Tatiana K. Smykovskaia

Place of work

Volgograd State Pedagogical University
doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor
Scopus Author ID:

Author's articles(29)

Methodical of forming self-control in students of grades 5-6 when studying numbers



The article presents an overview of methodological approaches to the formation of self-control among students of grades 5-6 in the study of mathematics. The analysis of the state of this issue showed that in the works of A.A. Krylov, S.D. Yakushev and G.K. Selevko, etc., the importance of self-control within the framework of organizing independent work in the classroom and in the works of A.G. Mordkovich, Yu.M. Kolyagin, etc. in general, when studying mathematics on the example of a numerical line is indicated. It is proved that one of the means of forming self-control among students of grades...

Methodika for the formation of the concept of "Function" in the course of algebra of the basic school in the context of the system-activity approach



The article substantiates the author's concept of creating and using an elective course for the organization of educational interaction of participants in the educational process when teaching mathematics. The author's elective course on the topic "Functions and their graphs" is presented, which allows students to develop the ability to logical thinking and communication, the ability to generalize and systematize information and material, as well as create conditions for students' design and research activities. The application of the methodological recommendations formulated by the authors wi...

Contextual tasks in the course "Elementary Mathematics" for future subject teachers



The authors generalize approaches to understanding the essential characteristics of the concept of "contextual task", substantiate the role of such tasks for the subject preparation of a future teacher of mathematics. A typology of contextual tasks is given. The article presents examples of contextual tasks in the discipline "Elementary Mathematics" for students studying in the direction of Pedagogical Education profile Mathematics.

The experience of organizing the teaching of pedagogical university students in the discipline "Elementary Mathematics" using the resources of the technopark



The article presents the experience of building the process of teaching future teachers the discipline "Elementary Mathematics" on the basis of the technopark of universal pedagogical competencies of the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University. The technology of teaching the discipline "Elementary Mathematics" to students studying in the direction of Pedagogical education profile Mathematics is built, within which the integration of the model of station rotation and the use of an online course is carried out.

Development of a technological map of a mathematics lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard



The article systematizes the material on the construction of the technological map of the lesson. An example of a step-by-step development of a math lesson for the 5th grade on the topic "Signs of divisibility by 3 and 9" and the author's version of filling out the technological map of the lesson is presented.

Organizatsiia izucheniia onlain-kursa "Zadachi s ekonomicheskim soderzhaniem" obuchaiushchimisia s raznymi urovniami komp'iuternoi gramotnosti



в статье показан вариант учета уровня компьютерной грамотности у учащихся при организации начала изучения онлайн-курса «Задачи с экономическим содержанием», описаны приемы работы с учащимися разных уровней компьютерной грамотности.

A collective way of teaching mathematics as a means of forming self-control among students of grades 5-6



The article presents an overview of methodological approaches to the formation of self-control among students of grades 5-6 in the study of mathematics. The analysis of the state of this issue showed that in the works of D.B. Elkonin, G.A. Zukerman, V.L. Krutetsky, etc., the importance of self-control within the framework of organizing collective work in the classroom is indicated, and in the works of A.G. Mordkovich, Yu.M. Kolyagin, etc. when studying mathematics. It is proved that one of the means of forming self-control among students of grades 5-6 is a collective way of learning.

Educational materials for multi-level teaching of mathematics (on the example of the topic "Irrational equations with parameters")



в статье обоснован выбор учебных материалов для разноуровневого обучения математике с учетом особенностей изучения темы «Иррациональные уравнения с параметрами». Автор рассматривает некоторые учебные материалы для использования на уроках открытия нового знания: схемы по решению уравнений, план по решению уравнений, наглядные пособия. Представлены основные требования к содержанию учебных материалов для трех уровневых групп обучающихся.

Visualization of educational material when teaching mathematics to foreign students of preparatory faculties of technical universities



This scientific article discusses the importance and effectiveness of the use of visualization in teaching mathematics to foreign students at the preparatory faculties of technical universities. The analysis of the available visualization methods contains interactive demonstrations, graphs, diagrams, animations and other techniques that contribute to improving the understanding of mathematical concepts and stimulate the active participation of students in the educational process. This study also examines the advantages and limitations of visualization, offers recommendations for the effective...

