List of publications on a keyword: «man»
Innovative Aspects of Personnel Management in a Service Organization
Book ChapterThe Influence of Creative Industries on the Russian Economy: Service, Hospitality, Advertising and Others- Authors:
- Oksana I. Radina, Ekaterina S. Alekhina, Tatiana V. Volodina
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- This chapter examines the relevance of the introduction of personnel innovations, the types of personnel technologies and the principles of their adaptation in the process of working with personnel. The research is based on the reports of the real estate agency on working with employees and their perception of innovations in the management of the personnel system, based on questionnaire and survey methods.
- Keywords:
- human resources, innovations, personnel, service economy, personnel technologies
Reindeer Lexicon in Ural Languages in the Context of Language Contacts
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Sergey A. Myznikov
- Work direction:
- Languages of the Nations of the World
- Abstract:
- This paper provides an overview of the study of reindeer husbandry and vocabulary associated with it on the material of the Uralic languages. The article is based on the methods of etymological and comparative analysis. The source base of the research was the dictionary materials and personal observations of the author. The purpose of this work is to analyze the reindeer herding vocabulary in the context of the linguistic contacts of the Ural peoples. It is noted that the systematic study of various aspects of reindeer husbandry based on the material of different ethnic groups began in the second half of the 20th century. The most important for the analysis are the materials of the Samoyed languages, in particular the Nenets, whose influence extended to adjacent linguistic continua. There is a section on reindeer husbandry in the context of interethnic and interlingual contacts, since the latter is often the result of economic and interethnic contacts. In a number of cases, the Nenets were the source of distribution of certain methods of using reindeer. An attempt was made to comprehensively analyze the Northern Russian dialect borrowed data, possible etymons that are recorded in the Komi language, the Baltic-Finnish, Ob-Ugric languages, as well as in the Samoyed languages. The interaction of the Samoyed, Perm and Ob-Ugric continuums is noted on the data of the vocabulary of reindeer husbandry.
- Keywords:
- vocabulary, Nenets Ob-Ugric, Sami, Perm, Samoyed, Komi, Khanty, Mansi, reindeer husbandry vocabulary
Ethnocultural Approach to the Formation of Musical and Pedagogical Repertoire on the Example of Vocal Lyrics of Chuvash Composers
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Alisa L. Agakova
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to substantiate the ethno-cultural approach to the formation of the musical and pedagogical repertoire of students of the Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts. The implementation of the ethno-cultural approach ensures the orientation of their professional training to the development of culture as a historically determined type of human activity with certain ethnic characteristics. The author examines the potential of Chuvash vocal lyrics in the aspect of an ethnocultural approach, for which he analyzes romance in detail as a genre of Chuvash composer music. Based on the method of stylistic analysis, conclusions are drawn about the derivative character of the Chuvash romance, which goes back through the Russian medium to the medieval European musical tradition. The first Chuvash romances were vocal works based on the words of the classics of Russian literature A. Pushkin and M. Lermontov translated into the Chuvash language. Subsequently, independent Chuvash works with an ethnic sound appeared in the Chuvash musical art (works by O. Agakova, Y. Grigoriev). Romances have enriched Chuvash chamber music with vivid artistic images, they are characterized by a deep insight into the drama of verse, sincerity, lyricism and nobility of utterance, a variety of forms. The musical and pedagogical repertoire of vocal students should be supplemented with works of both the early stage (romances to the words of Pushkin and Lermontov translated into Chuvash) and modern (romances with ethnic sounding accompaniment with a characteristic Chuvash folk music mode and metrorhythmics, with Russian and Chuvash texts).
- Keywords:
- creativity, national culture, composer, heritage, song, romance, vocal lyrics
Chuvash Folklore in the Creative Work of Performing Musicians and Music Teachers of Chuvashia
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 4 No 1- Author:
- Lyubov I. Bushueva
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the study of the creative experiences of Chuvash amateur authors – performers and teachers who created compositions based on national musical folklore. The purpose of the work is to draw the attention of musicians of Chuvashia to the valuable Chuvash composer and performer creativity and to promote the introduction of the creative heritage of performers and teachers of the past into the educational process of institutions of additional and professional education. The subject of the study was the compositions of performers and teachers, created by them on the material of Chuvash musical folklore. Based on the methods of theoretical analysis, the author traces the history of the development of pedagogical and instructional direction in Chuvash music, and reviews existing textbooks. The author pays special attention to the Piano Chrestomathy by O. Ya. Agakova. It is concluded that folklore takes a significant place in the creative practice of Chuvash performers and teachers of musical disciplines. This, on the one hand, is due to the powerful potential of folklore and the relatively late formation of Chuvash professional music, on the other. Such developments have educational potential and are a valuable source of performing repertoire. The development of music education in the Chuvash Republic is unthinkable without relying on existing traditions and developing new textbooks.
