List of publications on a keyword: «professional»
The dependence of the theoretical training of police officers on the results of practical shooting
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Viktor A. Toropov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Sergei V. Nikishov, Aleksandr A. Liubakov
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- In this article, the authors, considering the results of shooting by police officers with military weapons, come to the conclusion that they directly depend on the level of theoretical preparedness of employees, in groups with high and low levels of theoretical preparedness, a high degree of difference was determined (p<0.001). The authors also determine reliable correlation coefficients confirming this dependence.
- Keywords:
- professional skills, fire training, practical shooting, training range, targeted fire, correct aiming
The "Tragedies of the profession" of a ballet dancer: psychological and physical aspects
Book ChapterPsychological and pedagogical issues of modern education- Author:
- Mariia O. Potolokova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The work analyzes the specific manifestations of «high achievements in the ballet environment and professional competence» in the context of ballet dancer’s activity, a number of recommendations have also been developed for formation of significant personal and professional competencies that minimize the negative impact of stress factors of this profession. According to the author, the formation of a holistic creative and health-saving environment will help strengthen the competitiveness of Russian ballet dancers at the global level, increase their professional self-realization and reduce the negative consequences associated with the "tragedy of the profession".
- Keywords:
- professional burnout, ballet dancer, psycho-emotional overload, creative health-protective environment, self-actualisation
The influence of methodological and practical recommendations on the self-determination and professional orientation of educational engineers
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Marat A. Murzakhanov, Linar G. Akhmetov
- Work direction:
- Современные педагогические теории и методы: инновации в образовании и подготовка кадров
- Abstract:
- The article examines the influence of methodological and practical recommendations on the process of self-determination and professional orientation of engineering educators. Special attention is paid to relevant approaches in teacher education aimed at forming students' conscious choice of profession, as well as developing the necessary competencies that contribute to successful professional activity in the field of engineering education. The purpose of the work is to analyze the impact of methodological and practical recommendations on the process of self-determination and professional orientation of engineering educators. The research methods are to study the current state of self-determination among future applicants, develop and implement methodological recommendations, and evaluate their impact on the formation of students' professional orientation
- Keywords:
- career guidance, engineering education, profession, formation of self-determination, influence on career guidance, support of professional self-determination
Qualimetry of professional self-determination of students in the context of basic general education
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Inna A. Proturenko, Marina L. Sher
- Work direction:
- Современные педагогические теории и методы: инновации в образовании и подготовка кадров
- Abstract:
- The article addresses the issue of qualimetric analysis of professional self-determination among students within the context of basic general education. Based on theoretical and empirical research methods conducted at MBOU Secondary School No. 4 in Poltavskaya village, Krasnoarmeysky District, Krasnodar Krai, the study presents the results of diagnostics assessing the readiness of 9th-grade students for professional self-determination. The activities of the educational institution related to vocational guidance are analyzed, factors influencing the process of professional self-determination are identified, and a series of recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of this process are proposed. The article also emphasizes the importance of interaction between the school, parents, and social partners in implementing vocational guidance activities. The research findings confirm the necessity of a comprehensive approach to fostering students' readiness for choosing their future professio
- Keywords:
- Professional self-determination, schoolchildren, vocational guidance work, parents, diagnostic methods, basic general education, qualimetry, social partners, readiness for career choice, unified model of vocational guidance
On the issue of professional deformation of personality of educational psychologists in the context of emotional burnout
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Elena N. Azletskaia, Natalia V. Kniazeva
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
- Abstract:
- The study presented in this article is devoted to the study of professional deformation of personality of educational psychologists, with an emphasis on emotional burnout syndrome (EBS). The methodological basis of the study is the diagnostics of the level of emotional burnout, carried out using a questionnaire developed by V.V. Boyko, which made it possible to classify respondents by stages of EBS development. The main conclusion of the study is that a significant part of educational psychologists experience varying degrees of EBS manifestation, especially at the stage of resistance, which requires the implementation of preventive measures and psychological support programs to improve the general emotional state of specialists.
- Keywords:
- personality traits, educational psychologist, emotional burnout, preventive measures, professional deformation, emotional burnout syndrome
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Marina L. Sher, Nadezhda V. Andrusova
- Work direction:
- Интегративные подходы в процессе психолого-педагогического сопровождения современного человека
- Abstract:
- In the article, the authors explored the main aspects of cooperation between Russia and Vietnam in the field of education. This topic is relevant because, in the context of scientific and technological advancement and the emergence of new technologies, education has become strategically important. The purpose of the article was to highlight the most significant aspects of the development of cooperation between these two countries in education, to examine the main trends in this area, and to determine the future prospects for this field. According to the authors, Russia and Vietnam have been pursuing a joint strategy to attract Russian and Vietnamese students to their higher education institutions and create favorable conditions for them to stay both in their home countries and within universities.
