List of publications on a keyword: «teaching»
Teaching a Foreign Language in a Non-Linguistic University in the Era of Digitalization
Book ChapterModern Challenges of Education and Psychology of Personality Formation- Author:
- Elena G. Liakhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Abstract:
- This research is devoted to the study of the problem of cognitive risks arising as a result of the digitalization of education, in general, and teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university, in particular. The research method used is a comparative analysis of approaches to teaching a foreign language using artificial intelligence and traditional methods of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion about the need to combine traditional methods of teaching a foreign language with innovative methods using neural networks.
- Keywords:
- teaching foreign languages, artificial intelligence, neural networks, non-linguistic university, cognitive risks
The Importance of Studying Printing Technologies for Students of the Graphic Design Specialty
Book ChapterIssues of modern design education- Author:
- O M. Zhiliaeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- A designer with deep knowledge in the field of printing technologies can more accurately imagine the final result of his work and offer the customer better and more innovative solutions. Knowledge of printing technologies helps students to better navigate the dynamically developing graphics industry and follow new trends and technological innovations. This allows you to be one step ahead and introduce new ideas and approaches in your work, which becomes the key to a successful career in graphic design.
- Keywords:
- graphic design, designer, printing technologies, advertising technologies, advertising production, printing, printing products, packaging, label, teaching graphic students
Features of the use of information computer technologies in biology lessons
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology- Author:
- Galina V. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 11
- Abstract:
- The chapter discusses various ICT methods and tools that can be used to improve the effectiveness of studying biology, as well as the feasibility of using information technology in the classroom to achieve high results. The need to integrate ICT into the educational process to improve the quality of biological education is emphasized. The use of ICT in general secondary education institutions can be an effective means of attracting students to study biology, increasing their cognitive activity, expanding access to relevant information and teaching digital literacy.
- Keywords:
- information computer technologies, teaching methods, innovative technologies, learning technologies
Challenges and Countermeasures of Teaching Ethnic Minority Traditional Sports in Colleges and Universities
ProceedingCurrent trends in the development of education system- Authors:
- Feifei Zhang, Ariunaa Shajinbat
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки, оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры
- Abstract:
- The paper aims to discuss the challenges and countermeasures taken in teaching traditional minority sports in higher education institutions. By analyzing the minority traditional sports and the challenges facing the traditional sports teaching of ethnic minorities in colleges and universities, the paper puts forward the measures that need to be taken to carry out the traditional sports teaching of ethnic minorities in colleges and universities. sports teaching in institutions of higher education, and put forward the measures that need to be taken. The results of the study show that traditional sports of ethnic minorities have strong ethnic characteristics and cultural connotations, and through sports teaching, it can enhance students' knowledge and understanding of ethnic minority cultures, promote exchanges and integration among ethnic groups, promote national unity and progress, and contribute to social harmony and stability. It can enhance students' knowledge and understanding of minority cultures, promote exchanges and integration among various ethnic groups, promote national unity and progress, foster social harmony and stability, and provide theoretical and practical guidance for the inheritance and development of minority traditional sports.
- Keywords:
- higher education, institutions traditional minority sports, teaching measures
Metodicheskoe nasledie professora G.I. Volovnika
ProceedingSocio-Pedagogical Issues of Education and Upbringing- Author:
- Aleksei N. Birzul'
- Work direction:
- Содержание и технологии профессионального образования
- Abstract:
- Статья подготовлена к 100-летию со дня рождения одного из наиболее известных ветеранов ДВГУПС, кандидата технических наук, профессора, основателя специальности «Водоснабжение и водоотведение» в ДВГУПС Георгия Исаевича Воловника (1924–2013). В статье Г.И. Воловник представлен и как талантливый лектор, постоянно работавший над доступностью изложения методов очистки воды, и как плодовитый автор учебных пособий, предложивший новые методические подходы к изложению специальных дисциплин профиля «Водоснабжение и водоотведение» и описавший оригинальные методики в области эксплуатации и реконструкции инженерных сооружений. На конкретных примерах показано, как печатные труды Г.И. Воловника сыграли большую роль в практике преподавания и в дальнейшем развитии методической работы кафедры «Гидравлика и водоснабжение» ДВГУПС.