- Keywords:
- Chuvash music, musical folklore, educational and methodical manual, Agakova, Maksimov
Managing the Development of the Region’s Road Infrastructure: A Methodological Approach to Assessing the Effectiveness of Its Development
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana E. Ivanova, Mariia A. Luchino
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- Modern road infrastructure is crucial for the socio-economic development of the region. The article discusses the management system of the region's road infrastructure, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of its development. It is concluded that the available methodological tools do not fully allow to assess the effectiveness of the development of the road infrastructure of the region and its compliance with the needs of the region, therefore it is necessary to further improve it
- Keywords:
- road infrastructure, assessment of the level of development of the road infrastructure of the region, the management system of the road infrastructure of the region, socio-economic development of the region, management of the development of road infrastructure
Management of Higher Education Development: Conceptual Foundations and Analytical Management Models
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana E. Ivanova, Oksana F. Shapovalova
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- In recent decades, there have been significant changes in management in general, and in particular in the management of education, which is associated with such processes as globalization, commercialization, public sector reforms and the emergence of the knowledge economy and society. The article discusses the main theoretical approaches developed by researchers in recent years, including the main models of management of the development of higher education. It is concluded that the applicability of a particular management model in countries is determined by the role and place of the education system in them, the historically established interaction of the education system and society. None of the considered models makes it possible to identify its advantages over other models, therefore, the development of education management models needs further development.
- Keywords:
- higher education, management tools, management models, coordination triangle, education management
Corruption in Customs Authorities: Causes, Features and Measures to Counteract
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana E. Ivanova, Svetlana O. Shumilina
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Abstract:
- Customs authorities, due to the specifics of their activities, have always been in the zone of increased corruption risks. The article identifies the features, causes of corruption in customs authorities, as well as the existing system of anti-corruption measures. However, despite the fact that the methods of combating corruption are constantly being improved, the problems of combating corruption remain relevant and require further development
- Keywords:
- corruption, anti-corruption, customs authorities, corruption perception index, corruption manifestations
The Subject “Philosophy of Sports” as an Object of Understanding by a Physical Education Teacher
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Kirill S. Spiridonov
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- In this article, I will consider the problems of physical culture and sports, based on my observations in practice, and tell you what a modern teacher of physical culture and sports needs to understand and know today so that he can work more effectively in his classes. I will tell you about the subject "Philosophy of Sports" for a more extensive understanding of the area I am touching on. I will try to convey information, in a clear way, about what is needed in order for children to have results at school, and how to look at these results if they are not visible. Also in this article you will be able to take something new, innovative and interesting for yourself, and something will be a topic for your thoughts.
- Keywords:
- strategy, sport, development, methodology, subject, time, process, change, regularity, space, theory, observations, high performance, data
N.N. Iordansky: about Social Education in the Soviet School (First Post-October Decade)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to consider the views and assessments on the issues of social education of one of the prominent representatives of the Russian scientific and pedagogical community N.N. Iordansky, to trace their connection with the present. Research material. Scientific and pedagogical works of N.N. Iordansky became the material for the research. Research results and conclusions. One of the main directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of N.N. Iordansky was the issues of social education. The ideas and recommendations formulated by him were aimed at preparing a thinking and practically oriented graduate at school, capable and striving to independently acquire knowledge, determine his place in life and who is ready to successfully move along the intended path. They represent not only an important contribution to the history of pedagogical thought, but are also relevant for modern pedagogy.
