List of publications on a keyword: «дети»
Teenagers-deviant behavior in the modern information environment
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Igor V. Stepanov, Aleksandr V. Nikishkin, Anastasiia A. Bastrikova
- Work direction:
- Социальные проблемы в образовательной системе
- Abstract:
- This article examines the deviant behavior of the younger generation in the modern information environment. Special attention is paid to cyberbullying as a new type of deviant behavior of teenagers. When studying the issue, a number of its characteristic features are determined.
- Keywords:
- Internet, children, bullying, victim, cyberbullying, cyber bullying, teen
Profilaktika i korrektsiia povedencheskikh rasstroistv kak osnovnye napravleniia raboty pedagoga-psikhologa s det'mi po preduprezhdeniiu shkol'noi dezadaptatsii
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Liubov I. Levchenko
- Work direction:
- Социальные проблемы в образовательной системе
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются признаки школьной дезадаптации, контингент (группа риска), типология поведенческих нарушений, факторы становления характерологических и личностных аномалий, принципы и методы профилактики и коррекции поведенческих расстройств у детей.
- Keywords:
T'iutorstvo v usloviiakh sovremennoi shkoly
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Olga L. Sharova, Iuliia I. Khlynova
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается вопрос тьюторского сопровождения детей с ОВЗ в начальной школе. В современном мире эта тема очень актуальна, но вызывает массу вопросов в практической реализации. Авторы прослеживают процесс построения индивидуальной образовательной цепочки «ученик – учитель – тьютор» и обобщают опыт работы по модели «работы со случаем». Рассматриваемая тема будет интересна специалистам, работающим с детьми с ограниченными возможностями здоровья в условиях массовой школы.
- Keywords:
Kontseptsiia grazhdanskogo vospitaniia detei-sirot v muzeinoi srede
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Author:
- Irina A. Makeeva
- Work direction:
- Глава 2. Современные образовательные практики
- Abstract:
- The relevance of the development of the concept of orphaned children’s civic education is justified in the article. The concept is based on the provision on the possibility of forming the subject citizenship of orphaned children in the museum environment. The main content of the concept is disclosed: the description of methodological approaches on which the concept is based is presented. A number of patterns of the process of orphaned children’s civic education have been identified, principles of civic education have been defined and revealed, conditions and rules for their implementation have been described.
- Keywords:
- orphaned children, civic consciousness, civic education, individual civil profile, museum environment
Osobennosti oznakomleniia mladshikh shkol'nikov s pravami i obiazannostiami grazhdanina Rossiiskoi Federatsii
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends- Author:
- Elizaveta E. Koldina
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- В статье особое внимание уделяется процессу ознакомления младших школьников с правами и обязанностями, так как это является одним из аспектов начальной школы, так же осведомленность детей в этой теме необходима в современном мире. На примере одного из УМК составлен алгоритм выполнения работы, который позволит повысить уровень знаний и заинтересованность детей в данной теме.
- Keywords:
Rol' sotsial'nogo soprovozhdeniia semei s det'mi-invalidami v profilaktike sotsial'nogo sirotstva
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends- Authors:
- Ekaterina V. Kamyshova, Marina A. Konkina
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- В основе статьи – проблема предупреждения социального сиротства детей-инвалидов. По итогам анализа статистических данных, научных исследований и практики социальной работы сделан вывод о значимости социального сопровождения как технологии профилактики отказов родителей от таких «особых» детей и необходимости активизации ее использования.
- Keywords:
Osobennosti psikhologo-pedagogicheskogo soprovozhdeniia semei s det'mi rannego vozrasta v period adaptatsii k usloviiam doshkol'noi obrazovatel'noi organizatsii
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends- Authors:
- Valentina A. Andriesh, Svetlana I. Bubnova
- Work direction:
- Развитие психолого-педагогического сопровождения в современном образовании
- Abstract:
- Статья посвящена проблеме психолого-педагогического сопровождения семей с детьми раннего возраста в период адаптации к условиям дошкольной образовательной организации. На основе эмпирических данных, полученных в ходе исследования, авторы выделяют особенности психолого-педагогического сопровождения семей с детьми раннего возраста в адаптационный период. Среди них: поэтапная организация сотрудничества педагогов с семьей, более частое общение участников образовательного процесса, учет запросов и ожиданий родителей, необходимость психолого-педагогического мониторинга течения адаптационного периода каждого ребенка, органичное сочетание очных и дистанционных форм сотрудничества с семьей, нежелательность совместных с детьми и родителями мероприятий в адаптационный период, внедрение информационно-коммуникационных технологий.