- Keywords:
- teaching methods, water supply, sewerage, water purification, history of water industry, scientific biography
Thematic peculiarities of teaching programming to schoolchildren
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Konstantin A. Popov
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и дополнительного образования
- Abstract:
- The article examines the content of basic computer science course and additional training for schoolchildren in the field of "Algorithmization and Programming", which are considered to be critical for students' successful preparation for the Unified State Exam.
- Keywords:
- unified state exam, programming, methods of teaching computer science, Python programming language, intradisciplinarity
Features of using neural network platforms for teaching foreign languages in a non-linguistic university
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Elena G. Liakhova
- Work direction:
- Глава 8
- Abstract:
- This study was conducted to find out the advantages and disadvantages of teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university using neural network platforms and to compare such training with traditional teaching of foreign languages. During the research, an analysis of the features of neural networks and learning platforms based on them was carried out. The author of the article conducted experimental training in order to compare the success of mastering lexical and grammatical foreign language material when learning on the Duolingo neural network platform with traditional foreign language teaching. As a result of the study, the author discovered that when learning on neural network platforms, students experience difficulties at the stages of forming and maintaining motivation, presenting new foreign language material, comprehending and rethinking. These difficulties are associated with the risk of cognitive devaluation of students’ memory, the Google effect, the inability of neural networks to structure information, clip thinking, and the lack of comparison of new foreign language phenomena with their analogues in the students’ native language and native culture. At the same time, in the process of experimental training, the author found that vocabulary acquisition occurs more effectively when learning on neural network platforms. In addition, according to the results of the survey, students like to study a foreign language on neural network platforms due to the abundance of game components of such learning. In conclusion, the article provides ways to mitigate and level out the identified shortcomings of learning on neural network platforms, the main of which is the organization of blended learning, in which the teacher forms and maintains student motivation, presents new foreign language material, activates students’ conceptual critical thinking with the help of appropriate exercises, and students perform lexical and grammatical exercises on the neural network platform.
- Keywords:
- artificial intelligence, clip thinking, teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic university, neural network learning platforms, cognitive devaluation of students' memory, conceptual thinking
Features of the formation of the fundamentals of industrial engineering at an engineering and technical university
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Author:
- Aleksandr V. Morev
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- In the process of forming the elements of industrial engineering, practical classes in physics at a technical university play a significant role. A rational selection of the tasks under consideration determines the level of mastery of educational material and influences the potential capabilities of future engineers. Solving standard, frontal, cognitive and multi-level problems contributes to an in-depth understanding of the material and the development of practical skills and competencies among students. The process of solving physical problems with applied technical content motivates students to innovate, develops creativity and practical interest in scientific and seminar research. Combining different teaching methods develops problem-solving skills and contributes to a more complete mastery of the training program.
- Keywords:
- quality of education, methodological support, practical classes, methods of teaching physics
Formation of non-linguistic competencies in teaching latin
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 2- Authors:
- Natalya Y. Sivkina, Irina Y. Vashcheva
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The methodology of teaching Latin has undergone significant changes in recent years, and traditional approaches do not produce high-quality results. Therefore, the search for new effective methods of teaching this discipline becomes relevant. The teaching of the ancient language at a non-linguistic university should form competencies among students related not only to the expansion of their philological horizons, but also those that will be useful in the future profession. The current methodology for teaching the ancient language is based on the traditional structural approach and does not correspond to the new tasks of learning. Students do not understand the importance of this discipline in the formation of non-linguistic competencies. The main general scientific methods of this research are analysis and synthesis, as well as the comparative method. The practical part was carried out using the survey method. As a result of the study, the authors believe that the emphasis in teaching should be shifted to the wider use of algorithms, exercises, trainings in order to make the learning process more active. A new textbook that meets the requirements of time and psychological characteristics of students must also comply with the new methodology focused on a competency approach in higher education.