- Keywords:
- social education, social environment of the child, activity and amateur performance of pupils, individuality and collectivity work of pupils, school government
Open Resources in the Process Management of an Educational Organization in the Context of Integration and Inclusion
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Authors:
- Alica Vančová, Terézia Harčaríková, Ildan G. Idiyatullin, Mongush N. Chochagay
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The formation of a digital education space is an important moment for the development of the education system in the modern world. The article analyzes the problems of ensuring the security of information technologies in the management of the educational process of organizations, the risks and threats of open Internet resources in the context of integration and inclusion. It is proposed to identify the process of forming digital mentors in a pandemic Covid time as a safe expert space that can reduce risks and threats. Materials and Methods. Using the method of descriptive analysis of datasets voluntarily made publicly available on the Internet by educational organisations allowed the authors to investigate examples of large-scale projects of virtual schools in the formats of exchange models for information subscribers and system integrators. The issues of ensuring the safety of underage users, legal shortcomings of access and protection of Internet consumers of open educational resources were discussed. Results. The study has shown that the evidence from innovative processes of developing and producing open educational resources is complex, context-specific and difficult to generalise. Such initiatives require significant organisational change, including external partners of educational organisations and stakeholders with different cultures and educational practices. The authors highlight the use of benchmarking technology as a tool for the quality of intellectual integrations and the effectiveness of educational activities as a whole as an important condition for the success of the processes taking place. In the context of the research, the authors raise the issue of computer addiction among pupils and students and their safe interaction with multifaceted information online, drawing attention to the need for legal and educational measures for online safety, which should be planned and implemented in the educational organisation on a regular basis. Open educational resource OER initiatives are related to institutional change and require appropriate pedagogical and psychological approaches and legal support to help all actors in the educational space adapt to changes in the IT culture. The materials of this article will be useful to specialists and educational managers, including inclusive education, in developing prospective strategies for digital education and models for the development, production and maintenance of open educational resources.
- Keywords:
- integration, information technology, open resource security, control management system, inclusion, benchmarking
Learning Toponyms at School
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 4- Author:
- Anna S. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Дискуссия
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the issues of learning toponyms at school. The relevance of the topic is determined by the effectiveness of using toponyms to form students' cultural competencies, to achieve their personal, meta-subject and subject results. Practice shows that the names of geographical objects always arouse great interest among students. Methods used in the study: analysis of scientific and methodological literature on this topic; study and generalization of the experience of teachers working on this topic; observation of the educational process. The results of the work are identification of the most effective methods of using toponyms in the lessons of the Chuvash language and literature for the implementation of educational and educational tasks, compilation of a questionnaire for collecting toponyms, development of methodological recommendations for the organization of research activities of students on this topic. The practical value of this work is determined by the possibility of applying its results by teachers in the classroom and outside of school hours. The author comes to the conclusion that studying the names of geographical objects helps to achieve the planned results, develop cultural competence, learn the history and culture of the native land, realize that language is not only a means of cognition and communication, but also a form of expression of national culture.
- Keywords:
- toponyms, types of toponyms, methods of teaching the Chuvash language, achievement of planned results, questionnaire for collecting Chuvash toponyms, lexical and semantic analysis of toponyms, word-formation analysis of toponyms
Projects and Project Activities in the Activities of Domestic Organisations: objectives and issues
Book ChapterEconomics: Issues, Strategy, Monitoring- Author:
- Aleksandr A. Kiselev
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- Currently, domestic researchers pay much attention to the development of provisions on projects in the activities of organizations, their impact on the efficiency of organizations and the development of new provisions related to project management and organization of project activities. However, the definitions of projects and project management often given by domestic researchers are not linked to the key concepts of the theory of organization management, which leads to the fact that the provisions given by domestic researchers often have no practical application. The article systematizes approaches to defining the essence of projects in the activities of organizations, considers the reasons why projects and project activities become relevant for organizations in a competitive environment, as well as problems and their tasks in the activities of commercial organizations.
- Keywords:
- project, competition, project activities, project management, project uniqueness, organization activities, management activities, project objectives, organizational performance, problems of project activities in organizations
The Main Factors of Well-Being and Success of the Officer Family in the Modern World
ProceedingSocial-Psychological Issues of a Contemporary Family: Value of Motherhood and Childhood- Authors:
- Svetlana I. Mishina, Gulnara S. Bibarsova, Olga A. Ulianova
- Work direction:
- Семья в современном мире
- Abstract:
- The authors of the article considered officer families, defined the role and importance of the family for the officer, highlighted the socio-psychological characteristics of the family of a serviceman, taking into account the influence of the specifics of military service on it. The authors gave an answer to the question how to create a prosperous and happy family for officers, taking into account four types of compatibility, presented the results of a survey conducted among female servicemen studying at the Military Academy of Communications, who answered the question: "What factors of well-being of an officer's family in the modern world do you consider the main ones?", gave recommendations for the preservation of prosperous relationships in young officer families.
