Dmitrii V. Tiutin

Place of work

Kaluga branch of FSBEI oh HE "The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration"
candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(3)

Activation of the Customs Industry in Modern Economic Conditions



the current socio-economic situation in the international space poses many challenges and threats to the Russian Federation that need timely and adequate responses. The rehabilitation by a number of unfriendly states of the post-industrial development model forces them to look for (and find) new ways and algorithms of development, reorienting the logistics directions of foreign economic activity from the West to the East Asian vectors of development. In connection with such a restructuring of the foreign economic model of integration relations management, there are many new tools, models and a...

The Quality of Life of the Population as the Main Indicator of the Socio-Economic Process at the Regional Level



the chapter examines such a fragment of socio-economic relations of the meso-level as the distribution and redistribution of income of the population depending on the fields of activity, economic situation in general, average wages of the territory and much more. The indicators of nominal and real incomes of people, their structural composition, and the impact on the growth of quality of life are taken into account. By interpreting the statistical material accumulated by the Kaluga Region over the past fifteen years in this direction, a search is underway for a more effective model (its contou...

Экономические аспекты автоматизации управления производством со-временного предприятия (на примере Калужского ПАО «КАДВИ»)
