List of publications on a keyword: «NTO»
Formation of students' methods of scientific cognition in conducting physical research in the school quantorium
Book ChapterPsychological and pedagogical issues of modern education- Author:
- Irina A. Krutova
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- The study suggests ways to solve the problem of training students who have mastered the methods of scientific cognition, which is relevant for modern education. The methodology of organizing cognitive activity of students in conducting physical research on the basis of a school Quantorium is described. The thematic planning of classes according to the program «Digital Laboratory of Physics. ExperimentariUm», the implementation of which is aimed at the formation of skills in the experimental study of physical phenomena of different nature, the establishment of scientific facts about the type of dependence between physical quantities, the «discovery» of physical laws. The possibilities of using digital equipment in physics for organizing research activities have been identified. An example of a master class on the experimental study of pressure inside a liquid is given.
- Keywords:
- physical experiment, teaching physics, school Quantorium, methods of scientific cognition, physical research
Mentoring as a tool for the diverse development of preschoolers based on the spiritual and moral values of the Russian people
ProceedingSormovo Readings- 2025: scientific and educational space, realities and prospects for improving the quality of education- Authors:
- Alesia A. Salabai, Natalia V. Martynenko, Svetlana A. Morozova
- Work direction:
- Психолого-педагогическая поддержка личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности
- Abstract:
- In the article, the authors actualize the modern problem of mentoring. Interest in mentoring in education has resurfaced in the last decade. Researchers pay attention to the historical aspects of mentoring. Considering the problem of the role of mentoring in the development of preschoolers, using the context of spiritual and moral education. Mentoring is a universal pedagogical technology. Her role is not only to transfer experience, knowledge and the formation of diverse skills, but also to influence moral and spiritual values through communication and mutual trust. Spiritual and moral development is a gradual expansion of the value-semantic sphere of a personality under the influence of the processes of upbringing and socialization. The authors briefly comment on the features of this process in pre-school conditions.
- Keywords:
- spirituality, teacher, development, educator, family, preschoolers, mentoring, spiritual and moral values, homeland, love, kindness, honesty
The role of mentoring in the system of educational project practices of economic and managerial orientation
ProceedingPedagogical readings dedicated to the memory of Professor V.P. Manukhin in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Moscow University of Humanities and Economics- Author:
- Mariia U. Utkova
- Work direction:
- Наставничество как эффективная форма развития профессиональных компетенцией
- Abstract:
- Abstract: The material of the scientific article presents the actual problems of the organization of mentoring practices in order to form the professional competencies of students in economic and managerial areas of training. The methods used are factor analysis, comparison, and generalization. The results of the study include an assessment of the diverse forms of application of educational design practices in the learning process of courses (modules).
- Keywords:
- project, economics, technology, management, mentoring, project practices, environmental and economic security, Arctic
Integration of production and education to improve the quality of training specialists in higher education institutions on the basis of distance mentoring
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 4- Authors:
- Yuri A. Stepanov, Leonid N. Burmin
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article addresses the quality of student training amid a shortage of personnel in the information technology sector. It highlights issues related to the preparation of specialized professionals and proposes creating a center for collaboration between universities and industry. This center aims to integrate the educational process with real projects, enabling students to gain practical skills and knowledge essential for successful careers in IT. A phased training process is outlined, where foundational education occurs at the university level, while updated training takes place within companies and project activities. The effectiveness of this integration is analyzed through financial indicators and assessments of educational quality. The findings indicate that implementing this solution improves companies' financial performance by enhancing employee qualifications and reducing training costs for new specialists. Additionally, there is a noted positive trend in the evaluation of educational quality, reflecting an increase in graduates' preparedness. Future development prospects include expanding partnerships with other companies and universities, introducing new educational programs and technologies, and conducting regular research to analyze integration effectiveness.