Formation of self-control in mathematics lessons for students of grades 5-6 as a condition for preparing for training in engineering classes



The article presents various aspects of teaching in engineering classes, substantiates the role of self-control for the successful development of engineering thinking and improving the quality of teaching mathematics in engineering classes. The necessity and possibilities of forming self-control in students of grades 5-6 in the study of mathematics, which is the basis for the construction of educational mathematical activities, the organization of which is necessary for training in engineering classes, are shown.

Voprosy podgotovki budushchego uchitelia matematiki dlia prepodavaniia v inzhenernykh klassakh



в статье приводятся рекомендации к подготовке студентов – будущих учителей математики для преподавания в инженерных классах. Обосновывается необходимость развивать готовность учителей математики, основываясь на потребностях обучающихся инженерных классов. Дана таблица соответствия способностей учителя и потребностей обучающихся. Обобщена программа обучения в инженерном классе.

Tipologiia raznourovnevykh predmetnykh zadach dlia inzhenerno-matematicheskogo klassa



в статье рассматриваются стандартные математические задачи для инженерно-математического класса. Автор приводит и дает описание предметных задач, опирающихся на наличие связи между условием и требованием. Выделяются стандартные задачи для трехуровневых групп, сформированных по математической подготовке. Показаны критерии стандартных предметных задач для уровневой группы А – с явной связью между условием и требованием, для группы Б – с явной связью между условием и требованием, имеющие дополнительные требования, для группы В – с неявной связью между условием и требованием. Составленная автором...

Experience of using web-quests in computer science lessons in engineering classes



The author substantiates the relevance of the inclusion of web-quests as one of the modern means of teaching computer science and ICT in the educational practice of engineering classes, which is especially significant in the conditions of digitalization of society. The article presents examples of web-quests used in the study of computer science and ICT in engineering classes, during which students find information by searching the Internet and then use it to solve educational-cognitive tasks.

Methodological aspects of the organization of research works on geometry for basic school students based on the Technopark of Universal Pedagogical Competencies



The article raises the problem of organizing research work on geometry for students of the basic school on the basis of the Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies. A set of tasks is considered that ensure the organization of research work using the resources and equipment of the Technopark.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of consulting in the implementation of online courses in the preparation of future teachers at the University



the authors turn to the theoretical and methodological foundations (the main provisions of systemic, informational, activity-based and personal approaches) of counseling as a potential for the development of a modern system of higher pedagogical education and the implementation of online courses of subject and methodological training. It is proved that consultations are an obligatory component of all structural elements of online courses. The authors present the results of experimental work on the testing of online courses at Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University to support the process...

Metodical aspects of the organization of trigonometry classes for mid-level specialists in ship navigation management



The article raises the problem of organizing trigonometry classes for mid-level specialists in ship navigation management without interrupting their professional activities. The article considers the substantive component of trigonometry classes, which provide systematization of knowledge necessary to solve the main problem of navigation.

Designing tasks for the formation of engineering thinking among mid-level specialists in ship navigation management in the conditions of postgraduate education



The article raises the problem of developing sets of tasks for the formation of engineering thinking and systematization of mathematical knowledge among mid-level specialists in ship navigation management without interrupting their professional activities. The procedures for constructing different types of tasks included in sets of tasks on educational topics of advanced training are given, as well as examples of fragments of sets of tasks on individual educational topics.

Technological and organizational aspects of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam using the capabilities of the university's digital educational environment



in the chapter highlights the technological and organizational aspects of the state final certification of future mathematics teachers in the format of a demonstration exam using the capabilities of the university's digital educational environment. Digital tools and resources that ensure the effectiveness of the preparation and conduct of the demonstration exam are described, as well as ways to support the process of preparation and participation of graduates of the pedagogical university in the demonstration exam. An example of the implementation of the state final certification of future mat...