- Keywords:
- education, cooperation, professional education, international cooperation, Russia, Vietnam, Russian-Vietnamese relations
Competence-based approach as the basis for the formation of educational motivation of students in the pedagogical field
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Authors:
- Cholpon K. Ryspaeva, Makhfuza K. Akhunzhanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- In the modern conditions of training of teaching staff, the development of students' educational motivation is of particular importance. One of the effective tools for its formation is the competence-based approach, which is focused on the development of professionally significant knowledge, skills and personal qualities. In the chapter examines the theoretical foundations of the competence-based approach, its impact on the educational motivation of students of pedagogical specialties, as well as the main factors that contribute to increasing motivation for learning. The methods and technologies aimed at developing educational motivation within the framework of the competence-based approach are analyzed, including practice-oriented learning, project activities, interactive forms of work and reflective methods. Examples of successful implementation of the competence-based approach in the educational process of pedagogical universities are given. In conclusion, conclusions are formulated about the importance of the competence-based approach for the formation of sustainable educational motivation and recommendations are given for improving educational programs.
- Keywords:
- professional training, educational motivation, competence-based approach, pedagogical direction, motivational technologies
On some aspects of designing a tourist and excursion product by future Bachelor of Tourism in the process of professional training at the university
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Authors:
- Svetlana F. Maslennikova, Anna A. Medvedeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- The authors highlight some of the stages and features of the tour design based on the analysis of the tourist and excursion potential of the Acropolis of Athens (Greece) conducted by the students. This stage of designing a tourist product cannot be avoided, because only this will help determine how well the tourist resources meet the expectations and needs of consumers.
- Keywords:
- tourist product, excursion, Acropolis of Athens, professional university training, Bachelor of Tourism
Formation of legal culture among future teachers as the basis of professional competence
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Taalaigul E. Temirkanova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- In the chapter examines the importance of developing legal culture in future teachers as an integral part of their professional competence. In the context of modern education, special attention is paid not only to knowledge in the field of pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods, but also to legal education, which helps future teachers make the right decisions in their professional activities, take into account the rights and freedoms of the individual, and develop legal awareness among students. The main focus of the research is on the analysis of the concepts of legal culture and professional competence, as well as on the methods of legal culture formation in the process of teacher training.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, legal education, teacher, legal culture, pedagogical training
Pedagogical support for the formation of professional qualities of future journalists in the process of socially significant activities: theoretical understanding
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Elena S. Doroschuk
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The modern system of journalistic education assumes a focus on rapid adaptation in the professional activities of future journalists with the formation of a number of competencies that allow a specialist in the field of media activity to respond to major challenges. This provision actualizes the need for new approaches to the formation of professional qualities of a future journalist. They should determine the trajectories of development and self-development of creative and professional potential, professional mobility and competitiveness of future journalists. Based on the monitoring of the main bachelor's, master's and postgraduate educational programs for 2004–2024, implemented at Kazan Federal University, the author identifies the main patterns of the educational process and the degree of application of socially significant activities in the concept of education of future journalists. Within the framework of a systematic approach and taking into account the fact that journalistic activity as socially oriented includes varieties of socially significant activities, is an organizational property of a personality reflecting its unity, the grounds for its application as the main subject of educational activity of future journalists in the format of projective activity were determined. This technology is provided by a system-targeted approach to the projective activity of students and their prosocial activity / media activity, which makes it possible to identify in this technology a variety of composition; hierarchical structure; versatility and identify the principles of its organization: diversity; hierarchy; integrity; communication; dynamic development. The future journalist's projective activity in solving socially significant problems is based on integrativity, normativity, value orientation, and creativity in the implementation of two main pedagogical conditions: the development of the axiological potential of the future journalist's personality and the actualization of the student's subjective position.
