Anna A. Potapova

Place of work

Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics
graduate student

Author's articles(3)

Tsennosti semeinogo vospitaniia v pedagogicheskom nasledii P.F. Lesgafta



в статье рассматривается проблема семейного воспитания в трудах П.Ф. Лесгафта. Целью исследования является выделение системы ценностей в семье, которые способствуют полноценному развитию гармоничной личности. Семейное воспитание накладывает на родителей огромную ответственность за будущее своих детей. Как считает Лесгафт, семья является основным институтом становления человека. В статье выделяются основы воспитания, о которых пишет Лесгафт в своих трудах. Это признание личности ребенка, его неприкосновенность, последовательность в родительском отношении к детям словом и делом, систематическое...

Peter Lesgaft's Ideas about Physical Education of a Child and their Relevance in a Modern Family



this article presents the results of a study devoted to studying the relevance of Peter Lesgaft’s ideas about physical education in a modern family. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that new technologies are currently being developed that create a risk of a sedentary lifestyle, especially in children. Therefore, the need for physical education in the family is of particular importance in modern society. The main provisions of the teachings of Peter Lesgaft, which have not lost their relevance today, can become a serious help in resolving this issue. The purpose of the study is to de...

Psychological and pedagogical principles of the harmonious development of a child’s personality in the works of P.F. Lesgaft



this article reflects the results of a theoretical analysis of P.F. Lesgaft’s ideas on the psychological and pedagogical principles of the harmonious development of a child. The relevance of the study is due to disharmony in the development of the physical, moral and mental components of personality in modern children. The intellectual sphere receives the greatest development among the younger generation, with insufficient attention to other areas. In this regard, the revival of the main provisions of the concept of the great humanist scientist becomes especially significant. The purpose of th...