional state is examined. The author proposes methods for tracking, analyzing, and correcting automatic actions to achieve a more stable emotional state.
- Keywords:
- emotional regulation, emotional stability, automatic actions, rituals, mental well-being, emotion management, mindfulness, coaching practices
The Great Patriotic War as an element of patriotic education of youth: the experience of the veteran organization of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics
ProceedingUniversity as a factor of Modernization of Russia: History and Prospects (to the 55th anniversary of the I.N. Ulyanov ChSU)- Author:
- Aleksadr R. Pavlushkov
- Work direction:
- Война как фактор формирования национальной идентичности
- Abstract:
- The article considers the experience of organizing patriotic work of the veteran organization of an educational departmental institution in modern conditions based on the heroic history of the Great Patriotic War. The features and forms of educational activity are revealed, its necessity is justified, and individual problems are identified. The conclusion is made about the need for an integrated approach to the implementation of programs of patriotic education of young people.
- Keywords:
- spiritual values, patriotic education, the Great Patriotic War, veteran organization
Developing Spiritual and Moral Values of High School Students in English Lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Natalia A. Fedotova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article describes an experimental study aimed at developing the spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. It was assumed that the use of debatable teaching methods would contribute to the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. The study included 3 stages: the primary diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of the personality of students of experimental and control groups – M. Rokich's methodology "Diagnosis of value orientations", diagnosis of moral education by M. I. Shilova, methods of studying patriotic education by I.D. Lushnikov, methods "Study of self-esteem of personality" by S. A. Budassi; development, testing and implementation in the educational process in an experimental group of discussion methods of teaching; conducting a control diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of students and analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed exercises. The analysis of the research results showed that the use of debatable teaching methods has a positive impact on the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. Proven and implemented discussion methods in the educational process are important for understanding the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students and can be useful for educational practices.
- Keywords:
- spiritual and moral values, high school students, English lessons, debatable teaching methods
The semantic field of wood ritual objects in the Russian spell rite
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Veronika A. Moskvina
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- The article examines the subject code of the Russian spell tradition using the example of a group of ritual objects of wood origin. This group has received insufficient attention in research, as evidenced by a brief review of the literature. The material for the analysis is the main publications of Russian conspiracies, as well as field materials recorded by the author in the period from 2003 to 2023 in the Omsk Irtysh region. The purpose of this work is to determine the semantic field of a group of wood objects in Russian spells, as well as to identify the relationship between a ritual object and its verbal and symbolic embodiment. The main method of research – historical-typological – allows us to draw typological parallels in order to clarify the boundaries of the semantic field, which includes ritual objects of the group being studied. The article also implements complex and cross-genre approaches. The analysis showed the widespread use of ritual objects of wooden origin in the Russian charm tradition. Objects are included in the text of the conspiracy as independent images and can be used relatively independently of the verbal component of the conspiracy. The semantics of the ritual object is in accordance with the functional and thematic orientation of the spell and is determined by its content. An examination of two objects – a bitch and a sliver – revealed an expansion of their functions and semantic field in in Russian spells of Siberian. This conclusion determines the direction of further research into spells paraphernalia in the aspect of the mutual influence of aboriginal and settler traditions.
- Keywords:
- spell rite, action code, ritual object, semantic field
Chuvash Proverbs and Sayings as an Ethnopedagogical Means of Introducing Traditional Family Values
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Author:
- Klara V. Pushkina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- In modern society, the family is an important component of universal culture that preserves traditional national values. In the conditions of ongoing social changes leading to the growth of national self-consciousness, return to the roots, destruction of stereotypes, change of attitude to family values, it is necessary to preserve the understanding of the family as a traditional social institution. In this regard, the study of proverbs and sayings reflecting universal and national family values is of great importance. The aim of the study is to identify and substantiate family values in the upbringing of the younger generation in modern Chuvash families. The article considers traditional family values as the foundation of a strong and friendly family. The analysis of Chuvash proverbs and sayings about family life and family relations in the article shows that the Chuvash people place family values highly, brought up on national cultures and traditions. Our practical research shows that children's attachment to their parents is increasingly weakening. The lack of understanding of their children's behavior is explained by the following reasons: 1) parents' lack of fundamental pedagogical knowledge and skills; 2) parents' neglecting the basics of Chuvash family upbringing based on spiritual and moral values in the upbringing of their children. The author argues that the study of the basics of ethnic pedagogy will give positive results in the upbringing of children. The article used both general theoretical methods, including both the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic under consideration, including encyclopedic and reference literature, folklore works, and empirical methods, including pedagogical observation, the use of questionnaires and surveys, and generalisation of ethnopedagogical experience. The experimental work was carried out to determine the moral potential of traditional family values in the Chuvash family. The author comes to the conclusion that Chuvash families have preserved national customs and traditions that they inherited from their ancestors in order to pass on to the next generations as a common reference point in their family life.