- Keywords:
- professional orientation, pedagogical technologies, social practices, professional training of future journalists, prosocial media activity, socially significant activity
Determining the content of professional competence of a bachelor of the profile "Applied computer science in design" based on the requirements of employers
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Tatiana V. Prokopeva, Tatyana A. Lavina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- This article defines the concept of professional competence of a bachelor's degree in "Applied Computer Science in Design". To fill the content of the components of professional competence of a graduate, the requirements of employers for specialists in the field of computer design are considered: graphic designer, web designer, UX / UI designer, combined in accordance with the component composition of professional competence - cognitive, activity and motivational. A job search site with a description of vacancies for the above positions is analyzed and the level of competition for the positions is identified. The main requirements of employers for candidates for the position are identified, which contribute to determining the content of professional competence of a bachelor's degree in the profile "Applied Computer Science in Design". Vacancy announcements for each of the design areas we selected are analyzed. The analysis allowed us to formulate requirements for applicants for the positions of graphic designer, web designer, UX / UI designer in accordance with the component composition of professional competence. The identified requirements can serve as a tool for assessing the level of acceleration of professional competence of graduates in the field of training, applied informatics, profile applied informatics in design.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, components of professional competence, bachelor's degree in "Applied Computer Science in Design", employer requirements for graduates, graphic designer, web designer, UX/UI designer
Formation of information competence of cadets of a military university
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Author:
- Natalia A. Lamukhina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article substantiates the idea of the need for advanced professional training of cadets of a modern military university to meet the requirements for the information competence of an officer during the period of change in military-professional activity under the influence of informatization. The essence of the information perspective as a leading factor of influence determining the advance is revealed. The author's understanding of the structure of the officer's information competence in the aggregate of operational, subjective, axiological and reflexive components is presented. The process of forming the cadet's information competence is shown as a consistent change in the stages of solving the advanced professional task and achieving the expected results of professional and personal development: the stage of problematization, the stage of modeling, the stage of solution and the reflexive stage. The presented content, forms and methods of work that organize the process of forming the information competence of cadets are designed to ensure its integrity and effectiveness.
- Keywords:
- advanced professional training, information competence, information perspective
The use of professionally oriented texts in the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Author:
- Yuliya N. Kuznetsova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article raises the issue of teaching Russian as a foreign language to foreign citizens in Russian universities. Russian Russian as a foreign language is defined in the article, and the most common methods used in teaching Russian as a foreign language are outlined. It is emphasized that the importance of the text-based approach in teaching Russian to foreign citizens has increased recently. The important role of the text in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language is argued. It is noted that the text-forming approach highlights the text as the main unit of learning, that working with the text contributes to the formation and development of skills of all types of speech activity (reading, writing, listening, speaking), as well as develops grammatical skills, increases learning motivation. The interpretation of the concept of "text" by modern scientists is analyzed, the role of text in the system of teaching Russian as a foreign language is determined. Much attention is paid to the study of work with scientific and professionally oriented texts, which is due to the special focus of these types of texts, which contribute to the formation of a theoretical framework of concepts, the integration of the meaning of all linguistic units, and the development of creative and cognitive abilities of foreign students. An example of complex work with professionally oriented text is given. The main types of tasks performed when working with text are systematized. It is summarized that working with the text forms general professional and universal competencies, contributes to the development of the use of professionally significant vocabulary and terminology in the process of communication.
- Keywords:
- text, Russian as a foreign language, text-forming approach, professionally oriented text
Modern approaches to psychological and pedagogical support in the educational environment: individualization, digitalization and prevention of emotional burnout
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 8 No 1- Authors:
- Alla I. Matveeva, Ekaterina N. Yalunina
- Work direction:
- Psychology in Education
- Abstract:
- The article studies the actual aspects of improving the system of psychological and pedagogical support in modern educational institutions, where the growth of anxiety, stress and professional burnout is one of the key problems. The main objective of the study is to develop a scientifically grounded model of support, taking into account both the individual characteristics of the participants of the educational process and the potential of modern technologies to improve the effectiveness of the educational environment. To achieve the set goals, the methods of metaprogram analysis, standard diagnostic tools (Spielberger-Hanin scale to assess anxiety and Maslach-Jackson questionnaire to analyze professional burnout) were applied, and digital platforms of psychological support were integrated. The study covered more than 500 participants of the educational process from municipal schools of Yekaterinburg. The key results demonstrate a significant reduction in students' anxiety level by 15% and an increase in their academic performance by 12% (p < 0.01), which confirms the high effectiveness of personalized educational routes based on metaprogram analysis. The obtained data are of high practical significance and can be used to create a universal model of support adapted to the modern conditions of educational institutions.