- Keywords:
- competence approach, latin language, humanities education, Latin language textbooks, methods of teaching Latin
Innovative Paths for Integrated Aesthetic Education in Research-Oriented Universities: An Experimental Study on Blended Online and Offline Music Instruction Based on the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Concept
ProceedingDigitalization in the education system: best practices and implementation practices- Authors:
- Meng Ge, Eryong Li
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии обучения в условиях цифровой трансформации образования
- Abstract:
- This study aims to investigate the application of the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) concept in the development of a blended online and offline music teaching model. It explores the integration of traditional classroom instruction with online resources to enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes in music education. The study reviews relevant literature and incorporates key findings from previous research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the blended teaching model. It emphasizes the importance of defining clear learning outcomes and aligning teaching strategies with these outcomes to ensure student mastery. The study also highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with this blended approach, providing insights for music educators seeking to enhance their teaching practices.
- Keywords:
- blended learning, music education, online teaching, offline teaching, Outcome-Based Education (OBE)
Sovremennye tekhnologii obucheniia v metodicheskoi podgotovke budushchikh uchitelei biologii
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Authors:
- Olga V. Khotuliova, Iuliia A. Iushchenko, Galina V. Egorova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- The study analyses innovative teaching technologies that are used in methodological training of future biology teachers. The essence of the concept "teaching technology" is disclosed, the classification of technologies is presented. In contrast to traditional teaching, interactive methods are gaining popularity, the basis of which is a purposeful and monitored intensive independent work of a student. The author characterises the advantages of practice-oriented technologies for high-quality training of future biology teachers.
- Keywords:
- innovative technologies, methodological training, teaching methodology, teaching technologies, future biology teachers
Theoretical foundations of the formation of the readiness of students of pedagogical classes to choose a teaching profession
ProceedingThe Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology- Author:
- Anastasiia M. Lykova
- Work direction:
- Современные подходы в обучении и воспитании
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes approaches to determining the readiness of high school students to choose a teaching profession. The author presents the essential characteristics of the concept of "readiness", examines the interpretation of the term "readiness to choose a teacher's profession." In the context of modern specialized education, readiness to choose a teaching profession was interpreted taking into account the individual characteristics, interests, values and capabilities of current high school students.
- Keywords:
- high school students, professional self-determination of students, pre-professional pedagogical training, readiness to choose a teaching profession, specialized psychological and pedagogical classes
Voice assistants and spoken English language teaching
ProceedingThe Development of Modern Education in the Context of Pedagogical Competenciology- Author:
- Volha A. Hurskaya
- Work direction:
- Прикладные аспекты формирования и развития образовательных компетенций
- Abstract:
- Through theoretical analysis, the study aims to determine the main advantages of voice assistants in teaching spoken English. The methodology analyzes well-known voice assistants: Alexa from Amazon, Google Assistant, Siri from Apple, Alice from Yandex, and Alesya from the United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences. As a result of the study, data was obtained that the help of the above services facilitated learning spoken language. The study's author concluded that the main advantages of voice assistants are mobility, multilingualism, and fast feedback. With the help of voice assistants, a student can increase his vocabulary, improve pronunciation, and master English grammar.
