Cholpon K. Ryspaeva

Place of work

Institut mezhkul'turnoi kommunikatsii i psikhologii Mezhdunarodnogo universiteta innovatsionnykh tekhnologii
candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(2)

Methods of Formation of Professional Motivation of Students of Pedagogical Direction



the chapter is devoted to the formation of professional motivation of future teachers. The process of formation of professional motivation of a future teacher using the provided methods is also considered. The psychological and pedagogical features of motivating students-future teachers for professional growth are indicated, ways of improving the professionalism of future teachers, aimed at self-development and self-determination in the process of passing pedagogical practice, are revealed. The principles of pedagogical practice organization and factors influencing its effectiveness are reveal...

Competence-based approach as the basis for the formation of educational motivation of students in the pedagogical field



in the modern conditions of training of teaching staff, the development of students' educational motivation is of particular importance. One of the effective tools for its formation is the competence-based approach, which is focused on the development of professionally significant knowledge, skills and personal qualities. In the chapter examines the theoretical foundations of the competence-based approach, its impact on the educational motivation of students of pedagogical specialties, as well as the main factors that contribute to increasing motivation for learning. The methods and technologi...