the psychological characteristics of gifted children are considered, the goals of work with talented youth for a social society are formulated. The main forms and methods of development of gifted pupils and students in their educational process at school and university are described. The pedagogical conditions, the implementation of which increases the effectiveness of the educational process for the development of creativity and intelligence of bachelors are identified. The relationship of giftedness and professional formation of future specialists is substantiated.
the article examines the problem of psychological safety of students-pharmacists in the educational space. Scientific approaches to the concepts of «psychological safety», «educational environment» from the psychological and pedagogical sides are investigated. The article reveals the features of creating psychological and pedagogical conditions that meet the modern requirements of psychological safety of higher education in the process of teaching students and affect the formation of the professional orientation of future pharmacists in choosing profession.
the article presents the results of a psychological and pedagogical study to determine the level of professional orientation among 1st year students of the specialty "Pharmacy". Based on the results, a further educational model of professional self-determination of future pharmacists is built.
в настоящее время в университетах России большое значение уделяется межнациональному обмену студентами, что способствует интеграции культуры, традиций разных стран в образовательную среду вуза. Однако не каждый иностранный обучающийся готов сразу влиться в образовательный процесс, адаптироваться и найти непосредственно контакт с одногруппниками, преподавательским составом. На основе этого могут возникать недопонимания, конфликты, настороженность между ними и местными студентами, преподавателями. Поэтому цель нашего исследования – проанализировать различные психолого-педагогические условия, кот...
в статье рассмотрена специфика формирования профессиональной направленности будущих фармацевтов в образовательной среде университета. Проанализирован методологический подход к понятиям «профессиональная направленность», «образовательная среда», «психолого-педагогические условия», обобщены виды условий (дидактические, психологические, материально-технические, организационно-методические), которые были применены к профессиональной подготовке студентов специальности 33.05.01 Фармация. Представлены экспериментальные результаты влияния на профессиональные и личностные качества студентов-фармацевтов...
The article presents the results of the influence of the cultural and historical context on the educational process of students of specialty 05.33.01 "Pharmacy". The essence of professional orientation and its structure are considered from the perspective of the cultural and historical aspect, which is effective in the educational environment of the university. On the basis of the university, a study was conducted on the implementation of a system of technological educational maps aimed at the development of professional orientation components (motivational-value, cognitive, emotional, conativ...
The article discusses various aspects of the formation of professional and personal competencies in future pharmacists in the context of the educational process at the university. The didactic and criterion-evaluative material is presented, which is an important component in the formation of the professional and personal orientation of students. The article analyzes the results of a study of students of the specialty "Pharmacy" to assess the definition of the content of education for the effective training of highly qualified specialists in the field of pharmacy.