Galina V. Sych

Author's articles(5)

Distantsionnoe obrazovanie v meditsinskom vuze: otnoshenie studentov, vrachei, pedagogov



the chapter is devoted to studying the attitude of various representatives of the medical community towards the introduction of distance learning elements into the educational process of a medical university. This topic is very relevant in view of the just ended pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. At the same time, the composition of the research objects, which included 150 people, men and women, divided into 3 groups of 50 people, also arouses additional interest in this work. Group 1 consisted of 5th year students of the Faculty of Medicine of VSMU named after. N.N. Burdenko....

O vazhnosti podgotovki inzhenerov, rabotaiushchikh s meditsinskim oborudovaniem, v nastoiashchee vremia



в статье рассматриваются различные аспекты деятельности инженеров, занятых ремонтом и обслуживанием медицинского оборудования, в частности компьютерных томографов и МРТ-аппаратов. Данная тематика является сейчас весьма актуальной, в виду того, что в настоящее время наблюдается ряд определенных проблем, возникших вследствие санкций, а также определенная нехватка квалифицированных специалистов, ввиду ухода некоторых компаний с Российского рынка услуг. Целью исследования стал анализ отношения врачей-рентгенологов, к медицинским инженерам в целом и к некоторым аспектам и особенностям их работы. Об...

Nastavnichestvo v studencheskoi srede v meditsinskom vuze: sushchestvuiushchie problemy studencheskogo i prepodavatel'skogo nastavnichestva



the chapter discusses the issue of mentoring in a medical school. This topic is very relevant due to the fact that the process of forming a new doctor as a specialist is not only one of the priority tasks of the social sphere and medicine in particular, but also an important task for the state as a whole. Since ancient times, the deepest knowledge and experience have been passed on from mentor to student – future physician. Recently, in addition to pedagogical mentoring, student mentoring has begun to emerge in the world. However, the continuation of the existence of mentoring and its developm...

Aspekty psikhologicheskoi pomoshchi studentam v meditsinskom vuze



the chapter is devoted to some aspects of psychological assistance to students at a medical university. This topic is currently very relevant for a number of reasons that can lead to the need for psychological support and even help for students: from some aspects of the learning process itself at a medical university, which is quite complex, especially due to the introduction of new State training standards, as well as modernization and optimization processes covering the medical environment and the medical education environment in particular; to the complex processes occurring in society, esp...

Семья в жизни студентов медицинского вуза