- Keywords:
- children, parents, spiritual and moral values, experimental work, ethnic pedagogy, modern Chuvash family, educational traditions, pedagogical means of education, proverbs and sayings
Moral and environmental education as an indicator of the quality of education
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 4- Authors:
- Svetlana V. Sokolovskaia, Svetlana V. Afinogenova
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article considers the concept of isomorphism of the quality of the educational process and the quality of its result − the education/upbringing of the Student's personality from the position of ecologization of his consciousness and behavior. The relevance of this approach has been confirmed by many researchers of the scientific school of noospherism. The purpose of the research presented in the article was to establish the relationship between the value-moral-spiritual characteristics of a person and such parameters of her moral and ecological consciousness as: the level of subjectivization of natural objects; the personal orientation of the motivation of the attitude to nature in the aggregate of cognitive, aesthetic, pragmatic-consumer (deficient) and spiritual-moral attitudes. The study was conducted using diagnostic methods of value-moral-spiritual orientations of the individual, subjectivization of the natural object, the dominant orientation of the individual in relation to nature, egocentric associations and correlation analysis (according to Pearson) of the individual results of the study obtained in the diagnosis. The subjects were 75 high school and first-year students. The authors revealed the dominant aesthetic and cognitive attitude of boys and girls to nature, the pragmatic-consumer attitude took the last place, which indicates good prospects for greening the educational process and achieving high quality moral and ecological education of Students in it.
- Keywords:
- the quality of education, the greening of the educational process, moral and ecological education, attitude to nature, spiritual and moral orientations
The Universal Intention of Enlightenment in Russian spiritual culture
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Aleksandr D. Pokhilko
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- Based on the sociocultural method, the essence of teaching in its correlation with apprenticeship was revealed; the prerequisites for the intention of enlightenment in Russian history are clarified. The poet is considered as a kind of Teacher of the people. The poet teaches to be a person and individuality. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the intention of enlightenment expresses the traditional nature of society and, at the same time, the desire of Russian society for rationalization and modernization based on the formation of a personal principle.
- Keywords:
- personality, enlightenment, teaching, the subject of teaching, forms of teaching, Russian spiritual culture, poet
The rite seren in the Chuvash villages of the Republic of Bashkortostan: traditions and modern local features
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 2- Author:
- Igor G. Petrov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the issues of modern existence of the cleansing rite of the spring cycle sĕren among the Chuvash living on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan. This topic has not yet become an object of scientific study, which determines the relevance of this work. The purpose of the study is to study the local features of the rite, as well as the processes of its transformation at the current stage, tasks – a brief analysis of the historiography of the issue in scientific literature, a general description of the essence and content of the ritual, its local manifestations in various areas of residence of the Chuvash, the role of the rite in modern ritual practice. The study was conducted using the principles of historicism, objectivity, consistency, specificity, as well as special methods of field ethnography – included observation and interviews. The work is based on the author’s field materials collected in 2002–2004, 2020, 2022 years in the Chuvash villages of the western, southwestern, central and southern regions of the republic. The results of the study showed that the seren rite has undergone significant changes in recent decades. In most settlements, he completely fell out of ritual life and remained in the memory of old-timers, in others he underwent reduction and decreased on a scale and continues his existence as a vital ritual. The latter is probably due to the stability of traditional religious ideas among the Chuvash of the region, which sometimes contribute to the situational reproduction of the rite in different rural communities.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash, Republic of Bashkortostan, ritual culture, cleansing rite seren, local variants and features
Quality of life and reproductive health of Russian students: modes of reflexive management
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Svetlana I. Filippchenkova, Elena A. Evstifeeva
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of developing a model of reflexive quality of life management for the reproductive health of Russian students based on the explication of its value-semantic priorities, personal potential and for the strategy of accumulating human capital and spiritual and moral education. Reflexive management of the quality of life in relation to reproductive health means a purposeful process of influencing the changing parameters of the quality of life, initiated by the identification of spiritual and moral value-semantic priorities, personal and reproductive potentials of young people. The managerial function of the quality of life in relation to reproduction makes it possible to authenticate the will (desire) and active reflexive actions of a young person along the path of its preservation and generalization.
