Olga A. Astafurova

Place of work

Volgograd Institute of Management, branch of RANEPA
head of department
candidate of engineering sciences
Web of Science ResearcherID:
Scopus Author ID:

Author's articles(4)

Basics of Corruption Fighting Training Through Information Analysis System "Methods and Practice of Corruption Fighting for Public and Municipal Officers" Implementing



в статье представлена методика преподавания и обучения основам противодействия коррупции должностных лиц, государственных и муниципальных служащих посредством внедрения разработанной авторами информационно-аналитической системы, работа которой не только направлена на автоматизацию анализа сведений по контролю знаний, но и включает в себя и обучающие функции и возможности для автоматизации деятельности кадровых подразделений по профилактике коррупционных правонарушений, формированию карт коррупционных рисков, по проведению наблюдения, исследования и прогнозу коррупционных девиантных изменений в...

The use of functional modeling in the organization of extracurricular educational work of the university



the article presents the author's view on the organization of extracurricular educational work at the university. The authors believe that the main purpose of this type of activity is the personal and professional development of students, which is achieved through the creation of conditions for their active life, civic self-determination, creative development, professional formation and individual personal self-realization. The important role in the systematization and organization of extracurricular educational work of such methodological documents as Educational work schedules and Work progr...

Prospects of development and competitiveness of Russian higher education



the chapter provides an overview of the positions of Russian universities in global rankings. The RAEX national rating and the authoritative QS international rating are considered in the most detail, which perfectly illustrate the country's global competitiveness in the field of education. The analysis of the main key indicators of international university rankings is given. The main problems and trends in the development of competitiveness of Russian higher education are considered. The specific factors and events that have the greatest impact on the competitiveness of Russian higher educatio...

Formation of a sample of candidates for additional training, taking into account the requirements of the region



formation of human resources potential is an important task at the current stage of economic development of Russia. Digitalization of the economy gives rise to problems, including the risk of reduced employment stability (due to the fact that artificial intelligence replaces human resources and reduces the number of jobs) and the need to retrain specialists both within the region and their migration to areas with a shortage of labor resources. The difference between supply and demand in the labor market is explained by many factors. This may be a national problem – an excess of graduates in hu...