Iuliia A. Genvareva

Author's articles(4)

Ispol'zovanie innovatsionnykh tekhnologii v formirovanii obshchekul'turnykh kompetentsii budushchego inzhenera putei soobshcheniia



в данной статье рассматривается проблема формирования общекультурных компетенций инженера железнодорожного транспорта. В качестве решения проблемы формирования общекультурных компетенций предложено использование инновационных технологий в образовательном процессе вуза. Авторами рассматриваются инновационные образовательные технологии, которые наполняют образовательные технологии инновационным содержанием, что повышает качество образования и уровень подготовки будущих инженеров путей сообщения.

Realizatsiia obrazovatel'nykh programm s primeneniem elektronnogo obucheniia i distantsionnykh obrazovatel'nykh tekhnologii v zheleznodorozhnom vuze



the problem of e-learning and distance learning technologies application in a transport university, in particular on the basis of a modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment (Moodle) is examined in the article. The importance of modernizing the educational space at the higher educational institution through the introduction of modern information technologies is justified. Experience of solving this problem at the Orenburg Transport Institute – a branch of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara State Transport University” is presented. The advanta...

Spetsifika prepodavaniia matematiki v tekhnicheskom vuze: opyt raboty



this scientific work examines the specifics of teaching the discipline «Mathematics» for students of technical and engineering specialties. The problems of teaching mathematics at the university are analyzed, as well as ways to overcome them are considered. The forms of work with students within the discipline that allow for high-quality mathematical training of future engineers are described in detail.

Ispol'zovanie neirosetei v prepodavanii vysshei matematiki v tekhnicheskom vuze



due to the rapid development of information technology and artificial intelligence, the use of neural networks is becoming more widespread and significant in various fields of research and training. In higher mathematics, neural networks can be used to improve the learning process of students. For example, they can help create online courses tailored to the individual needs of students. Neural networks can analyze the results of students' work and offer individual recommendations for studying specific topics or problem areas. In addition, neural networks can be used to develop intelligent syst...