- Keywords:
- employment, development, human resources, information technologies, project activity, mentoring, integration of higher education institutions and production, remote interaction
Main directions of human resource development in the civil service of the Russian Federation: state, problems and prospects for the implementation of the national project «Staff”
ProceedingSustainable Development of Russian Regions in the Age of Transformation Processes- Author:
- Sofia V. Sagan
- Work direction:
- Финансовые факторы демографической политики и формирования кадрового потенциала
- Abstract:
- The article discusses issues related to human resources technologies in the public service. The problem of the topic of the study is the acute shortage of staff of state authorities of the Russian Federation. The activities to improve public sector personnel policy are proposed within the framework of the national project «Human resources».
- Keywords:
- personnel, mentoring, time management, state civil service, national project «Personnel», human resources capacity, corporate universities
Interpretation of the Parrot Image in the Codex Cumanicus
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 3- Author:
- Akhmed A. Glashev
- Work direction:
- Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the interpretation of the drawing in one of the most significant written monuments of the Kipchak and Oghuz languages – Codex Cumanicus – the image of a parrot, which is contained in the German part of the monument on sheet 58v, which has not yet been the subject of attention of researchers studying the monument. The only work devoted to this interesting image is the article by A. G. Yurchenko (2010), in which he connects it with the Egyptian Kipchaks. However, this interpretation does not seem objective. The problems in interpreting the contents of Codex Cumanicus are explained by the fact that its study has so far been carried out only by Turkologists, limiting themselves to purely linguistic issues. Therefore, an interdisciplinary method was used to interpret the image of the parrot on the monument, involving data from cultural studies, art history, religious studies, source studies, ethnology and archeology. The image of the parrot carries an important and profound meaning, connected not with the culture of the Kipchaks of Egypt, but with the Christian tradition, in particular with the content of the German part of the Codex Cumanicus, with the image of the Virgin Mary and the immaculate birth of Jesus Christ, to whom a significant part of the fragments of the Bible translated into the Polovtsian language is dedicated and which are often depicted on medieval engravings with a parrot. The parrot acts as a symbol of the immaculate image of Mary and Christ.
- Keywords:
- Codex Cumanicus, translation of the Bible into the Polovtsian language, image of a parrot, symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ
Upravlenie ekzamenatsionnoi trevozhnost'iu v tsifrovuiu epokhu: kompleksnyi analiz sostoianiia studentov
ProceedingTechnopark of universal pedagogical competencies- Authors:
- Konstantin A. Stepanov, Daniil A. Polkovnikov, Nadezhda N. Viktorovich
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена проблеме психических состояний студентов во время экзаменационной сессии. Исследована динамика тревожности студентов до, во время и после сессии. Описаны особенности поведения высоко тревожных учащихся. Представлены методы коррекции экзаменационного стресса и оптимизации снижения уровня тревожности.
- Keywords:
The role of the mentor in the process of speech therapy work
ProceedingInclusive education: from mass standardization to mass uniqueness- Authors:
- Anita I. Miasoedova, Natalia V. Zimovets
- Work direction:
- Наставничество в практике инклюзивного образования
- Abstract:
- Наставничество в логопедических группах является одним из ключевых методов работы с детьми, испытывающими проблемы в речевом развитии. Логопедические группы предоставляют возможность детям общаться и взаимодействовать друг с другом, что способствует более эффективному прогрессу в их развитии. Однако для достижения максимальных результатов необходимо наличие квалифицированного наставника, который будет оказывать поддержку и руководить процессом работы. В статье рассмотрены основные принципы наставничества в логопедических группах, а также его роль в индивидуальном развитии каждого ребенка. Обсуждены практические аспекты работы наставника: от выбора подходящих методик до создания эффективных коммуникативных стратегий. Познакомившись с этой темой ближе, можно получить ценные знания о том, как помочь детям преодолевать трудности в речевом развитии через коллективную работу и процесс наставничества.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, speech therapist, mentoring, speech therapy group
Novaia kontseptsiia razvitiia Rossii s suverennoi ekonomikoi - "ekonomikoi predlozheniia"