- Keywords:
- educational environment, stress, digital technologies, psychological and pedagogical support, professional burnout, anxiety, emotional stability, individualization, metaprogram analysis, educational routes
Designing and implementing personalized professional development trajectories for the Advisor to the Director of Education and Interaction with children's public associations in a mentoring environment
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Authors:
- Vera V. Nikolina, Sergei I. Aksenov, Anastasiia V. Zulkharnaeva, Anna A. Loshchilova, Olesia E. Fefelova, Svetlana V. Frolova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The study was carried out at the expense of the 2024 state assignment №073-03-2024-051/8 dated 09.12.2024 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to carry out research work on the topic «Designing an integrative model of personalized trajectories and evaluating the effectiveness of educational activities of the adviser to the Director for education and interaction with children's public associations in mentoring conditions». The materials present an analysis of theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented research on the problem field, which actualizes, within the framework of the modern socio-cultural situation, the design and implementation of personalized professional development trajectories for the adviser to the director of education and interaction with children's public associations as a mentor. The authors consider the process of designing a personalized professional development trajectory for the Director of education, including a number of stages and mechanisms of his activity, identify the range of role positions of the adviser, the conditions for implementing personalized professional development trajectories for the Director of education, the mechanisms for designing and implementing a personalized professional development trajectory, and provide technological maps reflecting the sequence of self-movement of a specialist in professional development. Based on the research analysis, the authors determined the essence of the educational practice of the adviser to the Director of education, outlined its characteristics, proposed a classification of educational practices, and provided examples of educational practices implemented in the Russian Federation.
- Keywords:
- professional development of a teacher, educational practice, advisor to the director of education, personalized professional development trajectories, professional development mechanisms, classification of educational practices
Formirovanie professional'noi samootsenki studentov meditsinskogo kolledzha v usloviiakh novoi obrazovatel'noi tekhnologii "Professionalitet"
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Mariia N. Prozorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 5
- Abstract:
- This scientific research is devoted to the development of an innovative technology for the formation of adequate professional self-esteem among students of secondary vocational educational institutions (SPE) as a fundamental factor of successful professional socialization and career growth. The study is relevant in the context of the implementation of the federal project «Professionalism», aimed at the close integration of education and the real sector of the economy, which places increased demands on the level of training of specialists. The main hypothesis of the study is that the targeted impact on the formation of professional self-esteem of students at the early stages of their studies in vocational education and training significantly increases their adaptation to future professional activities and contributes to a more informed choice of a career path. The research analyzed the existing scientific approaches to the formation of professional self-esteem, as well as the concept of professional identity. The analysis revealed key factors that have a significant impact on the formation and functioning of professional self-esteem: parenting style in the family, previous professional experience (if any), the level of support from teachers and peers, success in educational activities, the presence of clear professional goals and plans. In addition, the influence of the student's personal qualities, such as self-motivation, stress tolerance, sociability and critical thinking, was determined.
- Keywords:
- formation, student, professional self-assessment, medical college, federal project, new educational technology
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Nadezhda E. Iulina
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- The article examines the psychological aspects of the emergence and development of conflicts in the adaptation of part-time students in the workforce. Special attention is paid to the specifics of combining professional activity and the educational process, as well as the influence of individual psychological characteristics, organizational culture and interpersonal relationships on the level of conflict. The main causes of conflicts, their consequences for professional adaptation are highlighted and recommendations for their prevention and resolution are proposed.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, conflict, psychological aspects, professional socialization, part-time students, work collective
Исследование специфики и коррекция психологической готовности студентов с умственной отсталостью к самостоятельной жизни
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Diana V. Riazantseva, Ellada V. Shelispanskaia
- Work direction:
- Инклюзивное образование как ресурс создания толерантной среды
- Abstract:
- The issues of psychological readiness for independent living turn out to be extremely relevant for students with mental retardation, who face many difficulties due to their developmental characteristics, as well as the conditions they find themselves in when starting an independent life in a dormitory. In this regard, the article presents the results of the analysis and generalization of the authors' works on the problem of psychological readiness for independent living among students with mental retardation.
- Keywords:
- professional orientation, self-esteem, value orientations, mental retardation, independence, interpersonal communication, psychological readiness for independent living
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Aliona A. Smirnova, Iurii A. Vediaskin
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- Physical training is a critically important aspect in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, since cadets must have not only good health, but also a high level of physical fitness and performance to perform their official duties. The professional activity of rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is connected with work in difficult and dangerous conditions, therefore physical training should be a priority not only in classes at universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but also in the independent training of cadets. Skill development and attention to independent physical training play an important role in this context, as they are associated with high responsibility for one's own level of physical fitness.
- Keywords:
- professional activity, physical training, moral and volitional qualities, students at universities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: from theory to practice- Author:
- Siaokhua U
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article examines the formation of the professional culture of opera singers in the education system, discusses the main problems and pedagogical strategies. Problems such as the gap between academic training and practical theatrical activities, the predominance of mechanical approaches to performance and the limitations of traditional pedagogical methods are identified. Pedagogical strategies are considered that emphasize the integration of acting, musical and theatrical skills, as well as the cultivation of creative autonomy. Educational performances are considered as the most important platforms for overcoming academic and practical differences and stimulating creative growth. As a result, the development of creative independence becomes a crucial factor in giving opera singers the confidence and resilience necessary for success in the opera industry.