A network project as a means of teaching planimetry in basic school (using the example of a network project on the topic "Properties of a rhombus")



This article discusses the possibilities of using network projects on geometry. The characteristics of network projects and their requirements are given. An example of a network project on the topic "Properties of a rhomb" is presented.

Digital services in the study of geometry in basic school



The article presents approaches to understanding the essence of digital services, show their adventures in education and the possibility of their application in the study of geometry in grades 7-9. The text include examples of the use of word clouds and intelligence maps when studying geometry in basic school.

The system of tasks for educational (introductory elementary mathematics) practice as a source of preparation of future teachers of mathematics to work in engineering classes



The article presents a system of tasks for educational (introductory elementary mathematics) practice. Its role in the preparation of future teachers of mathematics for the organization of teaching mathematics in engineering classes is substantiated. An example of an online course of practice support, designed on the basis of a system of tasks, is given.

Raznourovnevye laboratornye raboty po matematike (na primere temy: "Irratsional'nye uravneniia s parametrami")



в статье описаны особенности содержания разноуровневой (для трёхуровневых групп) лабораторной работы. Автор показывает требования к содержанию цели и задач лабораторной работы, общим теоретическим сведениям по теме лабораторной работы, технологии выполнения и выводам по выполнению лабораторной работы. Данные составляющие лабораторной работы подобраны и охарактеризованы для темы «Функционально-графический метод решения иррациональных уравнений с параметрами». Обоснован выбор оборудования (программа «GeoGebra» и ее инструменты) для выполнения лабораторной работы. Автор определяет требования к не...

Formirovanie issledovatel'skikh umenii u uchashchikhsia 7-9 klassov pri izuchenii geometrii



в статье рассматривается этапная методика формирования исследовательских умений у учащихся основной школы при изучении систематического курса геометрии. Показано, что использование учебно-исследовательских заданий на уроках геометрии позволяет обеспечивать формирование исследовательских умений, что влияет на развитие функциональной грамотности выпускника основной школы.

Stanovlenie distsipliny "Elementarnaia matematika" v otechestvennom obrazovanii



проведен ретроспективный анализ истории становления дисциплины «Элементарная математика» в отечественном высшем профессиональном образовании. Анализ программ данной дисциплины, реализуемой в различных вузах, позволил установить основные вехи в развитии дисциплины.

The possibilities of using mobile technologies in geometry lessons in school



The article presents the author's model of the use of mobile technologies in the study of geometry in basic school. An overview of online services frequently used in educational practice is given, examples of their use at different stages of mastering the content of the geometry course of the basic school are given.

Opyt ispol'zovaniia elektronnogo onlain-kursa "K-EGE po informatike i IKT" pri formatirovanii kriticheskogo myshleniia u uchashchikhsia inzhenernykh klassov



The article presents the experience of using an electronic online course "Exam in Computer Science and ICT" in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in computer science. This course was implemented during the implementation of the "Engineering Class" program at the Volgograd State Technical University. The influence of the level of development of students' critical thinking on the quality of preparation and the effectiveness of passing the Unified State Exam is substantiated. A model of task material for an electronic online course, including tasks for the development of critical think...

Organization of research work of engineering class students on the topic "Signs of a parallelogram and its particular types"



The article shows by example the methodology of organizing research work in the study of mathematics in school by students of engineering classes. The developed methodology was tested in engineering classes of Lyceum No. 1 and 3 in Volgograd.

Organizatsiia vzaimodeistviia uchastnikov obrazovatel'nykh setevykh proektov sredstvami tsifrovykh servisov



целью статьи является рассмотрение вопросов организации взаимодействия участников образовательных сетевых проектов с использованием цифровых сервисов. В работе анализируются различные методы и инструменты, которые могут быть использованы для обеспечения эффективной коммуникации и сотрудничества между участниками образовательных сетевых проектов. Авторы предлагают практические рекомендации по использованию цифровых сервисов для организации работы групповых проектов, включая средства коммуникации и совместной работы, такие как электронная почта, облачные хранилища данных, совместное редактирован...