- Keywords:
- personal potential, spiritual and moral values, student youth, reproductive health, reflexive management of the quality of life
Predictions as part of traditional culture in the modern society of the Republic of Korea
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Author:
- Anna A. Narynskaia
- Work direction:
- Культурологический подход в образовании
- Abstract:
- The article highlights the problem of demand for divination rituals in modern Korean society. People of all nations have ever had a desire to know about the future, which gave rise to various forms of predictions that persist to this day. However, today this is especially actual for the Republic of Korea, where divination has existed since ancient times as a tradition and now plays an important role in the lives of most Koreans. Because of this, it is difficult to understand whether Koreans follow traditions or follow fashion trends.
- Keywords:
- traditions, traditional culture, ritual, predictions, divination, divination in the modern society of South Korea
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Baldyrgan E. Alimzhanova, Gulnar T. Omarova
- Work direction:
- Филология в системе образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers one of the priority directions of the society's improvement - the spiritual revival of national traditions. Familiarity with folklore genres is an important means of educating young people. The authors note the diversity of the educational function of toponymic legends and legends.
- Keywords:
- folklore, national culture, ethnopedagogy, legends, toponymic legends, spiritual education
On the Role of Public Cossack Associations in the Patriotic Education of Young People
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Olga P. Karebina
- Work direction:
- Discussion
- Abstract:
- The purpose of writing this article is due to the decision of the problem of activating the patriotic education of young people, in particular, students of universities, on the basis of spiritual and moral principles and values of the Russian Cossacks, taking into account the participation of public Cossack associations (PCA) in the implementation of state youth policy. In the process of research methods were used: observation, conversation, modern information technology, the study of historical and normative legal documents for the drawing of the Roadmap for the development of the system of continuous Cossack education. Results. The conducted review shows that the social markers that form the basis of Cossack identity are highlighted and, in general, understood by society, associated with patriotism, love for the Motherland and the Orthodox worldview. In the process of Cossack revival the pedagogical and educational potential of Cossack culture was discovered, based on the values of democracy, on the one hand, and on the traditions of statehood, on the other. Although marked by a certain transformation of the Cossack idea in the direction of «militarization», this process does not contradict the basic principles of Cossack education, which became the basis of interaction between universities and OKO in the educational process. Conclusions. The analysis of organizational and pedagogical forms of youth upbringing with participation of modern OKOs shows by the example of the South of Russia (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region) that a certain stage of formation in the educational system has already been passed and represents a four-dimensional model, including the younger generation from preschoolers to students. The last stage of the model is in the formation stage, which is characterized by the creation in 2021 of the Association of Cossack universities of Russia and the signing of the Roadmaps for implementing joint, scientific, educational and social activities of universities and public Cossack associations, defining a new round of development of Cossack higher education and patriotic education of the university youth.
- Keywords:
- Cossack public associations (SPCA), patriotic education of youth, principles of the spiritual and moral revival of the Cossacks, Association of Cossack universities of Russia
Привлечение внимания родителей к русскому фольклору как средству духовно-нравственного воспитания и развития детей
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Olesia V. Prilutskaia
- Work direction:
- Семейные перспективы человека в изменяющемся мире
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to psychological and pedagogical means of spiritual and moral education and development of preschool children. The features of the influence of individual genres on the formation of a child's personality and their relationship are considered. The well-known teachers who noted the influence of children's folklore on the development of children are presented. The essence and tasks of family education are revealed. This material is of practical interest for parents, educators, speech pathologists and speech therapists.
