в данной статье производится концептуализация понятия «этнокультурный архетип чувашей» на основе народного эпоса. Язык, мифология, нравственные и эстетические ценности, особенности хозяйственной деятельности являются интегрированными элементами этнокультурного архетипа чувашского народа, чем определяется актуальность темы. Автор указывает на релевантность конструктивистской методологии.
в данной статье раскрываются сущность и методы развития дивергентного мышления в философском и педагогическом аспектах. Суть проблемы заключается в том, что в связи с современными тенденциями перехода к инновационным технологиям и решению проблемы искусственного интеллекта возрастают требования к креативности мышления. Конвергентного мышления оказывается недостаточно для решения современных задач науки, практики и образования. Традиционный диалектический метод отнюдь не устарел для решения данной проблемы. В результате авторы приходят к выводу о том, что творческая интуиция разумного мышления...
The proposed notes address the moral aspects of social dialogue between political and spiritual authority. The authors conclude that genuine dialogue is built on the basis of mutual understanding, interaction around common goals, mutual trust and mutual responsibility. All parties to the dialogue should seek a common language, leading to a reasonable compromise, rejection of traditional monologism, destructive egoism and repetition of the facts of glaring injustice. The development of the legal consciousness of the individual, the formation of an authentic citizen, is likely to become a key el...
в статье рассматривается педагогическое творчество К.Д. Ушинского и отражение педагогических идей К.Д. Ушинского в современном образовании, воспитании человека и развитии общества. В качестве центральной педагогической идеи выделяется инновационная идея создания педагогической антропологии. Опираясь на традиции педагогики, К.Д. Ушинский открывает широкое поле педагогических инноваций. Делается вывод о том, что именно богатство идей, объединенных идеей педагогической антропологии как науки, определяет современную значимость педагогического наследия К.Д. Ушинского.
Based on the sociocultural method, the essence of teaching in its correlation with apprenticeship was revealed; the prerequisites for the intention of enlightenment in Russian history are clarified. The poet is considered as a kind of Teacher of the people. The poet teaches to be a person and individuality. As a result of the study, it is concluded that the intention of enlightenment expresses the traditional nature of society and, at the same time, the desire of Russian society for rationalization and modernization based on the formation of a personal principle.
The subject of the study is personal autonomy as an indicator of the moral maturity of the individual. It is concluded that there are serious problems in this regard. The underdevelopment of the personal principle makes a person not free, inhibits his creative potential, and an independent life can break an immature personality, in particular, prevent a university graduate from adapting to the labor market. The barriers to self-development of the individual and gaining autonomy of the individual are the pluralization of identity, involvement in the system of rigid social dependencies, the trad...
the chapter is devoted to a detailed analysis of the relationship between moral stability and emotional stability, taking into account the philosophical idea of Confucius about the moral education of a noble person. Confucius, as a great teacher of the ancient world, teaches not only to restrain emotions, but to direct their energy to the moral self-improvement of the individual. This article reveals in detail the content of the concept of emotional stability and the role of the teacher's moral stability in maintaining his emotional stability. In this aspect, brief information is given about t...
The question of the character of a Cossack woman as a representative of the national character is considered. The image of a Cossack woman in culture correlates with a woman’s self-representation in the sociocultural context. In the image of a Cossack man, cultural history has recorded courage and the desire for freedom, and in the image of a Cossack woman we see a strong character, independence and devotion to the family.
the chapter analyzes the concept of self-regulation, which is often found in various literature and has a large number of interpretations. In particular, psychological self-regulation of consciousness and the corresponding behavior of an individual in conditions of uncertainty is of particular interest. The existence of a person, his material well-being, health and even the life of a person depend on how he can cope with uncertainty and instability. The methodological principle for considering this problem is the principle of dialectical determinism. The result of considering the topic is the...