Olesia V. Tereshchenko

Place of work

the Kuban State Agrarian University
candidate of philosophical sciences
Web of Science ResearcherID:

Author's articles(7)

Ekonomicheskaia istoriia Rossii i zarubezhnykh stran



This scientific article examines the economic history of Russia and foreign countries, focusing on the key stages of the development of economic systems, their interaction and impact on the social and cultural development of societies. The evolution of economic structures from feudalism to the modern market economy is analyzed, and the main economic models used in different countries are considered. The article discusses global economic trends such as colonialism, industrialization and globalization, and their impact on Russia's economic development, including in the light of historical crises...

Problematika metodologii istoricheskogo issledovaniia i tsifrovizatsii istorii



The article is devoted to the methodology of historical research, covering such key aspects as the historical method, source studies, principles of objectivity and subjectivity, as well as the classification of methods. The problems and challenges faced by historians, such as difficulties in working with primary sources and the influence of modern ideologies on the interpretation of history, are considered. Examples of successful historical research illustrate the diversity of approaches and methods, and highlight the importance of digitalization and interdisciplinary research for the future o...

K voprosu o metodologii istoricheskogo issledovaniia



This article examines the methodology of historical research as a comprehensive approach to studying the past that includes a variety of methods and techniques. The focus is on the theoretical foundations of methodology, as well as the classification of methods used in historical science, such as archival research, analysis of primary and secondary sources, comparative analysis and the use of statistical data. The problems and challenges faced by historians are discussed, including the complexity of interpreting sources, the influence of researcher subjectivity and ethical aspects. The article...

Vizual'nye istochniki v issledovanii



Visual studies in historical science combines history, cultural studies, and visual anthropology to analyze visual materials such as photographs and maps. The work emphasizes the importance of visual sources for understanding historical processes and includes methodology for data collection, contextualization, and interpretation. The challenges faced by researchers and the future of visual research in the context of digitalization of archives are discussed. The importance of visual sources for shaping public opinion about history is emphasized.

Osobennosti nauchno-tekhnicheskogo razvitiia v sovremennyi period



This article examines the features of scientific, technical and post-industrial development in the modern world, focusing on the transformation of business models, the role of startups, the impact of digitalization and personnel training, in the context of global changes. Why traditional business approaches require adaptations and innovations. As well as the key trends shaping the modern economy. Recommendations are offered for successful business adaptation in new conditions.

Западная санкционная политика: меры противодействия



The article examines the strategies and measures taken by Russia in response to Western sanctions. It analyzes the economic, political and social consequences of sanctions, as well as their impact on the country's domestic and foreign policies. Alternative approaches to development are discussed, including economic diversification, strengthening ties with non-Western countries and supporting domestic production. The article emphasizes the importance of adapting to new conditions and finding ways to minimize the negative consequences of sanctions pressure.

Analiz osobennostei primeneniia pedagogicheskikh tekhnologii v raznykh obrazovatel'nykh sistemakh



The article presents an analysis of the use of pedagogical technologies in various educational systems. Traditional and modern approaches are studied, as well as their impact on the quality of education and student development. Particular attention is paid to the factors of successful integration of technologies, including cultural and social contexts. A comparative analysis of methods in different countries reveals trends that promote individualization of learning and active involvement of students.