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Gennadshchii V. Iudin, Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Tat'iana N. Vasiagina, Igor' A. Gorbatov, Irina M. Ryzhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (PIEF–2023), the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin presented a new concept for the development of a country with a sovereign economy. This time, the president did not as much emphasize and highlight priorities, as he summarized the theoretical and methodological basis for the announced model. The President answered the fundamental question: how and in what way will the new Russian economy be built – «the economy of supply». We are talking about the transition to a qualitatively new level of development – to a sovereign economy that not only reacts to market conditions and takes into account demand, but also forms this demand. Such an economy is often called the «supply economy» and presupposes a large-scale increase in production forces and the expansion of the service sector, the widespread creation of new modern industrial facilities and entire industries, including in those areas "... where we have not yet proven ourselves properly, but there are scientific opportunities, creative potential that we have, of course» – that's how V.V. Putin described the contours of the new development model. The main principles will be: orientation of the education system on employment of graduates; expansion of entrepreneurial activity; increasing the attractiveness of Russia as a state of central jurisdiction for conducting global business and preventing the transfer of funds from the country abroad; ensuring investment growth; maximum spread of the «lean production» system; automation and mastering of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Experts named the immediate «builders of the country's technological sovereignty»: to achieve it, experts in artificial intelligence, blockchain and robotics will be needed.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Russia's development model, education reform in the year of the teacher and mentor 2023, education reform, robotic automation, aircraft models, drones, quadrocopters, flight training, new subjects in school, labor lessons at school
Nastavnichestvo v studencheskoi srede v meditsinskom vuze: sushchestvuiushchie problemy studencheskogo i prepodavatel'skogo nastavnichestva
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Sudakov, Oleg V. Sudakov, Olga I. Gordeeva, Galina V. Sych
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses the issue of mentoring in a medical school. This topic is very relevant due to the fact that the process of forming a new doctor as a specialist is not only one of the priority tasks of the social sphere and medicine in particular, but also an important task for the state as a whole. Since ancient times, the deepest knowledge and experience have been passed on from mentor to student – future physician. Recently, in addition to pedagogical mentoring, student mentoring has begun to emerge in the world. However, the continuation of the existence of mentoring and its development is impossible without identifying possible difficulties and problems, which was the goal of the presented work. The subjects of the study were 150 people – students and teachers of VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko. Group 1 included 50 1st year students of the Faculty of Medicine; group 2 – 50 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine; Group 3 – 50 university teachers from various departments. After processing and assessing the gender and age composition, the subjects were asked to evaluate various aspects related to mentoring, in particular – the level of awareness of mentoring, both pedagogical and student; determine the need for mentoring of both types in general and assess their impact on the educational process and on the choice of further specialty. The final part of the study was an analysis of various problems associated with both pedagogical and student mentoring. The data obtained allow to take a fresh look at mentoring in general and at existing problems, and to think about possible ways to solve them. This article may be of some interest to higher education teachers and medical university teachers involved in mentoring, as well as participating in the formation of student mentoring.
- Keywords:
- teacher, student, mentoring, problem
Updating the antonymic layer of adjectives in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment (III level)
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article provides a system for analyzing adjectives to update their antonymic layer in children of senior preschool age with ODD (III level of speech development).
- Keywords:
- antonyms, children 6 - 7 years old, general speech underdevelopment (III level)
Features of the antonymic layer of adjectives in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment (III level)
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko, Elena V. Zvereva
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article describes the features of the antonymic layer of adjectives, which manifest themselves when updating existing knowledge and ideas in children of senior preschool age with ODD (III level of speech development).
- Keywords:
- antonyms, general speech underdevelopment (III level), children 6–7 years old
Poznanie i obrazovanie v kontekste sotsial'no-filosofskogo analiza noosfernogo protsessa
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Author:
- Evgeniya P. Sabodina
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the human dimension of the phenomenon of cognition of the world in the historical perspective of the educational process, from antiquity to our time. The paper examines the possibilities of cognition and education, both through the creation of a categorical apparatus and its development in the process of education, and through the power of creative imagination in the framework of the cognitive process. The principles of the connection between spiritual and material, signs, functions, types and essence of these principles are formulated and characterized, the role of human activity as the leading force of the planetary noospheric process is shown.