- Keywords:
- development, spiritual and moral education, folklore, family, culture, traditions, childhood
Folklore Aspects of Funeral and Mourning Rites of Badakhshan Residents
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Abdulfattokh K. Aminov
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to one of the spheres of the spiritual culture of the inhabitants of Badakhshan – funeral and mourning rites, which reflected many of the traditional ideas of the local population. The purpose of the article is to reveal the distinctive cultural features in the funeral and mourning rites of the inhabitants of Badakhshan. The content of the article is based on the material accumulated by the author from folk stories, beliefs and customs of funerals and mourning ceremonies, the results of surveys of local residents, experts on local rituals and active participants in the relevant rites, as well as the views of previous researchers. On the basis of the method of participant observation, interviews, comparative methods, various aspects of the features of funeral and memorial rites were analyzed, such as reading a prayer for the dead (janoz), funeral lighting of the lamp “Charogravshan” (Lighting the lamp), which form the basis of the religious rites of the mourning Shiite families. Ismailis of Badakhshan. At the end of the article, conclusions are given about the main elements of the rite “Charogravshan”: reading the verses of the Koran associated with light; reading “Kandilname (Charogname)”; prayers for lighting a lamp; reading laudatory verses from the poetry of Nasir Khosrov; praise in the name of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him); prayers and special verses related to grief; checking the lamp by the caliph and those present; prayers and blessings for the repose of the soul of the deceased.
- Keywords:
- ritual, Tajiks, Badakhshan, funeral and mourning rites, legends
Role of Socio-Humanistic Education in Educational System of Youth: Issues and Prospects
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Authors:
- Naida A. Kazibekova, Elmira S. Musaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- Researches think that in polycultural and ethnoconfessional world only educational system can help to decrease levels of influence of present destructive factors. The research is carried out with the use of analytical, questionnaire and polling methods. It is concluded that socio-humanistic education can help develop the ability to overcome conflict situations, incept the skills of international communication, form youth’s world view.
- Keywords:
- education, spirituality, religion, upbringing, world view, socio-humanistic education, polycultural world
The Bessermian Holiday Akayashka and Terminology Associated with its Celebration
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Sergey A. Maksimov
- Work direction:
- Languages of the Nations of the World
- Abstract:
- The paper is devoted to the traditional Bessermian holiday akayashka associated with the beginning of spring agricultural work. The ritual complex of the holiday lasted for three or four days, and each day had its own name: arafa, akayashka ~ akashka, akayashka kelyan. Relevance. The Udmurt ritual cycle akashka (beserm. akayashka) is described in sufficient detail by researchers of the 19th – early 21st centuries. There have been attempts in recent works to reconstruct the origin and evolution of ritual elements. However, some of the earlier descriptions in similar studies have been left without due attention. The etymologies of some terms related to the celebration of akayashka are not fully disclosed, or they are questionable and need further research or clarification. Conclusion. In this paper, for the first time, the etymologies of the words cholpan (a mallet used to beat on wood to exorcise evil spirits on the first day of the celebration of akayashka) and argar (a rite on the eve of Akayashka with a request from the Almighty God for a harvest) are revealed; the reason for the creation of the name of the rite burdo shөd ‘winged soup’, the analogues of which are absent in Udmurt dialects, is defined; the reasons for the difference in the celebration of the rites of the akayashka ~ akashka ~ gershyd cycle, which have the same source of origin, are also specified.
- Keywords:
- Udmurt language, Bessermian dialect, akayashka ritual complex, etymology, Turkic borrowings
Dukhovno-nravstvennye aspekty khudozhestvennogo vospitaniia detei i molodiozhi
ProceedingPedagogical Activity of an Educational Organization – The Space of Personal Growth of Participants in Educational Relations- Author:
- Marina I. Graf
- Work direction:
- Патриотические и духовно-нравственные национальные аспекты воспитания детей и молодежи
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the problem of educating and educating students of a children's art school in the context of the tasks of developing a harmonious creative personality with Russian traditional spiritual values. The purpose of this painstaking work is to develop special pedagogical conditions for involving students in classroom and extracurricular activities.The main forms and methods of organizing various types of activities in accordance with this issue are presented. Attracting children and youth to spiritual values and maintaining their moral health through teaching the fine arts require professional competence, an active life position and indifference of teachers.
- Keywords:
- information technology, spiritual values, extracurricular activities, educational tasks, reading, visual arts, observation, moral health
The Ontological Dimension of Everyday Life in the Mythopoetic Picture of the World
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 2- Author:
- Natalia P. Ryabchun
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article deals with the concept of a home in traditional culture. It is argued that in the mythopoetic tradition, universal principles of creating a house were formed. This deserves attention today, because the main thesis in the concept of a home was the idea of the ontological dimension of everyday life, of the close connection of the spiritual and the material, of the connection of philosophical ideas and everyday actions. In traditional culture, everyday life was associated with the origins of being, was the sphere of application of creative forces. The object of research is the practice of building peasant houses in the medieval period, as well as in the XVIII-XIX centuries, their architecture and interior, their relationship with the surrounding landscape. The author uses general historical, semiotic and hermeneutical methods of research. The article systematizes the architectural principles of building a traditional home, which made the peasant house a prototype of the cosmos, a model of the universe. The author analyzes such structural elements of the mythological picture of the world as the tree of life, the world axis, the cross, the sacrifice, and their application in architecture. The author considers the ideas about the heterogeneity of space in the mythological culture and how they were used in the construction of the house; the function of doors, windows, gates in the symbolic structure of the house is investigated. The conclusion is made about the trinity of information, energy and matter in traditional culture.