- Keywords:
- family, officer, officer's family, types of compatibility in marriage, socio-psychological characteristics of a serviceman's family, factors of well-being of an officer's family, prosperous relationships
Innovatsionnye metody motivatsii v upravlenii personalom organizatsii
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Authors:
- Oksana V. Khlopenko, Oksana A. Mazhuga
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- The article substantiates the need to revise the existing approaches in the personnel management of a modern organization in the field of personnel motivation. Motivational models of personnel management in an organization are considered, innovative methods of motivation in personnel management of a modern organization are proposed.
- Keywords:
- motivation, innovative methods, personnel management, remuneration
Development of the Russian Education System: Regional Practices
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Sergei L. Danilchenko
- Work direction:
- Глава 1
- Abstract:
- The author considers the regional aspects of the development of the national education system as a factor and resource of the economic and socio-cultural development of the Russian Federation. The main trends of sustainable development of Russian regions and regional educational systems are identified.
- Keywords:
- higher education, education, regional development, digitalization of education, educational systems, organization of preschool education, modernization of the infrastructure of educational organizations, support of rural schools, system of identification and support of gifted children, creation of models of state management of general education, development of the system of secondary vocational education, provision of the education system with personnel, support of scientific and innovative activities
The Purpose, Content, Structure of the Discipline “Environmental Management and Environmental Listening” in the System of Training Specialists in the Field of Environmental Safety
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Irina I. Matasova
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The article briefly highlights the role of the discipline «Environmental management and environmental safety» in the training of specialists in the field of environmental safety in universities in the context of the implementation of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard HPE 3++. The main ways to support effective training of students for better assimilation of the taught material in this discipline are also determined.
- Keywords:
- competencies, technosphere safety, environmental management, environmental listening, environmental safety
Chelovecheskii kapital kak ekonomicheskaia kategoriia
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Sergei N. Blinkov, Sergei P. Levushkin, Viktor P. Kosikhin
- Work direction:
- Глава 2.
- Abstract:
- An attempt to analyze human capital as an economic category is made. Human capital is one of the most discussed areas in economic theory and is most directly connected with other scientific areas, primarily with pedagogical and medical science, as well as with physical culture and sports. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature. The paper defines the concept of "human capital". The structural components of human capital, its place and role in the modern economy are formulated and analyzed. An analytical review of the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation concerning human capital is made. It is established that the fundamental component of the development of human capital is human health and the analysis of the influence of physical culture and recreation activities on the development of the labor potential of the younger generation is made.
- Keywords:
- human capital, structure, physical health, labor potential, The younger generation
Relevant Issues of Russian Consulting Market
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Authors:
- Anna I. Kashirtseva, Mariia A. Plakhotnikova
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- Modern consulting processes at any level are quite complex and require constant monitoring and improvement to maintain their effectiveness. That is why the interest in studying the consulting market as a separate object of management activity is constantly growing. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of the development of the consulting market that are characteristic of Russian practice and to find optimal ways to eliminate them. The research methodology includes general scientific methods such as comparative analysis of sources, system analysis and synthesis of facts, induction and analogy. The result of the research is a list of problematic areas of the consulting market development and current ways to improve it.
- Keywords:
- efficiency, consulting, consulting market, market development management
Concept of Universal Human Rights: Development and Evolution
Book ChapterEconomics and Law- Author:
- Aleksandr I. Kugai
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- The concept of human rights, having presumably universal meaning, usually derived from "Western' tradition. Although liberals of XVII and XVIII centuries consider the law of nature as a tool for it's protection starting from XIX century the rights (called the human rights by that time) considered as positive abilities to formulate one's personal, subjective preferences of individuals. That evolution must be taken into account both in researches and in political practices, carried out by representatives of different cultures, since the comprehension of an individual and a person as culturally justified serves as a besetting element. Thus the project of universal human rights must be the object of contemplation from the point of view of different cultures and the variety of preferences, oftentimes contradictory ideas, dominating in specific societies, rooted in their cultures, formed and developed over a long many of years. Indeed, both theoretical and practical concepts have huge impact for political being. Speaking not only about implications of specific legislative branches and governments to applications universal human rights standard, but also about creating such standard from different point of views in accordance with the idea of not competing with popular sovereignty.
