Nadezhda S. Volkova

Author's articles(4)

Chempionat po resheniiu keisov na angliiskom iazyke kak instrument praktiko-orientirovannogo obucheniia v vuze ekonomicheskogo profilia



в статье рассматривается метод кейсов как один из инструментов практико-ориентированного обучения деловому иностранному языку. Описана технология проблемно-ситуационного анализа, а также его влияние на развитие навыков и умений обучающихся, необходимых в профессиональной деятельности. Описаны цели, задачи, порядок проведения типичного чемпионата по решению кейсов, а также даны критерии оценки.

Lingvodidakticheskie osnovy prepodavaniia inostrannogo iazyka bakalavram proizvodstvennogo menedzhmenta



the article deals with the linguodidactic basics of foreign language teaching to production management students – future specialists in technical and managerial fields. Starting from the aims and goals of foreign language teaching the article describes professional competencies which are developed in the course of studying English, and the approaches to teaching it, elaborating on the tasks that need to be solved for the development of a high-quality methodological model of teaching English to production management students.

Professionalizatsiia inoiazychnoi podgotovki studentov-menedzherov: proektnaia deiatel'nost'



the article outlines the concept of professionalization of language learning, provides reasoning for the application of project approach as one of professionalisation tools in foreign language teaching to the students of management; regards the step-by-step implementation of project work in ESP teaching, points out the outcomes and problems arisen, suggests ways to overcome them.

The Project Method as a Tool of the Outcome-Based Approach in Teaching a Foreign Language in a Non-Linguistic University



the article outlines the notions of soft and hard skills, provides reasoning for the use of the outcome-based approach in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic institution of higher education, highlights advantages of the project method, regards the step-by-step implementation of project work in foreign language lessons, points out the results and problems arisen.