- Keywords:
Determining the Total Number of Endocrine Disorders Among Children With Speech Disorders: Social and Dispatching Work
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 2 (8)- Author:
- Sergey V. Zinin
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to determining the total number of endocrine disorders of the thyroid gland among children with speech disorders based on medical ultrasound data. The author of the article outlines that due to the fact that the prevalence of speech disorders is 100% among children with hypothyroidism, the following question deserves attention: “How many endocrine disorders can occur in children with speech disorders?”. Methods of research. Within the framework of the social and dispatching work of specialists of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the referral of children with speech disorders to a medical ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland was organized. At the same time, none of the children had previously been examined by an endocrinologist or received appropriate treatment. The first group of children attended speech therapy classes at the Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction in Nizhneudinsk in the 2013-2014 academic year. The second group of children attended preschool educational institution №208 in the 2016-2017 academic year. The study allowed to draw the following key conclusions: in children with speech disorders in 40% of cases do have previously undetected endocrine disorders that deserve close attention and study by medical professionals, both of primary health care institution (Institute of Pediatrics) and pediatric endocrinologists; 29% of children with speech disorders potentially need the help of an endocrinologist. The algorithm for sending parents of children with speech disorders to consult medical specialists, whose help the child may need is presented in the article. The results of the study may be of interest to a wide range of medical and pedagogical specialists working in the system of school psychological and pedagogical councils, central and territorial psychological and medical and pedagogical commissions in the current conditions of the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) implementation.
- Keywords:
- psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, children with speech disorders, social and dispatching work, medical ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, endocrine disorders
Rol' shkoly v psikhologo-pedagogicheskom soprovozhdenii semei, vospityvaiushchikh detei s ogranichennymi vozmozhnostiami zdorov'ia
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Author:
- Aisylu I. Khamadieva
- Work direction:
- Социальная педагогика
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрываются основные проблемы семей, воспитывающих детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Рассматривается сопровождение таких семей путем организации психолого-медико-педагогического консилиума и центра психолого-педагогической, медицинской и социальной помощи. Подчеркивается важность разработки индивидуального образовательного маршрута для полноценного включения ребенка в образовательную среду, определения стратегии и тактики психолого-педагогической поддержки. Делается вывод об эффективности психолого-педагогического сопровождения при условии сотрудничества всех сторон педагогического процесса: педагогов, родителей, учащихся.
- Keywords:
Povyshenie pedagogicheskoi kompetentnosti roditelei detei s osobymi potrebnostiami kak glavnoe uslovie uspekha korrektsionnogo vozdeistviia
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Mariia V. Iakovleva, Irina V. Iarutkova
- Work direction:
- Социальная педагогика
- Abstract:
- В статье кратко освещено состояние проблемы необходимости повышения педагогической компетентности родителей детей с особыми потребностями, раскрыта ее актуальность. Приведен краткий анализ программ и моделей, применимых в работе по повышению педагогической компетентности родителей детей с особыми потребностями.
- Keywords:
Osobennosti roditel'skoi pozitsii po otnosheniiu k rebenku v sovremennoi sem'e
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Nadezhda A. Davydova, Olesia edorovna F. Gorbunova
- Work direction:
- Социальная педагогика
- Abstract:
- В статье раскрываются результаты эмпирического исследования особенностей родительской позиции по отношению к ребенку в современной семье. Авторы приходят к выводу, что у современных родителей преобладает авторитарная родительская позиция по отношению к ребенку, характеризующаяся высокой степенью контроля и низкой эмоциональной близостью с ним.
