Elena G. Liakhova

Place of work

FGAOU VO "Rossiiskoi universitet transporta"
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(5)

Methodology for the Formation of Foreign-Language Intercultural Professional Competence Among Students of a Non-linguistic University in the Direction of “Advertising and Public Relations”



teaching a foreign language of a specialty in the bachelor's system is becoming more and more practice-oriented. The purpose of the study is to develop and scientifically substantiate a methodology for teaching a foreign language with elements of professionalization on the basis of identifying and comparing the national Russian culture code of goods and services and the national code of goods and services of the foreign language culture of the country of the foreign language being studied. The results of the conducted pedagogical experiment allow us to conclude that it is possible to increase...

Kommunikativnaia uchebnaia geshtal't-situatsiia kak instrument povysheniia effektivnosti formirovaniia ustnoi dialogicheskoi rechi na zaniatiiakh po inostrannomu iazyku spetsial'nosti v neiazykovom vuze



исследование посвящено анализу возможности повысить эффективность обучения иностранному языку в неязыковом вузе за счет учета особенностей обработки информации на и об иностранном языке психологическими механизмами сознания обучающихся, что обуславливает актуальность работы. Новизна данного исследования состоит в том, что автор впервые выводит лингводидактические особенности обучения иностранному языку, направленному на формирование концепт-понятий, концепт-категорий и гештальт-концептов, с целью образования единой семантической системы в картине мира обучающихся. Особое внимание уделено модел...

Digital security as an integral component of foreign language teaching in a non-language university



the objective of the research consists in developing and substantiating scientifically a necessity of such disciplines as digital literacy, digital safety, digital standardization, encryption means and Runet peculiarities embedded into the process of foreign language teaching in non-linguistic universities. The results of the conducted research allow to conclude that mastering a competent specialist during digitalization era requires the changes in the foreign language teaching content. It is especially crucial to take this factor into account to teach future journalists a foreign language. Th...

Teaching Dialogical Oral Speech in English at a Non-Linguistic University



The relevance of the chapter is determined by the fact that foreign language teaching in a non-language university should be aimed at the formation of intercultural communicative foreign language competence, an important part of which is the ability to communicate in a professionally-oriented environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the natural learning of spoken language in a foreign language using communicative gestalt situations. The results of the study allow us to conclude that when organizing foreign language teaching by using communicative gestalt situations, it is necessa...

Features of using neural network platforms for teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university



this study was conducted to find out the advantages and disadvantages of teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university using neural network platforms and to compare such training with traditional teaching of foreign languages. During the research, an analysis of the features of neural networks and learning platforms based on them was carried out. The author of the article conducted experimental training in order to compare the success of mastering lexical and grammatical foreign language material when learning on the Duolingo neural network platform with traditional foreign langua...