- Keywords:
- culture, law, human right, universal rights, right, freedom, sovereignty
The Flight of a Man in the Work of Efim Chestnyakov as an Ethnocultural Project: Technical and Moral Foundations
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 3 No 3- Author:
- Elena A. Samodelova
- Work direction:
- Personalia: Artist and Ethnicity
- Abstract:
- Representative of the Silver Age Efim Chestnyakov approached writing and illustrating literary works from the standpoint of an artist and a school teacher. He was also doing painting, clay modeling, hand-made puppet theatre with the participation of children and photography. The topic of creating an aircraft runs through his many-sided work. The relevance of the problem under study shows that Chestnyakov composed entire works and individual stories about the «flying man». For the first time, the question is raised about the influence of various publications of the early XXth century on the literary work of the writer. Methods of historical and philological research and «real commenting» are applied to the material of Chestnyakov’s literary works, based on a comparison of the author's plots and images with folklore works and data on technical innovations of his time. The results of the study and their discussion show that Chestnyakov deeply studied the innovative achievements of his time and reflected them in a creatively transformed form in a well-structured own system of different types and genres of art. Also he was worried about the moral aspects of aircraft construction and the issues of the influence of human flights over long distances on the established life of a traditional society for centuries. Conclusions are made that the first manned flights on the designed aircraft and the means of their detection attracted the attention of Chestnyakov and were widely reflected in his work.
- Keywords:
- Silver Age, human flight in literature, flying ship, plot about Stafiy, literature by Efim Chestnyakov
Organizatsiia kuratorskogo chasa, posviashchennogo professional'nomu tvorchestvu v sfere upravleniia kadrami
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Marina S. Kruglova
- Work direction:
- Chapter 2
- Abstract:
- The paper considers the importance of pedagogical support for the process of forming students' readiness for professional creativity in the field of personnel management. The results of a ten-year study of the process of training students-future human resource managers at the Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin are presented. The features of the perception of future professional activity revealed during the study period indicate a lack of understanding by the first-year students of the meaning, content, specifics, capabilities, and the creative nature of the chosen profession. It is proposed to conduct a curatorial hour, within the framework of which the curator teacher lays the foundations for determining professional creativity in the field of personnel management and, together with each freshman, helps to form an individual trajectory for the development of a future professional.
- Keywords:
- personal management, professional creativity in the field of personnel management, pedagogical creativity, curator, curatorial hour
Professionalizatsiia inoiazychnoi podgotovki studentov-menedzherov: proektnaia deiatel'nost'
Book ChapterIssues of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Nadezhda S. Volkova, Olga A. Zaporotskaia, Nina V. Kudriashova, Ekaterina E. Lukhmanova, Tatiana A. Kharlamova
- Work direction:
- Chapter 3
- Abstract:
- The article outlines the concept of professionalization of language learning, provides reasoning for the application of project approach as one of professionalisation tools in foreign language teaching to the students of management; regards the step-by-step implementation of project work in ESP teaching, points out the outcomes and problems arisen, suggests ways to overcome them.
- Keywords:
- management, foreign language teaching, professionalisation, professional skills, project-based approach
Model of management of the process of development of socialization of primary school children with the help of interactive games
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Research – Tula Region- Author:
- Irina A. Mikhailova
- Work direction:
- Psychological and Pedagogic Aspects of Control in Educational System
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of the development of socialization in primary school children. The main goal is to implement this work in the educational process in primary school. The article describes the ways of developing socialization in primary school children with the help of interactive games on the example of the management model of this process. The model of managing the process of socialization development in primary school is carried out in order to prepare students for the formation of a personality in the modern world.
- Keywords:
- primary school students, socialization, interactive games, management model
The introduction of information services for the involvement of employees working remotely in the infrastructure of the bank PJSC VTB
ProceedingDigital Transformation of State and Municipal Governance- Authors:
- Mikhail V. Kuzmin, Olga A. Romanova
- Work direction:
- Цифровая трансформация и человеческий капитал
- Abstract:
- The main goal of creating an electronic platform for involving employees working remotely in the infrastructure of PJSC VTB Bank is to interest them in a remote work format, create a favorable climate in the company, make employees loyal to their company, and reduce staff turnover. The article reflects the main methods for creating an information service to maintain the corporate culture of bank employees working in a remote format.
- Keywords:
- corporate culture, methods, recommendations, VTB Bank (PJSC), remote work format, information service, content management systems, corporate website
Social factors inflencing the formation of serial killers and maniacs
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Authors:
- Dar'ia S. Abakumova, Svetlana V. Khashaeva
- Work direction:
- Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии
- Abstract:
- This article discusses the problem of the formation and development of deviant personality psychology, which leads to the appearance of criminals convicted of particularly serious serial crimes.
- Keywords:
- youth, psychology, society, childhood, serial killer, maniac