статья посвящена практическому анализу особенностей словообразовательных навыков у дошкольников 5-го года жизни с общим недоразвитием речи III уровня. В публикации обосновывается необходимость развития словообразования у данной категории детей, приведена методика обследования дошкольников, проанализированы полученные результаты состояния сформированности навыков словообразования у детей на констатирующем этапе эксперимента, определены типологические ошибки словообразования имен существительных, прилагательных и глаголов.
this article reveals the role of the use of dramatization in correctional work with children with General underdevelopment of speech (ONR) level III. The importance of the development of emotional vocabulary in the process of theatrical and game activity is indicated.
voice is a unique means of communication and socialization of a person, the formation of a vast human multicultural space. It is used in a wide variety of professions and is a function with an interdisciplinary affiliation, therefore hygiene, health preservation, and voice restoration have a systemic convergent (interdisciplinary) nature. This problem is dealt with by specialists of pedagogical and medical profiles (speech therapists, phonopedists, phoniatrists, otolaryngologists). Higher school teachers have excessive voice and psychoemotional stress, recently complicated by distance learning...
This article is devoted to the problem of modern approaches to the classification of aphasia proposed by domestic and foreign researchers. It describes the forms of aphasia with an indication of the topic of the lesion, a brief syndromic picture, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the classifications and their correlation are given.
статья посвящена вопросам формирования связной монологической речи у детей с ОНР III уровня с помощью мнемотехники. Авторами предложена интересная технология по формированию связной монологической речи у детей с общим недоразвитием речи III уровня с помощью мнемотехники.
the article is focused on the topical issue of diagnostics of speech intonation in preschoolers with normal and impaired speech development. The technology of the study is analyzed, and diagnostic tools and evaluation criteria are proposed.
an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the defect's structure in preschool children with a suppressed dysarthria is presented in the article. Typological speech and non-speech disorders are generalized.
статья посвящена проблеме современных сведений о типологических речевых нарушениях у детей, страдающих заиканием, с психологической, неврологической и логопедической позиций. Автором подробно описываются этиология, формы и типы течения заикания, а также степени «болезненной» фиксации ребенка на дефекте.
dysphonic voice disorders (hoarseness, deafness, lack of voice flight) in preschool children can be caused by various etiopathogenetic reasons and resulting mechanisms of voice disorders. Dysphonia as one the symptoms of voice impairment, is often present in hard palate pathology, including submucous clefts, where speech intelligibility deteriorates against the background of voice nasalization. In a submucous cleft there is an underdevelopment of palatine plates and inferiority of the muscular system of the soft palate, change in the position of the vocal folds there is functional pathological...