Alexander N. Pozdnyakov

Place of work

SEI of HE in MR “State University of Humanities and Technology”
associate professor
doctor of historical sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(11)

Some Aspects of Pedagogical Education Establishment in Russia in the First Half of the XIX Century



the purpose of the article is to review some aspects of pedagogical education establishment in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. The author outlines that the period of the reign of Emperor Alexander I was characterized by a large-scale educational reform, the purpose of which was to create a single multi-level education system. Its implementation required a large number of teachers. It is emphasized that the solution of the problem of training teachers for gymnasiums was entrusted to the universities. Gymnasium, in turn, had to prepare teachers for primary schools. During the stud...

Some Aspects of the State Educational Policy in the First Half of the 1920s (According to the Estimates of the Soviet Functionary)



1920-е года заняли особое место в истории российского образования. В сложных экономических, политических, идеологических условиях шло тогда формирование советской школы. В статье рассматриваются некоторые стороны осуществлявшейся в тот период государственной образовательной политики через анализ оценок, которые давались одним из руководящихся работников Наркомпроса И. И. Ходоровским. Его статьи, опубликованные в различных советских изданиях, стали интересным и важным историческим источником.

N.N. Iordansky: about Social Education in the Soviet School (First Post-October Decade)



the purpose of the article is to consider the views and assessments on the issues of social education of one of the prominent representatives of the Russian scientific and pedagogical community N.N. Iordansky, to trace their connection with the present. Research material. Scientific and pedagogical works of N.N. Iordansky became the material for the research. Research results and conclusions. One of the main directions of scientific and pedagogical activity of N.N. Iordansky was the issues of social education. The ideas and recommendations formulated by him were aimed at preparing a thinking a...

Leaflets as a Form of Mass Propaganda Work in the Field of Education in the Early Years of Soviet Authority



Mass agitation and propaganda work was one of the main activities of the Soviet government. Its special form in the first post-revolutionary period was the issue of leaflets. In conditions when other forms and mass media were still being formed, their importance was exceptionally high. The leaflets also played an important role in promoting the new educational policy and its implementation. In the article, using the example of leaflets with diverse target orientation and content concerning education issues, their common features and features are traced

Ideological Origins of the Unified Labor School



the purpose of the article is based on the analysis of materials published in the pre-October period and in the first post-revolutionary years to identify theoretical ideas and practical developments in the field of pedagogy, which formed the basis for the design of the Soviet labor school. Research material. The main sources of the research are scientific and pedagogical publications of representatives of Western pedagogical thought and Russian pedagogy, published in the first decades of the XX century. Research results and conclusions. The analysis of the research source base allowed us to i...

Problemy reformirovaniia rossiiskoi srednei shkoly v publikatsiiakh kontsa XIX - nachala XX v.



российская система образования являлась результатом образовательной реформы императора Александра II и последующих мероприятий в этой сфере. Особое звено в ней составляли учреждения среднего общего образования в форме гимназий и реальных училищ. К концу XIX в. все более явно стали проявляться зародившиеся в них еще в период реформационных преобразований проблемы и недостатки. Цель работы в том, чтобы рассмотреть существовавшие в исследуемый период точки зрения по вопросу о реформировании среднего образования, глубине преобразовательных процессов, их конечных результатах. Источниками исследован...

Women's education in Russia as the most important component of the “women's issue”: based on the materials of the journalistic literature of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries



the purpose of the article is to study the journalistic materials published in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries related to the coverage of the women's issue in Russia, to identify on their basis approaches to solving the problems of the formation and development of women's education, to trace trends in their public perception, to compare their positions. Materials on the women's issue and women's education as its most important component, published in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. They belong not only to famous public figures, writers, but also to those for wh...

Women's Education in Russia: The Role of the Empress Maria's Department of Institutions in its Formation and Development



women's education is the most important direction in solving the «women's issue», especially relevant for the XIX century. The peculiarity of the formation of women's education in Russia consisted in its benevolent support from the highest state authorities. Evidence of this is the long-term activity of the Department of the Institutions of the Empress Maria. The purpose of the study is to establish the importance of the Department as a unique structure in the formation and gradual development of women's education in Russia, to identify the effectiveness of the measures taken. Sources of resea...

Women's gymnasiums in Russia: from the history of their formation and development



the presented work analyzes the most important steps for the formation and development of women's gymnasium education in Russia, compares the roles of the main organizational structures in this activity, identifies areas of interaction between government authorities and the Russian public as a determining factor in achieving significant positive results.

Diocesan schools in the system of women's educational institutions in Russia of the XIX century



the 19th century was a period of active development of women's education in Russia. It resulted in the formation of a wide network of women's educational institutions of various types and types in the country. Diocesan women's schools have taken an important place among them. Having originally appeared as charity shelters for orphaned girls, they have grown into women's theological schools. Their goal was not only charity, but also to provide priestly daughters with an education appropriate to their future mission. With the growth of social educational needs in Russia, the role of women's theo...

L. F. Magnitsky and his "Arithmetic": based on publications of the XIX – early XX centuries



The presented work, based on materials published in the XIX – early XX centuries, traces the main stages of the life and organizational and pedagogical activity of Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky, a mathematician, author of the first printed work in this field in Russia, shows the features of the textbook and its place in the educational literature