- Keywords:
- opera singers, professional culture, vocal education, pedagogical strategies, educational performances, creative autonomy
The use of interactive methods with an integrative approach in the system of secondary vocational education
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Author:
- Susanna B. Borodina
- Work direction:
- Современные тенденции развития образования
- Abstract:
- The article considers the use of integrative forms of education aimed at personality-oriented education in teaching professional disciplines for college students, examines the essence of the game from the point of view of the educational process.
- Keywords:
- professional competence, education, students, knowledge, skills, personality-oriented approach, integrative pedagogical approach, interactive teaching methods, game-based learning
Professional position of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: concept, meaning, peculiarities
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Author:
- Anna S. Korotkova
- Work direction:
- Методическое сопровождение профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Modern educational standards are regularly undergoing a number of transformations and modifications in order to improve the educational system of our state and improve the quality of trained personnel in higher educational organizations of different levels. Training of future specialists for internal affairs bodies is carried out in special, established on the basis of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, structural subdivisions of professional training. Professional position of cadets, as a fundamental element that ensures their full-fledged solvency in the implementation and maintenance of their official status and functional purpose, is one of the main tasks in the framework of improving the level of the educational system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
- Keywords:
- educational process, educational space, cadets, professional position, educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Overcoming professional deficits of teachers in the field of communicative competence
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Authors:
- Aleksandr S. Fetisov, Mariia A. Shevtsova
- Work direction:
- Методическое сопровождение профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- The article presents the results of a study of professional deficits of modern teachers in the field of communicative competence. The purpose of the scientific work is to identify professional deficits based on the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and empirical research methods. The relevance of the work is indicated by the needs of the state and society for teachers who are ready to carry out their professional activities in accordance with the new social situation caused by the emergence of modern face-to-face and network communications. The main concepts of the article are determined through the generalization of scientific research. The survey of teachers made it possible to identify deficits in the field of various competencies. The survey of teachers on the subject of professional deficits indicated communicative difficulties, helped to identify ways to overcome difficulties through methodological support and targeted assistance.
- Keywords:
- communicative competence, professional deficits, pedagogical difficulties, multicultural mediation
Osobennosti raboty s professional'noi inoiazychnoi leksikoi pri obuchenii magistrantov tekhnicheskikh napravlenii podgotovki v vuze
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Kseniia V. Kulemina, Olesia V. Fedorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The lexical approach is the most widespread method used in teaching a foreign language nowadays. The key principles of lexical approach are emphasized in the chapter. In connection with the variety of opinions about the use of this method, the authors analyze the positive and perceived negative aspects of the approach. The important issues that teachers face in their classes with undergraduate students of technical specialities in the university are analyzed. The main rules for preparing and conducting classes with undergraduate students are suggested. On the basis of the conducted research a set of exercises of different types aimed at the development of professional vocabulary and lexical competence in general was developed. The results, which have been tested in the groups of undergraduate students are described and analyzed and their effectiveness has been proved.
- Keywords:
- motivation, educational environment, lexical approach, chanks, grammaticalized lexis, professional foreign vocabulary, communicative
Rezul'taty pedagogicheskoi podderzhki professional'no-trudovoi sotsializatsii lichnosti v period obucheniia v obrazovatel'nykh organizatsiiakh
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Author:
- Alla G. Krasnopiorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- This topic is relevant, due to the consideration of the problems of professional socialization in the scientific pedagogical literature separately, in this study the author considers them integrated and in general. Research problem: what are the essence and functions of pedagogical support for vocational and labour socialization of pupils of an educational organization on the example of students of a technical college, what are the content of the system of pedagogical support and the conditions for the effective organization of the provided pedagogical support? Research methods: theoretical: literature analysis, data synthesis; empirical: conversation, testing. The reliability of the research results is due to the choice of research methods and experimental base adequate to the tasks set, the careful development and justification of experimental designs, the representativeness of the experimental sample, the variety of collected experimental facts, and their number. The experiment showed the high efficiency of applying the personal-situational approach in the educational process with the developed process of vocational and labour socialization of students. The results of the experiment allow us to conclude that it is advisable to organize this process in educational organizations.
- Keywords:
- moral education, professional labour socialization, civil education, personal, labour, social qualities, pupil’s socialization, the ability for intercultural communication, a level of communicative competence