- Keywords:
- folklore, mythopoetic picture of the world, concept of a home, ontology, traditional dwelling, semantics of ritual, archaic consciousness, world tree, cosmos, sacrifice
Lexico-Semantic Groups of Chuvash Hydronyms
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Anna S. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Ethnopedagogics
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the lexical and semantic analysis of Chuvash hydronyms. The purpose of the study is to classify the names of water bodies by lexical and semantic groups, to identify the main principles of the nomination of hydro-names. The article deals with the names of rivers and streams, lakes and ponds, swamps and swampy places, the names of springs and wells. The main material for the analysis was collected by the author during field research, data from the toponymic file of the Scientific Archive of the CSUH and various cartographic sources, maps of land stored in rural administrations of the Chuvash Republic were used. The main methods are descriptive, comparative, typological, and statistical ones. The results of the study showed that according to the lexical and semantic classification, Chuvash hydronyms are divided into two groups: 1) hydronyms that reflect the physical and geographical properties of water bodies and their environment; 2) hydronyms that have arisen as a result of practical human activity. Most of the names of water bodies are based on a specific feature of the geographical realities themselves. Their Chuvash language can be grouped into the following subgroups: 1) names containing a significant feature of the object; 2) names indicating the ground, soil; 3) names related to the plant world; 4) names associated with the animal world; 5) names indicating the location of the water body; 6) names expressed by numerical indicators; 7) figurative and metaphorical names. Hydronyms that have arisen as a result of the practical activity of a person are divided into the following subgroups: 1) hydronyms related to the life and economic life of the population; 2) hydronyms whose meanings are related to the social life and spiritual culture of the population; 3) hydronyms derived from anthroponyms; 4) hydronyms derived from ethnonyms; 5) hydronyms derived from toponyms. It is concluded that as a result of lexical and semantic analysis, it is possible to establish the principles of the nomination of hydronymes, to identify the physical and geographical characteristics of the area, to obtain new information about the material and spiritual culture of the Chuvash people.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash hydronyms, Chuvash oikonyms, names of water bodies, lexico-semantic analysis, lexico-semantic groups, physical and geographical properties, material and spiritual culture of the Chuvash people
Comparative Analysis of Desires and Ideals in the Structure of the Value Sphere of the Personality of Younger Schoolchildren
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Authors:
- Valerii S. Agapov, Liubov G. Ovda
- Work direction:
- Teching of family values: partnership of family, school and society
- Abstract:
- The article presents the generalized results of a comparative empirical study of the manifestation of desires and ideals in the structure of the value sphere of the personality of younger school choldren in secular (n=218) and orthodox (n=212) schools. The orientation of meeting the needs of younger schoolchildren and its classification is shown. The analysis of the identified ideals and role models of modern younger schoolchildren is compared with the results of a study of the ideals of children in Germany and America conducted in the early twentieth century. General and specific results of comparative analysis of empirical data are presented. The author proves the need to develop and implement in the practice of spiritual and moral education programs of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the structure of the value sphere of the personality of younger schoolchildren in cooperation with the school, family and Church. At the same time, the methodological significance of the anthropological principle of education with its religious-philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects is emphasized.
- Keywords:
- anthropological principle, upbringing, value sphere of personality, desires, ideals, younger schoolchild, spiritual and moral development
Socio-Philosophical Aspects of the Problem of Spiritual Safety of Personality and Society
ProceedingPsychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects- Author:
- Aleksei A. Kliuev
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- The author of the article focuses on understanding spiritual security. The author considers this problem to be relevant. The social and philosophical foundations of the problem of ensuring spiritual security are considered, the components of the spiritual system of society, trends in the development of education and mass culture are analyzed. The author comes to the conclusion that the problem of ensuring the spiritual development of the individual and society is an integral element of national security.
