Oksana M. Kovalenko

Place of work

Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(22)

Prerequisites to Studying the Topic "Spelling of Un-Stressed Voices in the Root of the Word" in General Unde-Velopment of Speech



в статье систематизированы сведения о специфике изучения темы «Правописание безударных гласных в корне слова» с детьми, имеющими общее недоразвитие речи (III, IV уровень речевого развития) и обучающимися в общеобразовательной школе. Описываются периоды логопедической работы, указывается последовательность усвоения квантов и раскрываются специфические особенности некоторых квантов: деление слов на слоги и понимание лексических значений слов.

Analysis of Cause-And-Effect Connections for the Diagnosis and Correction of Coherent Speech of Preschool Children with General Speech Underdevelopment



в статье систематизированы предпосылки для установления причинно-следственных связей и в соответствии со сформулированными О.М. Коваленко принципами обозначен дидактический материал, используемый в логопедической работе с детьми дошкольного возраста с общим недоразвитием речи: всего 14 серий сюжетных картин. Приводится содержание проанализированного дидактического материала (общее и по отдельным картинам).

Formirovanie optiko-prostranstvennoi orientirovki u detei starshego doshkol'nogo vozrasta s zaderzhkoi psikhicheskogo razvitiia



в статье приводятся задания, направленные на формирование умения определять расположение предметов в пространстве детьми старшего дошкольного возраста с задержкой психического развития, а именно на формирование пространственных отношений, формирование значения предлогов и формирование умения ориентироваться на листе бумаги.

A review of methods for diagnosing antonymic connections and relationships in children with mental retardation and general underdevelopment of speech



This article presents methods selected and generalized into a single system that make it possible to most fully identify the quantitative and qualitative features of antonymic connections and relationships in the vocabulary of children of preschool and primary school age with mental retardation and general underdevelopment of speech.

Differentiation of primary school students with severe speech disorders based on the state of their mnestic activity



The article presents the results of a survey of students in grades 2-4 with severe speech disorders according to the methods of "Memorizing 10 words" according to A.R. Luria and "Pictogram" in order to identify groups of children with a satisfactory and unsatisfactory state of mnestic processes, as well as indicate the scope of the results obtained.

Possibilities of self-control when drawing and copying in older preschool children with mental retardation (message 2)



The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of correcting mistakes made when drawing and copying by children of older preschool age with mental retardation. This article is a continuation of message 1, which provides options for correcting children of older preschool age with a mental retardation of their drawings in the course of organized self-control. This article presents the ratio of variants of violations of optical-spatial orientation and the possibilities of organized self-control in children of older preschool age with mental retardation.

Understanding riddles by the type of "Description of situations" by second grade students with general speech underdevelopment (level III)



The article describes the difficulties of guessing riddles by the type of "Description of situations" in second grade students with ONR (III level of speech development). The answers and their causes are given. The children give the presented answers after listening to the riddle holistically, without additional types of help. The reasons for such responses can serve as a basis for determining the areas of work and types of assistance in order to expand knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality among students of the second grades with ONR (III level of speech development).

Activation of the analyzing observation using the technique "What is missing in these drawings?" in children aged 5-6 years with mental retardation



The article examines such features peculiar to children with cerebral-organic ZPR, as a decrease in mental tone, insufficient analytical observation, difficulties in updating existing knowledge. The results of the implementation of the technique "What is missing in these drawings?" in the version of R.S. Nemov are described. The presented results are summarized on the basis of the maximum and minimum quantitative difference between the indicators of normally developing children and children with ASD. The results of this technique make it possible to differentiate 5-6-year-old children with cer...

Understanding of Riddles by the Types of «Description of Situations», «Description of Signs», «Description of Functional Signs» by Third-Grade Students with Severe Speech Disorders



в статье рассматриваются особенности понимания некоторых видов загадок учащимися третьих классов с тяжёлыми нарушениями речи.

Typology of cause-and-effect relationships to the methodology "Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures" for preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech



The article describes the results of applying the theoretical research method - the method of analyzing scientific knowledge systems to study the possibilities of extending the previously developed typology of cause-and-effect relationships to the implementation of various options for the "Compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures" methodology as part of speech therapy work with preschool children with general underdevelopment speech. Variants of this technique are described, their diagnostic and corrective significance is indicated. Further, in accordance with the previously f...

Consolidation of ideas about length in children of senior preschool age with mental retardation



This article provides tasks for the educational area "Cognitive Development" in the sections "Sensory Development" and "Formation of Elementary Mathematical Representations", aimed at consolidating the concept of length in children of older preschool age with mental retardation.

Review of methods for the diagnosis of the emotional-volitional sphere in children aged 6-7 years with mental retardation



The article presents traditional and adapted versions of techniques for the diagnosis of the emotional-volitional sphere in children aged 6-7 years with mental retardation of cerebral organic genesis.

An overview of techniques for studying the peculiarities of perception and reproduction of textual information by students with disabilities



The article provides an overview of methods for studying the understanding and reproduction of texts by younger schoolchildren of the following nosological groups: hearing impaired (hard of hearing), with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (cerebral palsy) and with severe speech disorders (TNR).

Understanding riddles by the type of "Description of signs" by second grade students with general speech underdevelopment (level III)



The article describes the difficulties of guessing riddles by the type of "Description of signs" in second grade students with ONR (III level of speech development). The answers and their causes are given. The children give the presented answers after listening to the riddle holistically, without additional types of help. The reasons for such responses can serve as a basis for determining the areas of work and types of assistance in order to expand knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality among students of the second grades with ONR (III level of speech development).

Typology of Causal Relationships for the Diagnosis and Correction of Coherent Speech of Preschool Children with General Speech Underdevelopment



в статье описываются некоторые особенности речевой и неречевой симптоматики, которые являются непосредственными предпосылками для адекватного установления причинно-следственных связей у детей дошкольного возраста с общим недоразвитием речи: особенности активного и пассивного лексикона и возможности актуализации обоих пластов лексикона, познавательная активность, анализирующее наблюдение, механизм нарушения мышления. Сформулировано пять принципов причинно-следственных связей, устанавливаемых при анализе содержания серий сюжетных картин: «Последовательность выполняемых действий», «Цепочка причин...

Peculiarities of the Spot the Nonsense method performance in 5-year-old children with level III general delay in speech development. (report 1)



the introduction describes the features of thinking, perception and analyzing observation of children with ONR, which make it difficult to correctly analyze and evaluate visual information. The research methodology is the task «Nelepies» in the version presented by R.S. Nemov. The results of the study provide generalized quantitative results for individual absurdities. Qualitative analysis captures the correct answers and reveals the mechanisms of children's erroneous answers. Qualitative characteristics of the analysis carried out by normally developing children and children with OHP (III lev...

Possibilities of Self-Control When Drawing and Copying in Older Preschool Children With Mental Retardation (Message 1)



The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of correcting mistakes made when drawing and copying by children of older preschool age with mental retardation. The article presents options for correcting children of older preschool age with a mental retardation of their drawings in the course of organized self-control.

Understanding riddles by third grade students with severe speech impairments



The article describes the difficulties of guessing riddles by students of third grades with severe speech disorders. The presented answers are distributed by puzzles and can serve as the basis for the development of the relevant areas and methods of speech therapy work to expand knowledge and ideas about the surrounding reality in third -class students with severe speech impairments.