- Keywords:
- education, online learning, teaching, English language, Miro, online format, Universarium
Optimization of teaching the logic of natural language as a method of cognition
Book ChapterModern issues of pedagogy and psychology: theoretical and methodological approaches and practical research results- Author:
- Nikolai N. Zhaldak
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- The efficiency of human processing of information from digital devices and other sources must be improved. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to give a scientific understanding of the representational logic of natural language as a method of cognition, and teaching it must be made purposeful and optimized. This logic includes its logical means and rules for operating with them and with figurative models of what they denote. Diagrammatic models make the conclusion purely formal. The author substantiates the possibility of this optimization by making a review of the main results of his own long-term scientific and pedagogical experiment. The author's scientific presentation of this logic covers any existential quantifiers that are featured in the diagrammatic dictionaries of the forms of attributive judgments about objects, places, times, cases, points of view; conjunctions with a relevant definition of conjunctions of logical consequence in a diagrammatic dictionary of judgments about cases; system of logical forms of questions. As for reasoning about properties, the most effective method of line-tabular diagrams is suggested. For a gradual teaching of this method and logical thinking from preschool age, a system of visual means, methods, forms of tasks and a technology for the professional training of educators and teachers is offered. Using this technology, according to the suggested forms, they compose and use meaningful tasks, and a special form serves to teach each rule. For children, a method is proposed for demonstrating the meanings of logical forms of judgments with the quantifiers "is", "no", "all", "not all", "only", "not only", "only all", "not only all", "all , except", "there is only", etc. with their fingers. For the blind, devices for teaching solving logical problems by constructing tactile line-tabular diagrams are patented.
- Keywords:
- optimization, teaching, cognition, natural language, logic, diagrams, questions
Developing Spiritual and Moral Values of High School Students in English Lessons
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Natalia A. Fedotova, Galina V. Sorokoumova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The article describes an experimental study aimed at developing the spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. It was assumed that the use of debatable teaching methods would contribute to the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. The study included 3 stages: the primary diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of the personality of students of experimental and control groups – M. Rokich's methodology "Diagnosis of value orientations", diagnosis of moral education by M. I. Shilova, methods of studying patriotic education by I.D. Lushnikov, methods "Study of self-esteem of personality" by S. A. Budassi; development, testing and implementation in the educational process in an experimental group of discussion methods of teaching; conducting a control diagnosis of the spiritual and moral sphere of students and analyzing the effectiveness of the proposed exercises. The analysis of the research results showed that the use of debatable teaching methods has a positive impact on the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students in English lessons. Proven and implemented discussion methods in the educational process are important for understanding the development of spiritual and moral values of high school students and can be useful for educational practices.
- Keywords:
- spiritual and moral values, high school students, English lessons, debatable teaching methods
Modern Approaches to the Methodology of Teaching History at the University
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 1- Authors:
- Rustem A. Idrisov, Marina N. Krasnova
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Historical education in the system of higher educations is designed to solve not only teaching, but also upbringing tasks. Therefore, it is called upon to quickly and effectively overcome challenges which the historical education faces with the help of a specific political situation and social need. The modern situation is particularly acute in this regard. The concept of teaching Russian history to individuals of non-historical specialties and fields, which are implemented in higher education organisations, adopted in 2023, also testifies to this. The renewal of the content of historical education in the country requires the introduction of innovations in the field of the methodology of teaching. The methodological basis of history teaching in Russia has a long tradition, formed within the framework of several directions. Modern researchers of the problem note the special importance of the technological approach, which has become widespread in educational institutions of the country. However, it is not enough for today. The methodology of teaching history should precisely reflect the changes in the content of the discipline. At the same time, the range of methodological techniques in the teacher's arsenal may not change significantly. It is even possible to appeal to the experience of pre-revolutionary and Soviet methodology. But the question of the content of the methodological base and its objective orientation is core.