- Keywords:
- national security, spiritual security, spiritual health, spiritual and moral values, cultural development
Modern Moldovan Theatre: A Return to the Origins
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 4 (5)- Author:
- Irina E. Katereva
- Work direction:
- History and Theory of Art Questions
- Abstract:
- The article examines one of the trends in the development of modern Moldavian theatre. Being complex and multifaceted phenomenon, it is generally influenced by the direction of society's development. At the present stage its development is based on the influence of two simultaneously existing and opposing directions. One is directed outwards, expanding the range of his contacts with theaters of other countries and reflecting the principle of transculturalism. Since the 90s of the previous century, the art of actors in the Moldovan theater, the specificity of their expressiveness appeals to the experience of world's theatrical art in all its integrity, where archaic and modernity, East and West, complementing each other, serve mutual development. Another vector of development, fundamental, is directed inward. It is connected with the deep processes that affected the dramatic art of Moldova. The theatre rushed to its inner support, to the origins, from the depths of which the national theatrical tradition grows and where myth, ritual, archetype reign inseparably. At the junction of archaic and modernity, the theatre is looking for an opportunity to reveal the spiritual space of the people, the world of ancestral archetypes, the authentic unconscious. Through the art of acting to express the enduring features of the soul, the «ethnic cosmos». Research methods: theoretical analysis, generalization of scientific researches, Internet materials, systematic analysis of theatrical practice. Author concludes that modern Moldovan theatre develops under the influence of two interrelated vectors of development, existing simultaneously and oppositely directed.
- Keywords:
- myth, archetype, ritual, moldovan theatre, remithologization, Dionysian origin
Physical Education as the Basis of Students' Personality Development
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 4 (10)- Authors:
- Olga V. Korkishko, Sergey A. Leshkevich, Svetlana I. Kargina, Elena I. Potyomkina, Nataliya N. Lipovaya
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article considers the process of studying the correlation between the development of personal qualities, the level of physical training of students in universities and the attitude of students to physical education classes. Physical education is one of the main ways of educating modern youth, which should harmoniously combine moral purity and spiritual wealth, physical perfection and psychological purposefulness. It has an impact on increasing the social and labor activity of students during their study at university. An active and healthy person keeps youth for a long time, continuing creative activities, not allowing “the soul to be lazy”. Methods. To achieve the research purposes, we used a specially developed questionnaire on the impact of physical education on the health and attitudes of boys and girls to the subject. The experiment was conducted on the basis of the Sevastopol State University. The sample of probationers from the 1st year of study were 205 students (100 boys and 105 girls). The results of the study showed that 42% of the 1st year students chose to conduct physical education in the educational format, 37% of them are against compulsory classes, and 21% are neutral about physical education. Statistics showed that 60% attend classes only to get a «credit», 33% are interested in studying and gaining knowledge in their sport, and 7% do not attend classes well for various reasons. The authors come to the conclusion that the requirements for graduates of educational institutions presuppose the development of new competencies by teachers that allow them to organize the educational process qualitatively and develop a positive attitude of students to physical education.
- Keywords:
- personality, students, physical culture, physical education, spiritual and physical development
Teaching the Russian Language as a Native at Elementary School: Problems and Ways of Their Solution
Research ArticleEthnic Culture No 2 (3)- Author:
- Natalya Y. Yashina
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural and Socio-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The relevance of studying the Russian language as a mother tongue for the formation of national identity, spiritual and moral values, and communication and speech skills in younger schoolchildren is reviewed in the article. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to overcome the problems of a substantive and methodical nature in teaching of the new subject “Native Russian Language” by primary school teachers. Methods. Methods of analyzing the content of the basic course of the Russian language, a generalization of pedagogical practice and research activities of the Primary Education Department of SBEI of SVE “Nizhny Novgorod Institute of the Education Development” on the problem of the formation of communication and speech skills in primary schoolchildren and the development of communicative competence of a teacher, allowed identifying priority tasks, substantive blocks, practice-oriented and regional orientation of the program of the subject. Results. As a result of the study, the feasibility of the national and cultural and regional nature of the content and effective technological methods are highlighted. It is concluded that taking into account the specifics of the program, correctly selected by teachers relevant and appropriate content of educational material that meet the needs of younger schoolchildren, as well as effective teaching methods and tasks, contributes to solving problems, awareness of the national identity of the Russian language, cultural traditions and spiritual values of their people by students, and preserving the linguistic diversity of our country.
- Keywords:
- spiritual values, people, culture, traditions, native language, national identity, communication and speech skills