- Keywords:
Model' pedagogicheskogo soprovozhdeniia sotsial'noi adaptatsii detei rannego vozrasta v gruppakh kratkovremennogo prebyvaniia doshkol'nogo obrazovatel'nogo uchrezhdeniia
ProceedingPedagogical and sociological aspects of education- Authors:
- Svetlana I. Karpova, Tat'iana V. Deshkovich
- Work direction:
- Образовательный процесс в организациях общего и ДО
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрен вопрос успешной социальной адаптации детей раннего возраста в группе кратковременного пребывания дошкольного учреждения, которой способствует разработка модели педагогического сопровождения. Основу данной модели составляют этапы прохождения ребенком раннего возраста адаптационного периода в условиях ситуации взаимодействия со всеми участниками образовательных отношений (педагогами, детьми, родителями). Основными показателями эффективности реализации модели педагогического сопровождения являются стабилизация эмоционального состояния ребенка, отсутствие негативных реакций в период пребывания в группе, интерес к игрушкам и объектам окружающей предметно-пространственной среды, проявления активности в деятельности на занятиях, положительное отношение к общению и взаимодействию со взрослыми и другими воспитанниками группы.
- Keywords:
Theoretical Aspects of Preparing Students for Chemistry Olympiads
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Inna B. Nesina, Anna V. Drozdova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методология изучения одаренности и ее видов
- Abstract:
- The theoretical foundations of a training system aimed at preparation of students for chemistry olympiads are defined. As well as types, strategies and main problems of the expertise of gifted children in the preparation for olympiads and other top-rated events are presented in the article.
- Keywords:
- gifted children, chemistry olympiads, preparation
Revisiting the Question of Choosing Diagnostic Tools for Identification of Gifted Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Viktoriya A. Averina, Olga A. Gerasimenko, Elena V. Panferova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы диагностики и выявления одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of diagnosing the signs of giftedness in children. The need and importance of detecting a child's unique and individual abilities is noted, as well as the special features of work with gifted children is described. The key points that should be paid attention to when choosing the direction of diagnostic material for detecting giftedness in children are emphasized.
- Keywords:
- diagnostics, additional education, gifted children, unique abilities, social and psychological aspect
Early Manifestations of Giftedness in Children and Adolescents in the System of Modern Education
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Makka A. Tumsoeva, Petimat M. Zekieva
- Work direction:
- Проблемы диагностики и выявления одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to consideration of the most effective methods of diagnosing genius from the author's perspective. The types of giftedness according to William Stern and the main signs for identifying such children are studied, as well as the most effective methods of teaching, upbringing and socialization of gifted children are defined.
- Keywords:
- development, giftedness, abilities, talent, wunderkind, intelligence, special children
Problems of Gifted Children's Development in Modern World
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Fatima S. Ganieva, Amina S. Israilova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы диагностики и выявления одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- Goal of the work is a comprehensive author's study of the educational problem. Methods of logical and statistical analysis were applied during the study of the problem of diagnostics and identification of gifted children. It is concluded that this is a problem of human progress, the realization of its creative potential and individual destinies.
- Keywords:
- education, talent, gifted children
Diagnostics and Identification of Gifted Preschoolers
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Olesya N. Gavrilova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы диагностики и выявления одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of diagnostics and identification of children's giftedness which is the most relevant today for most specialists. It is pointed out that this is due to many reasons, such as the psychological characteristics of a child, insufficient competence of specialists, and a variety of types of giftedness. Identification of gifted children is a long process associated with the analysis of the development of a particular child, which involves not only teachers and specialists, but also child's parents.
- Keywords:
- diagnostics, giftedness, abilities, gifted children, identification of giftedness
The Challenge of Identifying Gifted Children With Disabilities
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Marina N. Danilova
- Work direction:
- Проблемы диагностики и выявления одаренных детей
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of children with disabilities in the framework of inclusive education, as well as the difficulty of identifying gifted children in this category. The types of giftedness, the features of gifted children with disabilities, the difficulties of their socialization in society, the conditions for the development of the giftedness of these children are described.
