In the submitted article the praktiko-focused approach in the conditions of the new social order of public authorities of the power in the field of education, through strengthening of the institution of the family reveals: motherhood, the childhood, paternity on the basis of institutions of the state support of the childhood. The transformations of conceptual and standard and legal character defining priorities of state policy in the sphere of education of children taking into account requirements of society of formation of readiness for a responsible roditelstvo for modern Russian society are...
авторы статьи представляют наработанный опыт сопровождения замещающих семей. Данная работа представляет интерес для специалистов, работающих с замещающими семьями. Авторами представлен практический опыт построения технологии работы с замещающими семьями в ГКУСО РО Азовском центре помощи детям. Обоснован выбор методов и форм работы с замещающими родителями и приемными детьми. Представлены результаты анкетирования замещающих родителей по вопросу взаимодействия со специалистами центра помощи детям.
в статье представлено актуальное исследование личностной тревожности как источника многих последующих эмоциональных, личностных, поведенческих и психосоматических нарушений у подростков, проживающих в интернатном учреждении. Авторы подчеркивают, что тревога обусловлена резкими изменениями в жизни подростков, порождающими неопределенность и непредсказуемость настоящего и будущего и, как следствие, переживание эмоциональной напряженности, тревоги и формирование устойчивого состояния тревожности.
the article discusses the theoretical and methodological foundations of the system approach. The authors of the article presented the points of view of foreign, domestic authors, as well as scientists of the Rostov region on the key fundamentals of the system approach as a starting point for building a model of training a social pedagogue. A systematic approach is the basis of any pedagogical methodology with its goals, objectives, forms and methods. It is this approach that produces, strengthens and develops the methodology to the level of the pedagogical system. The article is of scientific...
the study of the problem of deviant behavior of adolescents from substitute families is necessary for the timely identification and correction of “unhealthy” behavior of foster children, necessary for successful self-realization, socialization and interaction with substitute parents, teachers, peers. Among teenagers from substitute families, cases of aggression, cruelty, antisocial, criminal behavior, forms of alcohol and drug addiction are increasingly being identified. The chapter presents a theoretical and methodological analysis of the author's approaches to the study and analysis of devia...
In article the question of integration of the theory and practice of social pedagogical education is brought up. The author represents practical experience of functioning of department of social pedagogics on the basis of the organization for orphan children – GKUSO of the Azov center of the help to children of the Rostov region. Focuses attention on urgent need today in providing the organizations of social orientation by highly qualified, competitive personnel which will be able to carry out innovative transformations in the sphere of the activity, to fulfill national objectives on places.