- Keywords:
- education, principle, cognition, biosphere, noosphere, imagination, ontology, pedosphere, consciousness, praxeology, intention, logos, feature, function, mayeutics, the problem of human alienation, inductive-definitive method of cognition, metaphysics, absolute
Sravnitel'nyi analiz kolichestvennykh i kachestvennykh pokazatelei publikatsionnoi aktivnosti kafedr "DGPU"
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Omar M. Omarov, Sharip O. Ismailov, Ramazan I. Annaev
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The chapter presents the results of a comparative analysis of the publication activity of the teaching staff of the departments of the Faculty of Physical Education of Dagestan State Pedagogical University. The obtained research results are based on the scientometric database of the RSCI. According to a set of hetero-geneous scientometric indicators: the number of publications, the citation index, the Hirsch index, the impact factor and the categories of journals in the List of the Higher Attestation Commission in which articles are published, the authors have compiled ratings of departments, an integrated assessment of their publication productivity is given. The importance of research related to the publication activity of higher school teachers is emphasized: the study of the publication activity of teachers and structural units of the university allows not only to assess the current situation of the effectiveness of research activities, but also assumes its informational value in solving the tasks of improving the efficiency of planning and organization of scientific work of departments (faculties), in order to increase the competitiveness of the university.
- Keywords:
- comparative analysis, scientometric indicators, publication activity, rating of departments
Pedagogical Potential of Mentoring (in the Framework of Implementing the Forms “Teacher – Teacher”, “Student – Pupil”)
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Anastasia V. Koreneva, Inna V. Ryzhkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- The chapter reveals the potential of mentoring as a «personalized support strategy» based on the maximum actualization of the creative potential of teachers and students. The experience of organizing mentoring within the framework of the «teacher-teacher» model is described, and the main stages of the work are characterized. Mentoring in the «student-pupil» form is also considered. Using specific examples from our own practice, it is proven that this form can be most holistically implemented in the course of joint design and research activities of mentors and mentees.
- Keywords:
- project activities, mentor, mentoring, forms of mentoring, mentee, target mentoring model, personalized support
Variable ways to support the adaptation of young people with disabilities to the workplace
Book ChapterDirections for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor- Authors:
- Olga A. Denisova, Olga L. Lekhanova, Tatiana V. Gudina, Olga A. Glukhova, Denis A. Bukin
- Work direction:
- Глава 13
- Abstract:
- The chapter is devoted to the problem of theoretical and practical understanding of the issue of designing variable trajectories to support adaptation in the workplace of young disabled people. The problem is solved through consideration of support trajectories and mechanisms for promoting employment of this category of citizens. An analysis of the main barriers to adaptation and issues of overcoming them was also carried out. The authors analyze and evaluate the success of adaptation to the workplace of young disabled people. For this purpose, a comparative study of graduates with disabilities and normotypical peers was conducted. It was revealed that adaptation of graduates with disabilities is a multicomponent neoplasm. This should be taken into account when strategically planning the content of mentors’ work, when building a system of employee motivation, as well as when implementing adaptation measures to reduce the anxiety and uncertainty of young professionals with disabilities.
- Keywords:
- adaptation, limited health opportunities, students with disabilities, mentoring, employment of people with disabilities, inclusive higher education
Ontological Models of Proverbs as Precedent Texts (on the Material of Different Structural Models in the Russian and Chuvash Languages)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 2- Authors:
- Aleksei R. Gubanov, Ekaterina A. Kozhemiakova, Galina F. Gubanova
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- This article presents an analysis of proverbs as precedent texts and their ontological (conceptual) models in the Russian and Chuvash languages as having different structures. The relevance of the work is due to the cognitive-pragmatic approach to the linguistic picture of the world of proverbs, as well as the need to determine the status of the ontological model of precedent texts of proverbs as a special structure of knowledge that characterizes the features of ethno-linguistic consciousness. Based on the material of Russian and Chuvash proverbs, a conceptual analysis of the precedent texts of proverbs is carried out. The basic models of the subject's cognitive decision-making strategy are distinguished: 1) cognitive setting for a low / high degree of argumentative impact: a) with the axiological dominant “gradation”; b) with a stereotypical dominant; c) with adaptive dominant; 2) cognitive attitude with the axiological component “positive – negative”. The identified types of axiological components of conceptual objects act as factors, grounds that ensure the use of proverbs as an argument, reflecting the values and traditions of the Russian and Chuvash cultural communities. Characteristic for acts of argumentation in which proverbs are used are such basic structures as one-sided argumentation and two-sided argumentation. In the discourse in the relationship of communicants in the languages under consideration, simple and complex speech acts with proverbs are used, which have the same pragmatic features, but differ in quantitative terms and communicative conditions of functioning. The structure of the precedent text of proverbs is presented as an ontology in the Protégé ontology editor system, since in modern research ontology is considered the leading paradigm of information content structuring.