- Keywords:
- inclusive education, children with disabilities, abilities, gifted children, types of giftedness
Self-Esteem of Gifted Primary School Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Natalia S. Bobrovnikova, Anastasia S. Bolshakova
- Work direction:
- Обучение, воспитание и развитие одаренных детей в образовательных учреждениях разного типа
- Abstract:
- In the modern educational process, a significant role should be given to psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children, because in the school environment, their self-esteem often becomes inadequate. Creating a psychologically safe environment, pedagogical conditions, and the correct relationship between teachers and pupils is the task of the school team to maintain normal self-esteem of gifted pupils. The problem is particularly evident in primary school age when moving to a new social environment, so the work of teachers and psychologists at this age stage should be particularly detailed.
- Keywords:
- self-esteem, giftedness, gifted children, psychological and pedagogical support, psychologically safe environment
Peculiarities of Education of Children With Sports Giftedness Under the Conditions of Mass School
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Marina R. Zarudskaya, Inna L. Fedotenko
- Work direction:
- Обучение, воспитание и развитие одаренных детей в образовательных учреждениях разного типа
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problem of sports giftedness, various options for combining general and special abilities are described. The author analyzes the specifics of the educational process organization, highlighting the main problems and difficulties of a gifted child. Some recommendations for teachers and parents are presented.
- Keywords:
- problems, training, abilities, gifted children, sport giftedness
Psychological Features of the Personality Development of Gifted Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Yulia V. Holomina
- Work direction:
- Обучение, воспитание и развитие одаренных детей в образовательных учреждениях разного типа
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the issue of gifted children, what are they and what are their characteristics? The necessity and importance of identifying unique abilities in a child, as well as peculiarities of their development, personal qualities and difficulties they face were pointed out. Key points to pay attention to when choosing the direction of activity in the field of education and working with such children are highlighted.
- Keywords:
- individuality, giftedness, gifted children, psychological features, uniqueness, peculiarities of development
Prospects for Personality Development of Gifted Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Elizaveta V. Gorbaneva, Karina M. Gaidar
- Work direction:
- Современные технологии психолого-педагогического сопровождения одаренных детей и их семей
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the issue of possible prospects for personality development of gifted children. The author’s approach is based on the results of research made by American psychologist L. Terman. Analyzing the subject, the author pays special attention to acceleration in personality development of the gifted children as one the educational strategies. The author is also touching upon the issue of establishing a special school for gifted children. The general conclusion made in the article is that various manifestations of giftedness and a child’s advances in various fields at an early age regretfully cannot guarantee success in his future path of self-realization.
- Keywords:
- giftedness, gifted children, prospects for personal development, educational strategies for gifted children, homogeneous classes
Olympiad of Schoolchildren on the Basics of Life Safety as a Means of Training of Gifted Children
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Alla G. Akhromova, Karine R. Saakova, Oleg N. Belousov
- Work direction:
- Взаимодействие урочной и внеурочной работы, основного и дополнительного образования как основа эффективной работы с одаренными детьми и молодежью
- Abstract:
- Based on the analysis of the content of the subject "Life safety" in general education institutions, a program has been developed for additional training of gifted children who are winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad of school children to participate in the regional stage of the Olympiad on the subject "Life safety" in Krasnodar Krai.
- Keywords:
- training, Olympiad of school children, gifted children
Working with Gifted Children in Elementary School
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Authors:
- Anastasiia V. Kozlova, Vera I. Lisiutkina
- Work direction:
- Взаимодействие урочной и внеурочной работы, основного и дополнительного образования как основа эффективной работы с одаренными детьми и молодежью
- Abstract:
- The article addresses the main issues in working with gifted children in elementary school.
- Keywords:
- formation, children, student, giftedness, school
Project Activity as a Special Feature of Gifted and Highly Motivated Pupils’ Development
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Marina B. Osipova
- Work direction:
- Организация научно-исследовательской, проектной деятельности с одаренными школьниками
- Abstract:
- The features of the work on identification and support the development of gifted children involved in organizations of additional art education through the prism of the implementation of project and creative activities, that give pupils wide opportunities to reveal and show their abilities, interests, personality and creativity are pointed out in the article.
- Keywords:
- project activity, gifted children, creation of conditions, strong position on life, active creative position, highly motivated children