Marina A. Kuvyrtalova

Place of work

Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
associate professor
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(4)

Pedagogicheskie idei L.N. Tolstogo v sovremennoi sisteme obrazovaniia



в статье рассматривается проблема создания и функционирования современных школ с ориентацией на педагогические идеи Л.Н. Толстого. Раскрываются основные идеи и понятия, на которых строилась школа Л.Н. Толстого как педагогическая лаборатория возможности их использования в современных условиях.

Pedagogical Prevention of Aggressive Behavior in Sports College Students Engaged in Contact Sports



in modern theory and practice of education, preventive activity is considered as one of the main in the prevention of aggressive behavior in various subjects of the educational environment. Aggression is most clearly manifested among students of a sports college who are mastering professional training programs in contact sports. It is noted that aggressive behavior affects the formation of certain risks for the educational environment of the college and its subjects. In this regard, pedagogical prevention is aimed at the formation of appropriate competence in students, as a result of which fut...

Booktrailer kak innovatsionnaia tekhnologiia razvitiia tvorcheskikh sposobnostei obuchaiushchikhsia na urokakh literatury: ot teorii k praktike



в статье рассматриваются теоретические и практические аспекты реализации технологии буктрейлера в современном литературном образовании. Автором раскрывается понятие «booktrailer», представлены сущностные характеристики данной технологии как инновационной, ориентированной на личностное развитие обучающихся, их творческих способностей. На основе методов теоретического анализа, изучения и обобщения педагогического опыта выявлены условия эффективного применения учителем технологии буктрейлера на уроках литературы для развития читательского интереса обучающихся, их творческого потенциала в цифровой...

Designing the Activity of a Class Leader with the Parents in the Conditions of Inclusive Education



the implementation of the concept of inclusive education in Russia determines the study of theoretical and practical aspects of this problem, in particular, in the context of the tasks facing class teachers as organizers of student teams. The inclusion of children with disabilities in the educational environment creates certain risks for its subjects. In this regard, the responsibility of the class teacher increases for creating conditions that ensure the success of each child in an inclusive class, and especially – to support families with children with disabilities. Ideas of the child's intr...