- Keywords:
- conceptual analysis, proverbs, precedent text, ontological model, argumentative discourse, languages of different structures, ethno-linguistic consciousness, cognitive-pragmatic approach, speech act, Protege system
Latin as a nature of deontological principles of medicine and humanitarian values of teaching and learning at medical universities
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Marina B. Pavliuchenok, Natalia A. Uliankova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- In their work, the authors reveal the applied role of the Latin language as an important propaedeutic discipline in the formation of professional ethical principles and moral qualities among students of the medical university, which they need both in the learning process and in future medical activity. The special influence of humanitarian comments on professional vocabulary and aphorisms of medical and general cultural content on the comprehensive development of students' personality is also considered. Significant aspects of this influence are orientation to humanistic values and self-development, increasing the level of general culture and education, understanding the essence and meaning of concepts, showing interest in science and language learning, improving oral speech skills and the ability to express their thoughts competently and intelligently, improving perception and memory training. In this paper, it is noted that the stereotype of the Latin language as an insignificant discipline, where its role is reduced only to the training of terminologically competent specialists, has long been outdated. The authors tried to present the Latin language not only as a narrow-profile subject for future physicians, but as the language of Antiquity and its great heritage, as the language spoken and written by famous philosophers, orators, poets and doctors, as a language that has provided and still provides cultural and spiritual influence on the personal formation of people. The conclusions obtained in the course of the work are of interest to the teaching staff of the Latin Language Department at the Medical University and medical students.
- Keywords:
- morality, medicine, humanitarization, ethics, deontology, Latin
Knowledge Representation in Multilingual Education Resources
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Eugeniya M. Volegzhanina, Irina S. Volegzhanina
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Introduction. Ontologies are now recognised as the advanced standard of knowledge representation for e-learning and some industries. In particular, the development of multilingual ontological education resources is characterised as a promising area of research in the context of industry universities’ digital transformation. The article deals with the development of an academic course multilingual ontology in a Controlled Natural Language. Relevance. Although there are many ontology editors, national developers of education resources should be familiar with formal logic and have a good command of English. Therefore, it is difficult to discuss widespread use of ontology-based education solutions in Russian universities. Materials and Methods. The article offers a version of Controlled Russian Language for academic knowledge representation. A methodology to be used for compiling academic course ontologies is developed. As an example, a piece of ontology for the Introductory Course on Railways is considered. Results and Discussion. To support this way of knowledge representation, a prototype of ontology editor was developed to support the version of Controlled Russian Language. To implement the multilanguage function, equivalent versions for the Controlled Russian Language ontology were developed in English and Chinese. Conclusions. The solutions are a contribution to the implementation of an open project to develop an ontology resource integrating universities and industry.
- Keywords:
- education, ontology, academic course, Controlled Russian Language, knowledge representation, muiltilingual, transport industry
Analysis and Synthesis of the Scientific Research Carried Out on the Topic “Duality of the Target Contract System of Teaching Students of Vocational Education and Training: Scientific and Methodological Support of a Practice-Oriented Approach in Assessing the Quality of Vocational Training”
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Irina M. Ryzhova, Viktor P. Ermakov, Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Gennadshchii V. Iudin
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- A strategic study of the socio-economic development of Russia determines significant changes in the vocational education system which is discussed in this chapter. Professional training of workers, employees, specialists is the basis for the reform and modernization of production in accordance with innovative technological equipment. Decisions on how to «tune as much as possible» (V.V. Putin's statement) vocational education to the needs of the economy, to solve the problems of development of individual regions and the country as a whole system of dual education, but also strengthening the country's technological sovereignty, factors of national security and «quality of life of people». In fact, today it is necessary to adjust the model of vocational training in colleges and institutes in line with strengthening its practice-orientation, targeting and mobility. Today, the dual system of professional (German) education has received worldwide recognition, it is the most widespread and recognized form of personnel training, which combines theoretical training (in our country 40%, in Germany 20–25%) in educational institutions and industrial training 75–80% enterprises); 96% of young people who underwent dual training got a job in enterprises, today this is the best indicator in Western Europe.
