Albina F. Myshkina

Place of work

Chuvash State Institute of Humanities of Ministry of Education & Youth of Chuvash Republic
leading research fellow, associate professor
doctor of philological sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(6)

Children of an Epoch or a Slave of His Time (about the System of Images and the Image of an Epoch in Literature)



in human culture, since ancient times, fiction has developed as a mirror of time. Therefore, a dual understanding of time is reflected in the poetics of the work: firstly, it is the time that is connected with the narrative and is developed in the plot of the work (artistic time), and secondly, it is the time, the epoch of writing the work itself (historical time). The artistic image of the time is reflected not only in historical genres, but also in all other genres and styles of literature. The historical era of writing a work can be captured in the thoughts and worldview of the characters,...

Women’s Worldview of the Writer or the Aesthetic World of Literature (Reflections on the Term “Women’s Prose”)



modern Chuvash literature, like other national literatures, is developing in many ways. This is clearly shown by those works in which new phenomena are formed that were previously alien to the literature of the Soviet period. The relevance of the article is connected with the need to determine the place and role of the concept of "women's prose" in Chuvash artistic creativity. The artistic world of Chuvash literature is primarily based on the worldview of the people and the uniqueness of the Chuvash language. Therefore, very often typical phenomena of Russian and world literature for the Chuv...

Istoricheskie predposylki i protsess stanovleniia komicheskikh zhanrov v chuvashskoi literature



в статье рассматривается развитие комических жанров в контексте национальной литературы. Анализируются значение и актуальность ранних чувашских комедий и их воздействие на литературный процесс XX века.

Aesthetic and Ethical Significance of Work of Art in Educational Environment



the article is devoted to the study of the role of fiction in the field of education and upbringing. The most important functions of literature that are essential for education (more broadly – the educational environment) are indicated. The works of Chuvash writers, which are included in textbooks-readers on native (Chuvash) literature of basic general and secondary general education, are selectively analyzed. In this article, fiction is considered not so much as a subject of study of literary criticism and criticism, but rather as a socio-cultural phenomenon that has the ability to directly i...

Chuvash front-line writers about the Great Patriotic War (based on the novel by D. Kibek «Heroes do not disappear without a trace»)



the article analyzes one of the significant works about the Second World War – D. Kibek’s novel «Heroes do not disappear without a trace,” which plausibly and in detail presents the historical facts of the struggle of Soviet, Polish and Czech partisans through the eyes of a direct participant (the writer).

"Dictionary of the Chuvash Language" by N.I. Ashmarin as a Guardian of the Genetic Memory of the People: Linguoculturological Aspect



the article is devoted to identifying the role of the «Dictionary of the Chuvash language» by N.I. Ashmarin in revealing the mental foundations of modern Chuvash and in determining the sociocultural and psychological type of character of the Chuvash. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that during the period of globalization and universalization of cultures, the return to the original values of the nation, the search for individual-folk traits of a person's character in his worldview and lifestyle, which is most clearly recorded in his language, is of great importance. The human lan...