- Keywords:
- higher education system, a methodology of teaching history, a concept of teaching history
The question of the syntactic status of substantives in Russian identity sentences
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Natalia V. Knyazeva
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- A multi aspect study of bisubstantive sentences of characterizing semantics is necessary to solve complex problems of syntactic analysis. The grammatical specificity of bisubstantial sentences lies in the morphological identity of the predicative minimum. The study has theoretical and practical tasks: identify the structural, semantic and communicative organization of sentences, propose methodological recommendations for syntactic analysis of sentences. The material of the study is modern literature. Analytical and descriptive methods are used to analyze the linguistic material. The problems of teaching syntactic analysis of sentences are identified through experimental methods. The main conclusions of the study: syntactic analysis of bisubstantial sentences should consist of traditional structural and semantic parameters, roles and functions in the semantic structure and communicative organization of a sentence, take into account context, stylistic and pragmatic factors. Syntactic phenomena should be studied from the functional position at all stages and levels of teaching syntax of the modern Russian language.
- Keywords:
- subject, semantic structure, syntax, methodology of teaching Russian language, identity sentences, bisubstantive sentence, communicative organization of a sentence, sentence syntax analysis, substantive, predicate
Tsifrovaia transformatsiia vysshego obrazovaniia
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Zarina A. Ailarova, Tamerlan V. Kaloev
- Work direction:
- Глава 4
- Abstract:
- The chapter describes current trends in the digitalization of higher education. The pros, cons and prospects of digitalization of higher education in the technologically advanced era are considered. It offers pedagogical recommendations for the introduction and development of active digital learning, identifies barriers to its implementation and analyzes the necessary institutional actions to accelerate its implementation.
- Keywords:
- higher education, digital transformation, educational technologies, teaching models, digital learning
Ispol'zovanie neirosetei v prepodavanii vysshei matematiki v tekhnicheskom vuze
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Genvareva, Natalia G. Marchenkova
- Work direction:
- Глава 7
- Abstract:
- Due to the rapid development of information technology and artificial intelligence, the use of neural networks is becoming more widespread and significant in various fields of research and training. In higher mathematics, neural networks can be used to improve the learning process of students. For example, they can help create online courses tailored to the individual needs of students. Neural networks can analyze the results of students' work and offer individual recommendations for studying specific topics or problem areas. In addition, neural networks can be used to develop intelligent systems for automatic task verification and pattern recognition. This can help teachers in the process of evaluating students' work and providing feedback. Neural networks can also diagnose problems in understanding the material and offer additional materials or exercises to consolidate skills. Neural networks can also be used to study complex mathematical problems and develop new approaches and methods in higher mathematics. Their ability to process large amounts of data and find complex patterns can help in the study of mathematical structure and the creation of new mathematical models. It is obvious that the use of neural networks in teaching higher mathematics opens up opportunities for more effective and individualized student learning, as well as for the development of mathematics itself. Therefore, this topic is relevant and interesting for further research and applications.
- Keywords:
- higher mathematics, technical university, neural network, methods of teaching higher mathematics
Ideal'naia model' integratsii fundamental'nykh meditsinskikh distsiplin (anatomiia, gistologiia, latinskii iazyk) v Baltiiskom federal'nom universitete imeni Immanuila Kanta
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Valentina S. Gordova, Tatiana N. Stepanova, Vladimir A. Izranov
- Work direction:
- Глава 10
- Abstract:
- This chapter presents the result of the long standing integration of fundamental medical disciplines at one separate department (Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University), which was preceded by four stages. At the first stage, the discipline «Latin language» was integrated into the discipline «Anatomy», at the second stage, the discipline «Anatomy» was integrated into the discipline «Latin language», at the third stage, a joint lecture and methodological materials appeared in the course of each of the above disciplines, at the fourth stage it became possible to create an ideal model for the integration of fundamental medical disciplines. By the authors presents thedetailed explanedmodel, which includes four medical disciplines (anatomy, histology, pharmacology, propaedeutics of internal diseases) and illustrates a holistic view of their relationship. Two deliberately defective models for the integration of these disciplines reflecting variants of a discrete approach to learning are also proposed. The key role of Latin medical terminology in the development of the above disciplines is explained in detail, the differences in the forming and translation of Latin anatomical and histological terms into Russian are shown.The interrelation of anatomy, histology and pharmacology through a definite Latin term is shown. Arguments are given in favor of introducing the developed model into the educational process of medical students receiving higher medical education. The authors not only share their experience of the long standing interaction in teaching Latin and anatomy, Latin and histology, anatomy and histology, but also ask for necessity of cooperation between teachers of fundamental medical disciplines for creating (already at the initial stage of medical education) the holistic professional world outlook for students.