- Keywords:
- dual education, FGOS 3++, technological sovereign of the country, NTO, TOP-50, education in the SSO system, FGOS 4++
Review on: Tagirova L. F. (2011). Cantonal Chiefs of Bashkiria: The National Regional Elite of the First Half of the XIX century, 164
ReviewEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Elena V. Godovova
- Work direction:
- Reviews and Peer-Reviews
- Abstract:
- A review of the monograph by Ufa historian L. F. Tagirova "Cantonal chiefs of Bashkiria: the national regional elite of the first half of the nineteenth century", published in Ufa in 2011, is presented. The author raised an urgent topic related to the study of social national leaders, namely cantonal chiefs of Bashkiria, their incorporation into state authorities structures. Conceptually, this study can become a model for the study of national regional elites of various territories or become the basis for comparative studies.
- Keywords:
- Bashkiria, Tagirova, cantonal system, cantonal chiefs, national regional elite
Possibilities of self-control when drawing and copying in older preschool children with mental retardation (message 2)
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of correcting mistakes made when drawing and copying by children of older preschool age with mental retardation. This article is a continuation of message 1, which provides options for correcting children of older preschool age with a mental retardation of their drawings in the course of organized self-control. This article presents the ratio of variants of violations of optical-spatial orientation and the possibilities of organized self-control in children of older preschool age with mental retardation.
- Keywords:
- self-control, mental retardation (MPD), older preschool age, antonymic connections and relationships, graphic tools
Possibilities of Self-Control When Drawing and Copying in Older Preschool Children With Mental Retardation (Message 1)
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Author:
- Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of correcting mistakes made when drawing and copying by children of older preschool age with mental retardation. The article presents options for correcting children of older preschool age with a mental retardation of their drawings in the course of organized self-control.
- Keywords:
- self-control, mental retardation (MPD), older preschool age, antonymic connections and relationships, graphic tools
A review of methods for diagnosing antonymic connections and relationships in children with mental retardation and general underdevelopment of speech
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Authors:
- Elena V. Zvereva, Oksana M. Kovalenko
- Work direction:
- Коррекционная педагогика
- Abstract:
- This article presents methods selected and generalized into a single system that make it possible to most fully identify the quantitative and qualitative features of antonymic connections and relationships in the vocabulary of children of preschool and primary school age with mental retardation and general underdevelopment of speech.
- Keywords:
- general underdevelopment of speech, mental retardation, ONR, antonymic connections, antonymic relationships
The Boundaries of Culture and Multiculturalism from the Perspective of an Anthropological Ontological Turn In Sociology
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology as Sciences for the Formation of the Potential of Modern Society- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 14
- Abstract:
- The chapter addresses to the theoretical foundations of multiculturalism as a potential for the development of a modern multi-ethnic and multi-confessional society from the position of an ontological turn in sociology, in which culture as a universal method of understanding human diversity is placed in a pluralistic approach to ontology, involving a variety of ontological schemes that form various social systems, each of which has its own understanding human differences. Sociality is not so much a condition of human existence as an attribute that is distributed among entities according to certain ontological classifications. Also, culture cannot exhaustively explain the sources of differences between human groups, since it is the product of one of these ontological schemes. The challenge that sociological theory must accept in such a way that the ontological turn in anthropology is not to circumvent and eliminate the differences between ontological perspectives, but to constantly change its conceptual obligations within the framework of a comparative approach to ontology, which eliminates any neutral point of view.
- Keywords:
- culture, anthropology, multiculturalism, sociology, ontological turn, social ontology