- Keywords:
- integration, methodology, teaching, medical education, terminology, latin language, anatomy, histology, morphology
Teaching English using the subject-language CLIL methodology (on the example of the Republic of Tuva)
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Author:
- Choduraa K. Irgit
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of this work is to substantiate the ethno-cultural orientation in teaching English among bilingual students of Tuvan State University as the basis for the formation of intercultural competence. The strengthening of internationalization and mutual influence of polylinguocultural social communities in different spheres of life actualizes the question of the need to solve educational problems in a broad socio-cultural context and the dialogue of cultures. It is possible through a discipline in English, aimed at studying Tuvan culture by students in the context of the past and the present. We have defined the purpose of the discipline, the content of cultural knowledge, the planned competencies as a result of studying the discipline by students, and also formulated principles. The discipline is based on the application of the innovative subject-integrated methodology CLIL, combining content and language. Its combination with the ethno-cultural component in teaching English creates the potential not only to improve the skills of foreign language communicative competence, but also contributes to the formation of intercultural competence of students.
- Keywords:
- intercultural competence, bilingualism, English language teaching, ethno-cultural orientation of teaching, Tuvan culture, Republic of Tuva, integrated subject-language methodology CLIL
The use of scrub technologies when working with English-language texts in mathematics lessons in an engineering classroom
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Authors:
- Lidiia I. Agafonova, Tat'iana M. Petrova, Kseniia V. Trushnikova
- Work direction:
- Цифровые технологии в инженерном образовании
- Abstract:
- The article shows the possibilities of using scrub technology when working with English-language mathematical texts in mathematics lessons in engineering classes, and also provides examples from work experience. The authors describe the requirements for a scrub-presentation in a video format.
- Keywords:
- teaching mathematics, scribing, visibility, engineering class, level of assimilation, quality of assimilation, working with English text
Organization of research work of engineering class students on the topic "Signs of a parallelogram and its particular types"
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Authors:
- Kseniia V. Trushnikova, Anastasiia S. Odnobokova, Tatiana K. Smykovskaia
- Work direction:
- Инженерные классы: опыт и перспективы развития
- Abstract:
- The article shows by example the methodology of organizing research work in the study of mathematics in school by students of engineering classes. The developed methodology was tested in engineering classes of Lyceum No. 1 and 3 in Volgograd.
- Keywords:
- teaching mathematics, research work, engineering class, analogy method, counterexample, interactive tasks
Using mobile applications when studying mathematics in engineering classes
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Author:
- Alina A. Iakimova
- Work direction:
- Инженерные классы: опыт и перспективы развития
- Abstract:
- The possibilities of using mobile applications in the study of mathematics are presented, the specifics of their use in engineering classes in mathematics lessons are demonstrated by examples.
- Keywords:
- engineering classes, mobile applications, math teaching
Formation of self-control in mathematics lessons for students of grades 5-6 as a condition for preparing for training in engineering classes
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Authors:
- Iuliia A. Bondareva, Tatiana K. Smykovskaia
- Work direction:
- Инженерные классы: опыт и перспективы развития
- Abstract:
- The article presents various aspects of teaching in engineering classes, substantiates the role of self-control for the successful development of engineering thinking and improving the quality of teaching mathematics in engineering classes. The necessity and possibilities of forming self-control in students of grades 5-6 in the study of mathematics, which is the basis for the construction of educational mathematical activities, the organization of which is necessary for training in engineering classes, are shown.
- Keywords:
- self-control, preparation for specialized teaching of mathematics, engineering classes, educational mathematical activities